
Craig Damon

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11 James McQuillan, Craig Damon: Discovering the Impact of Group Structure on 3-SAT. FCS 2006: 163-168
10EEJürgen Dingel, David Garlan, Craig Damon: Bridging the HLA: Problems and Solutions. DS-RT 2002: 33-42
9EEDaniel Jackson, Somesh Jha, Craig Damon: Isomorph-Free Model Enumeration: A New Method for Checking Relational Specifications. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 20(2): 302-343 (1998)
8EECraig Damon: Nitpick: A Tool for Interactive Design Analysis. ICSE 1997: 596-597
7EEDaniel Jackson, Craig Damon: Elements of Style: Analyzing a Software Design Feature with a Counterexample Detector. ISSTA 1996: 239-249
6EEDaniel Jackson, Somesh Jha, Craig Damon: Faster Checking of Software Specifications by Eliminating Isomorphs. POPL 1996: 79-90
5EECraig Damon, Daniel Jackson, Somesh Jha: Checking Relational Specifications With Binary Decision Diagrams. SIGSOFT FSE 1996: 70-80
4 Craig Damon, Daniel Jackson: Efficient Search as a Means of Executing Specifications. TACAS 1996: 70-86
3EEDaniel Jackson, Craig Damon: Elements of Style: Analyzing a Software Design Feature with a Counterexample Detector. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(7): 484-495 (1996)
2 Craig Damon, Gordon Landis: Abstract Types and Storage Types in an OO-DBMS. COMPCON 1988: 172-176
1 Joshua Duhl, Craig Damon: A Performance Comparison of Object and Relational Databases Using the Sun Benchmark. OOPSLA 1988: 153-163

Coauthor Index

1Jürgen Dingel [10]
2Joshua Duhl [1]
3David Garlan [10]
4Daniel Jackson [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
5Somesh Jha [5] [6] [9]
6Gordon Landis [2]
7James McQuillan [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)