
John Sanguinetti

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13EEJohn Sanguinetti: A Different View: Hardware Synthesis from SystemC is a Maturing Technology. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 23(5): 387 (2006)
12EEJason Cong, Tony Ma, Ivo Bolsens, Phil Moorby, Jan M. Rabaey, John Sanguinetti, Kazutoshi Wakabayashi, Yoshi Watanabe: Are we ready for system-level synthesis? ASP-DAC 2005
11EEJohn Sanguinetti: The process of higher level design. SBCCI 2005: 3
10EEJohn Sanguinetti: High level design: the future is now. SBCCI 2005: 5
9EERichard Goering, Clifford E. Cummings, Steven E. Schulz, Simon Davidman, John Sanguinetti, Joachim Kunkel, Oz Levia: The future of system design languages (panel session). DAC 2000: 438-439
8 Glen S. Miranker, Jonathan J. Rubinstein, John Sanguinetti: Squeezing a Cray-Class Supercomputer into a Single-User Package. COMPCON 1988: 452-456
7EEJohn Sanguinetti: Micro-analysis of the titans's operating pipe. ICS 1988: 190-196
6 John Sanguinetti: Performance of a Message-Based Multiprocessor. IEEE Computer 19(9): 47-55 (1986)
5 John Sanguinetti, B. Kumar: Performance of a Message-Based Multiprocessor. ISCA 1985: 424-425
4 John Sanguinetti: Program Optimization for a Pipelined Machine: A Case Study. SIGMETRICS 1984: 88-95
3 John Sanguinetti: The Effects of Solid State Paging Devices in a Large Time-Sharing System. SIGMETRICS 1981: 136-153
2 John Sanguinetti: The Use of the Monitor Call Instruction to Implement Domain Switching in the IBM 370 Architecture. Operating Systems Review 15(4): 55-61 (1981)
1 John Sanguinetti, Richard Billington: A Multi-Class Queueing Network Model of an Interactive System. Int. CMG Conference 1980: 50-55

Coauthor Index

1Richard Billington [1]
2Ivo Bolsens [12]
3Jason Cong [12]
4Clifford E. Cummings [9]
5Simon Davidman [9]
6Richard Goering [9]
7B. Kumar [5]
8Joachim Kunkel [9]
9Oz Levia [9]
10Tony Ma [12]
11Glen S. Miranker [8]
12Phil Moorby [12]
13Jan M. Rabaey [12]
14Jonathan J. Rubinstein [8]
15Steven E. Schulz [9]
16Kazutoshi Wakabayashi [12]
17Yoshi Watanabe [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)