
Elena Valderrama

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13 Ll. Porta, Rosa Villa, Luis Prieto, E. Andia, Elena Valderrama: Infraclinic Breast Carcinoma: Application of Neural Networks Techniques for the Indication of Radioguided Biopsias. IWANN 1997: 978-985
12 Mario Reyes de los Mozos, Elena Valderrama, Rosa Villa, J. Roig, Alfonso Antón, José Carlos Pastor Jimeno: Detection of Glaucoma by Means on ANNs. IWANN 1997: 986-994
11EEAlfred Strey, Narcís Avellana, Raul Holgado, Ramon Capillas, J. Alberto Fernández, Elena Valderrama: A Configurable Parallel Neurocomputer. ANNES 1995: 55-58
10 Elena Valderrama, Rosa Villa, Enric Cabruja, Paco Garrido, Xavier Navarro, Miquel Buti, Santiago Calvet: Regenerative-Type Neural Interface. IWANN 1995: 114-120
9 Alfred Strey, Narcís Avellana, Raul Holgado, J. Alberto Fernández, Ramon Capillas, Elena Valderrama: A Massively Parallel Neurocomputer with a Reconfigurable Arithmetical Unit. IWANN 1995: 800-806
8 A. Josep Velasco, Lluis Ribas, Elena Valderrama, R. Gracia: A Fuzzy Rule Interpreter to Build Expert Systems Based on Fuzzy Logic. An Application in Company Diagnosis. Fuzzy Days 1994: 433-438
7 Jordi Carrabina, Ferran Lisa, Vicens Gaitan, Lluís Garrido, Elena Valderrama: Hardware Implementation of a Neural Network for High Energy Physics Application. IWANN 1993: 426-431
6 Ferran Lisa, Jordi Carrabina, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente, Narcís Avellana, Elena Valderrama: Feed Forward Network for Vehicle License Character Recognition. IWANN 1993: 638-644
5 Conrado J. Pérez Vicente, Jordi Carrabina, F. Garrido, Elena Valderrama: Learning Algorithm for Feed-Forward Neural Networks with Discrete Synapses. IWANN 1991: 144-152
4 Jordi Carrabina, Ferran Lisa, Narcís Avellana, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente, Elena Valderrama: VLSI Fully Connected Neural Networks for the Implementation of other Topologies. IWANN 1991: 277-284
3 Amparo Sacristán, Elena Valderrama, Conrado J. Pérez Vicente: Stability Measurement Criterion for Neural Networks of Competitive Learning. IWANN 1991: 69-77
2EEConrado J. Pérez Vicente, Jordi Carrabina, Elena Valderrama: Discrete Learning in Feed-Forward Neural Networks. Int. J. Neural Syst. 2(4): 323-329 (1991)
1EECarles Ferrer, Joan Oliver, Elena Valderrama: A new switch-level test pattern generation algorithm based on single path over a graph representation. EURO-DAC 1990: 402-406

Coauthor Index

1E. Andia [13]
2Alfonso Antón [12]
3Narcís Avellana [4] [6] [9] [11]
4Miquel Buti [10]
5Enric Cabruja [10]
6Santiago Calvet [10]
7Ramon Capillas [9] [11]
8Jordi Carrabina (Jordi Carrabina Bordoll) [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
9J. Alberto Fernández [9] [11]
10Carles Ferrer [1]
11Vicens Gaitan [7]
12F. Garrido [5]
13Lluís Garrido [7]
14Paco Garrido [10]
15R. Gracia [8]
16Raul Holgado [9] [11]
17José Carlos Pastor Jimeno [12]
18Ferran Lisa [4] [6] [7]
19Mario Reyes de los Mozos [12]
20Xavier Navarro [10]
21Joan Oliver [1]
22Ll. Porta [13]
23Luis Prieto [13]
24Lluis Ribas [8]
25J. Roig [12]
26Amparo Sacristán [3]
27Alfred Strey [9] [11]
28A. Josep Velasco [8]
29Conrado J. Pérez Vicente [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
30Rosa Villa [10] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)