
Joan Cabestany

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41 Francisco Sandoval Hernández, Alberto Prieto, Joan Cabestany, Manuel Graña: Computational and Ambient Intelligence, 9th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2007, San Sebastián, Spain, June 20-22, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
40EEJose Antonio Casas, Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Joan Cabestany: A Novel Hardware Architecture for Self-adaptive Systems. AHS 2007: 592-599
39EEAlejandro Chinea Manrique De Lara, Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Joan Cabestany: Improving the Performance of PieceWise Linear Separation Incremental Algorithms for Practical Hardware Implementations CoRR abs/0712.3654: (2007)
38EEAlberto Prieto, Joan Cabestany, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: Computational intelligence and bioinspired systems. Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2701-2703 (2007)
37EEEnric Claverol-Tinturé, Xavier Rosell, Joan Cabestany: Technical steps towards one-to-one electrode-neuron interfacing with neural circuits reconstructed in vitro. Neurocomputing 70(16-18): 2716-2722 (2007)
36 Joan Cabestany, Alberto Prieto, Francisco Sandoval Hernández: Computational Intelligence and Bioinspired Systems, 8th International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2005, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain, June 8-10, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
35EEGuillermo Bedoya, Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Multichannel Blind Signal Separation in Semiconductor-Based GAS Sensor Arrays. IWANN 2005: 1059-1066
34EEEnric Claverol-Tinturé, Xavier Rosell, Joan Cabestany: Interfacing with Patterned in Vitro Neural Networks by Means of Hybrid Glass-Elastomer Neurovectors: Progress on Neuron Placement, Neurite Outgrowth and Biopotential Measurements. IWANN 2005: 433-437
33 Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Local Averaging of Ensembles of LVQ-Based Nearest Neighbor Classifiers. Appl. Intell. 20(1): 47-58 (2004)
32 Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Ensemble Learning for Chemical Sensor Arrays. Neural Processing Letters 19(1): 25-35 (2004)
31EEGuillermo Bedoya, Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Comparison of neural algorithms for blind source separation in sensor array applications. ESANN 2003: 131-136
30EESergio Bermejo, Ferran Revilla, Joan Cabestany: Virtual Labs for Neural Networks E-courses. IWANN (2) 2003: 719-725
29EESergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: The effect of finite sample size on on-line K-means. Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 511-539 (2002)
28EEJuan-Manuel Moreno Aróstegui, Joan Cabestany, Eduardo Sanchez: An In-System Routing Strategy For Evolvable Hardware Programmable Platforms. Evolvable Hardware 2001: 157-166
27EESergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers. IWANN (1) 2001: 669-676
26EEE. Cantó, Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany, I. Lacadena, Josep Maria Insenser: A temporal bipartitioning algorithm for dynamically reconfigurable FPGAs. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 9(1): 210-218 (2001)
25EESergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Oriented principal component analysis for large margin classifiers. Neural Networks 14(10): 1447-1461 (2001)
24 Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Finite-Sample Convergence Properties of the LVQ1 Algorithm and the Batch LVQ1 Algorithm. Neural Processing Letters 13(2): 135-157 (2001)
23 Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Learning with Nearest Neighbour Classifiers. Neural Processing Letters 13(2): 159-181 (2001)
22EEE. Cantó, Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany, I. Lacadena, Josep Maria Insenser: Implementation of Virtual Circuits by Means of the FIPSOC Devices. FPL 2000: 87-95
21 Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: A Batch Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm for Nearest Neighbour Classification. Neural Processing Letters 11(3): 173-184 (2000)
20EESergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbour classifiers. Pattern Recognition 33(12): 1999-2005 (2000)
19EEJuan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Joan Cabestany, E. Cantó, Rafal Kielbik, Julio Faura, Josep Maria Insenser: Realization of Self-Repairing and Evolvable Hardware Structures by Means of Implicit Self-Configuration. Evolvable Hardware 1999: 182-187
18 E. Cantó, Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany, Julio Faura, Josep Maria Insenser: A Bipartitioning Algorithm for Dynamic Reconfigurable Programmable Logic. FPL 1999: 134-143
17 Sergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: On-Line Gradient Learning Algorithms for K-Nearest Neighbor Classifiers. IWANN (1) 1999: 546-555
16 Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany, E. Cantó, Julio Faura, Josep Maria Insenser: The Role of Dynamic Reconfiguration for Implementing Artificial Neural Networks Models in Programmable Hardware. IWANN (2) 1999: 85-94
15EESergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany: Adaptive soft k-nearest-neighbor classifiers. Pattern Recognition 32(12): 2077-2079 (1999)
14EESergio Bermejo, Joan Cabestany, Magdalena Payeras-Capellà: A new dynamic LVQ-based classifier and its application to handwritten character recognition. ESANN 1998: 203-208
13EEJuan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Julio Faura, E. Cantó, Joan Cabestany, Josep Maria Insenser: Feasible Evolutionary and Self-Repairing Hardware by Means of the Dynamic Reconfiguration Capabilities of the FIPSOC Devices. ICES 1998: 345-355
12 José Mira, Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Joan Cabestany: Biological and Artificial Computation: From Neuroscience to Technology, International Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks, IWANN '97, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, June 4-6, 1997, Proceedings Springer 1997
11EEJulio Faura, C. Horton, B. Krah, Joan Cabestany, M. A. Aguirre, Josep Maria Insenser: A new field programmable system-on-a-chip for mixed signal integration. ED&TC 1997: 610
10 Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Eduard Alarcón, Joan Cabestany: Analog Sequential Architecture for Neuro-Fuzzy Models VLSI Implementation. ICANN 1997: 1199-1204
9 A. Chinea, Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Joan Cabestany: Improving the Performance of Piecewise Linear Separation Incremental Algorithms for Practical Hardware Implementations. IWANN 1997: 607-616
8 Jordi Madrenas, Gregorio Ruiz, Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany: Synthesis and Optimization of a Bit-Serial Pipeline Kernel Processor. IWANN 1997: 801-810
7 Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, Joan Cabestany, J. R. Laúna: Using Classical and Evolutive Neural Models in Industrial Applications: A Case Study for an Automatic Coin Classifier. IWANN 1997: 922-931
6 F. Castillo, Jose A. García, Juan Manuel Moreno, Joan Cabestany: A Coprocessor Card for Fast Neural Network Emulation. IWANN 1995: 752-760
5 Juan Manuel Moreno, Jordi Madrenas, S. San Anselmo, F. Castillo, Joan Cabestany: Digital Hardware Implementation of ROI Incremental Algorithms. IWANN 1995: 761-770
4 José Mira, Joan Cabestany, Alberto Prieto: New Trends in Neural Computation, International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN '93, Sitges, Spain, June 9-11, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1993
3 Juan Manuel Moreno, F. Castillo, Joan Cabestany: Optimiized Learning for Improving the Evolution of Piecewise Linear Separation Incremental Algorithms. IWANN 1993: 272-277
2 F. Castillo, Joan Cabestany, Juan Manuel Moreno: Region of Influence (ROI) Networks. Model and Implementation. IWANN 1993: 96-101
1 F. Castillo, Joan Cabestany, Juan Manuel Moreno: An Integrated Circuit for Artificial Neural Networks. IWANN 1991: 328-332

Coauthor Index

1M. A. Aguirre [11]
2Eduard Alarcón [10]
3S. San Anselmo [5]
4Juan-Manuel Moreno Aróstegui [28]
5Guillermo Bedoya [31] [35]
6Sergio Bermejo [14] [15] [17] [20] [21] [23] [24] [25] [27] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35]
7E. Cantó [13] [16] [18] [19] [22] [26]
8Jose Antonio Casas [40]
9F. Castillo [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]
10A. Chinea [9]
11Enric Claverol-Tinturé [34] [37]
12Julio Faura [11] [13] [16] [18] [19]
13Jose A. García [6]
14Manuel Graña [41]
15Francisco Sandoval Hernández [36] [38] [41]
16C. Horton [11]
17Josep Maria Insenser [11] [13] [16] [18] [19] [22] [26]
18Rafal Kielbik [19]
19B. Krah [11]
20I. Lacadena [22] [26]
21Alejandro Chinea Manrique De Lara [39]
22J. R. Laúna [7]
23Jordi Madrenas [5] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [19] [39] [40]
24José Mira Mira (José Mira) [4] [12]
25Juan Manuel Moreno [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [13] [16] [18] [19] [22] [26] [39] [40]
26Roberto Moreno-Díaz [12]
27Magdalena Payeras-Capellà [14]
28Alberto Prieto [4] [36] [38] [41]
29Ferran Revilla [30]
30Xavier Rosell [34] [37]
31Gregorio Ruiz [8]
32Eduardo Sanchez [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)