
D. Parkinson

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6 J. Andersen, G. Mitra, D. Parkinson: The scheduling of sparse matrix-vector multiplication on a massively parallel DAP computer. Parallel Computing 18(6): 675-677 (1992)
5 Alan M. Frieze, J. Yadegar, S. El-Horbaty, D. Parkinson: Algorithms for assignment problems on an array processor. Parallel Computing 11(2): 151-162 (1989)
4 D. Parkinson, D. J. Hunt, K. S. MacQueen: The AMT DAP 500. COMPCON 1988: 196-199
3EED. Parkinson: Organisational aspects of using parallel computers. Parallel Computing 5(1-2): 75-83 (1987)
2EED. Parkinson: Performance analysis in a 4096 processor environment. Journal of Systems and Software 6(1-2): 11-15 (1986)
1EED. Parkinson: Parallel efficiency can be greater than unity. Parallel Computing 3(3): 261-262 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1J. Andersen [6]
2S. El-Horbaty [5]
3Alan M. Frieze [5]
4D. J. Hunt [4]
5K. S. MacQueen [4]
6G. Mitra [6]
7J. Yadegar [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)