
Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo

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16EEGabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: Evaluation of a low-rate DoS attack against application servers. Computers & Security 27(7-8): 335-354 (2008)
15EEGabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: Evaluation of a low-rate DoS attack against iterative servers. Computer Networks 51(4): 1013-1030 (2007)
14EEMaría Bermúdez-Edo, R. Salazar-Hernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: Proposals on Assessment Environments for Anomaly-Based Network Intrusion Detection Systems. CRITIS 2006: 210-221
13EEGabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: Assessment of a Vulnerability in Iterative Servers Enabling Low-Rate DoS Attacks. ESORICS 2006: 512-526
12EEGabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: Mathematical Foundations for the Design of a Low-Rate DoS Attack to Iterative Servers (Short Paper). ICICS 2006: 282-291
11 Gabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: On the Design of a Low-Rate DoS Attack Against Iterative Servers. SECRYPT 2006: 149-156
10EEGabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro: Low Rate DoS Attack to Monoprocess Servers. SPC 2006: 43-57
9EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo: Detection of Web-Based Attacks through Markovian Protocol Parsing. ISCC 2005: 457-462
8EEGabriel Maciá-Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, Juan M. Estévez-Tapiador: PIM-DM Cost Analysis in Loop Free Topologies. ISCC 2005: 719-723
7EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo: N3: A Geometrical Approach for Network Intrusion Detection at the Application Layer. ICCSA (1) 2004: 841-850
6EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo: Anomaly detection methods in wired networks: a survey and taxonomy. Computer Communications 27(16): 1569-1584 (2004)
5EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo: Measuring normality in HTTP traffic for anomaly-based intrusion detection. Computer Networks 45(2): 175-193 (2004)
4EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo: Stochastic Protocol Modeling for Anomaly Based Network Intrusion Detection. IWIA 2003: 3-12
3EEF. J. Salcedo, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, José C. Segura: Musical Style Recognition by Detection of Compass. IbPRIA 2003: 876-883
2EEJuan M. Estévez-Tapiador, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo: NSDF: a computer network system description framework and its application to network security. Computer Networks 43(5): 573-600 (2003)
1 Jesús E. Díaz-Verdejo, A. Peinado Herreros, J. C. Segura Luna, M. C. Benítez Ortüzar, A. Rubio Ayuso: Recurrent Neural Networks for Speech Recognition. IWANN 1991: 361-369

Coauthor Index

1A. Rubio Ayuso [1]
2María Bermúdez-Edo [14]
3Juan M. Estévez-Tapiador [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Pedro Garcia-Teodoro [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
5A. Peinado Herreros [1]
6J. C. Segura Luna [1]
7Gabriel Maciá-Fernández [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16]
8M. C. Benítez Ortüzar [1]
9R. Salazar-Hernández [14]
10F. J. Salcedo [3]
11José C. Segura [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)