
Eric W. Brown

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24EEAnni Coden, Eric W. Brown: Automatic search from streaming data. Inf. Retr. 9(1): 95-109 (2006)
23EERobert L. Mack, Sougata Mukherjea, Aya Soffer, Naohiko Uramoto, Eric W. Brown, Anni Coden, James W. Cooper, Akihiro Inokuchi, Bhavani Iyer, Yosi Mass, Hirofumi Matsuzawa, L. Venkata Subramaniam: Text analytics for life science using the Unstructured Information Management Architecture. IBM Systems Journal 43(3): 490-515 (2004)
22EEEric W. Brown, William R. Hersh, Alfonso Valencia: SIGIR 2003 workshop on text analysis and search for bioinformatics. SIGIR Forum 38(2): 31-36 (2004)
21EEEric W. Brown, Andrew Dolbey, Lawrence Hunter: IBM Research and the University of Colorado - TREC 2003 Genomics Track. TREC 2003: 268-275
20 Anni Coden, Eric W. Brown, Savitha Srinivasan: Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications [this book is based on the workshop "Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications", held as part of the 24th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval in New Orleans, USA, in September 2001] Springer 2002
19EEJames W. Cooper, Anni Coden, Eric W. Brown: Detecting similar documents using salient terms. CIKM 2002: 245-251
18EEJames W. Cooper, Anni Coden, Eric W. Brown: A Novel Method for Detecting Similar Documents. HICSS 2002: 101
17EESavitha Srinivasan, Eric W. Brown: Is Speech Recognition Becoming Mainstream? IEEE Computer 35(4): 38-41 (2002)
16EEAnni Coden, Eric W. Brown, Savitha Srinivasan: ACM SIGIR 2001 workshop "Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications". SIGIR Forum 36(1): 10-13 (2002)
15 Eric W. Brown, Savitha Srinivasan, Anni Coden, Dulce B. Ponceleon, James W. Cooper, Arnon Amir, Jan Pieper: Towards Speech as a Knowledge Resource. CIKM 2001: 526-528
14EEEric W. Brown, Anni Coden: WASABI: Framework for Real-Time Speech Analysis Applications (Demo). SIGIR Workshop: Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications 2001: 105-108
13EEEric W. Brown, Anni Coden: Capitalization Recovery for Text. SIGIR Workshop: Information Retrieval Techniques for Speech Applications 2001: 11-22
12EEEric W. Brown, Savitha Srinivasan, Anni Coden, Dulce B. Ponceleon, James W. Cooper, Arnon Amir: Toward speech as a knowledge resource. IBM Systems Journal 40(4): 985-1001 (2001)
11EEJohn M. Prager, Eric W. Brown, Anni Coden, Dragomir R. Radev: Question-answering by predictive annotation. SIGIR 2000: 184-191
10EEJohn M. Prager, Eric W. Brown, Dragomir R. Radev, Krzysztof Czuba: One Search Engine or Two for Question-Answering. TREC 2000
9EEJohn M. Prager, Dragomir R. Radev, Eric W. Brown, Anni Coden, Valerie Samn: The Use of Predictive Annotation for Question Answering in TREC8. TREC 1999
8EEEric W. Brown, Alan F. Smeaton: Hypertext Information Retrieval for the Web. SIGIR Forum 32(2): 8-13 (1998)
7EEEric W. Brown, Herb A. Chong: The GURU System in TREC-6. TREC 1997: 535-540
6EEEric W. Brown: Fast Evaluation of Structured Queries for Information Retrieval. SIGIR 1995: 30-38
5EEEric W. Brown, James P. Callan, W. Bruce Croft, J. Eliot B. Moss: Supporting Full-Text Information Retrieval with a Persistent Object Store. EDBT 1994: 365-378
4EEEric W. Brown, James P. Callan, W. Bruce Croft: Fast Incremental Indexing for Full-Text Information Retrieval. VLDB 1994: 192-202
3EEAntony L. Hosking, Eric W. Brown, J. Eliot B. Moss: Update Logging for Persistent Programming Languages: A Comparative Performance Evaluation. VLDB 1993: 429-440
2 Robert B. Garner, A. Agrawal, F. Briggs, Eric W. Brown, D. Hough, B. Joy, S. Kleiman, Steven S. Muchnick, Masood Namjoo, David A. Patterson, Joan M. Pendleton, R. Tuck: The Scalable Processor Architecture (SPARC). COMPCON 1988: 278-283
1 A. Agrawal, Eric W. Brown, Joe Petolino, James R. Peterson: Design Considerations for a Bipolar Implementation of SPARC. COMPCON 1988: 6-9

Coauthor Index

1A. Agrawal [1] [2]
2Arnon Amir [12] [15]
3F. Briggs [2]
4James P. Callan (Jamie Callan) [4] [5]
5Herb A. Chong [7]
6Anni Coden [9] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [18] [19] [20] [23] [24]
7James W. Cooper [12] [15] [18] [19] [23]
8W. Bruce Croft [4] [5]
9Krzysztof Czuba [10]
10Andrew Dolbey [21]
11Robert B. Garner [2]
12William R. Hersh [22]
13Antony L. Hosking [3]
14D. Hough [2]
15Lawrence Hunter [21]
16Akihiro Inokuchi [23]
17Bhavani Iyer [23]
18B. Joy [2]
19S. Kleiman [2]
20Robert L. Mack [23]
21Yosi Mass [23]
22Hirofumi Matsuzawa [23]
23J. Eliot B. Moss [3] [5]
24Steven S. Muchnick [2]
25Sougata Mukherjea [23]
26Masood Namjoo [2]
27David A. Patterson [2]
28Joan M. Pendleton [2]
29James R. Peterson [1]
30Joe Petolino [1]
31Jan Pieper [15]
32Dulce B. Ponceleon [12] [15]
33John M. Prager [9] [10] [11]
34Dragomir R. Radev [9] [10] [11]
35Valerie Samn [9]
36Alan F. Smeaton [8]
37Aya Soffer [23]
38Savitha Srinivasan [12] [15] [16] [17] [20]
39L. Venkata Subramaniam [23]
40R. Tuck [2]
41Naohiko Uramoto [23]
42Alfonso Valencia [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)