
Vicente Arnau

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9EEVicente Arnau, Miguel Gallach, J. Ignasi Lucas, Ignacio Marín: UVPAR: fast detection of functional shifts in duplicate genes. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 174 (2006)
8EEVicente Arnau, Sergio Mars, Ignacio Marín: Iterative Cluster Analysis of Protein Interaction Data. Bioinformatics 21(3): 364-378 (2005)
7 Vicente Arnau, Sergio Mars, Ignacio Marín: UVCLUSTER: Searching For Regularities in Complex Graphs. Spanish Bioinformatics Conference 2004: 53-55
6EEVicente Arnau, Ignacio Marín: A Fast Algorithm for the Exhaustive Analysis of 12-Nucleotide-Long DNA Sequences. Applications to Human Genomics. IPDPS 2003: 153
5EEVicente Arnau, Ignacio Marín: A Hierarchical Clustering Strategy and Its Application to Proteomic Interaction Data. IbPRIA 2003: 62-69
4EEJuan M. Orduña, Vicente Arnau, José Duato: Characterization of Communications between Processes in Message-Passing Applications. CLUSTER 2000: 91-98
3EEVicente Arnau, Juan M. Orduña, Salvador Moreno, Rodrigo Valero, Aurelio Ruiz: A Clustering Approach for Improving Network Performance in Heterogeneous Systems (Research Note). Euro-Par 2000: 1206-1210
2EEJuan M. Orduña, Vicente Arnau, Aurelio Ruiz, Rodrigo Valero, José Duato: On the Design of Communication-Aware Task Scheduling Strategies for Heterogeneous Systems. ICPP 2000: 391-
1 Marcelino Vicens, Jesús Albert, Vicente Arnau: An Application of Neural Networks to Natural Scene Segmentation. IWANN 1991: 333-339

Coauthor Index

1Jesús Albert [1]
2José Duato [2] [4]
3Miguel Gallach [9]
4J. Ignasi Lucas [9]
5Ignacio Marín [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Sergio Mars [7] [8]
7Salvador Moreno [3]
8Juan M. Orduña [2] [3] [4]
9Aurelio Ruiz [2] [3]
10Rodrigo Valero [2] [3]
11Marcelino Vicens [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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