
Ronald Waxman

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7EEJoseph M. Wolf, Lori M. Kaufman, Robert H. Klenke, James H. Aylor, Ronald Waxman: An analysis of fault partitioned parallel test generation. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 15(5): 517-534 (1996)
6 Robert H. Klenke, Lori M. Kaufman, James H. Aylor, Ronald Waxman, Padmini Narayan: Workstation Based Parallel Test Generation. ITC 1993: 419-428
5 Ronald Waxman, Larry Saunders: The Evolution of VHDL. IFIP Congress 1989: 735-742
4 Ronald Waxman, James H. Aylor, Erich Marschner: The VHSIC Hardware Description Language (IEEE Standard 1076): Language Features Revisited. COMPCON 1988: 310-315
3EERonald Waxman: The Design Automation Standards Environment. DAC 1987: 559-561
2EERoger J. Pachter, R. Smith, Ronald Waxman, J. Hines, H. G. Adhead, L. O'Connell, M. Shahdad, John P. Eurich: Computer aided (CA) tools integration and related standards development (panel session). DAC 1986: 372-373
1 D. C. Forslund, Ronald Waxman: The Universal Logic Block (ULB) and its Application to Logic Design FOCS 1966: 236-250

Coauthor Index

1H. G. Adhead [2]
2James H. Aylor [4] [6] [7]
3John P. Eurich [2]
4D. C. Forslund [1]
5J. Hines [2]
6Lori M. Kaufman [6] [7]
7Robert H. Klenke [6] [7]
8Erich Marschner [4]
9Padmini Narayan [6]
10L. O'Connell [2]
11Roger J. Pachter [2]
12Larry Saunders [5]
13M. Shahdad [2]
14R. Smith [2]
15Joseph M. Wolf [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)