2009 |
42 | EE | Carl Hewitt:
Middle History of Logic Programming
CoRR abs/0904.3036: (2009) |
41 | EE | Carl Hewitt:
Perfect Disruption: The Paradigm Shift from Mental Agents to ORGs.
IEEE Internet Computing 13(1): 90-93 (2009) |
2008 |
40 | EE | Carl Hewitt:
Common sense for concurrency and strong paraconsistency using unstratified inference and reflection
CoRR abs/0812.4852: (2008) |
39 | EE | Carl Hewitt:
ORGs for Scalable, Robust, Privacy-Friendly Client Cloud Computing.
IEEE Internet Computing 12(5): 96-99 (2008) |
2007 |
38 | EE | Carl Hewitt:
Large-Scale Organizational Computing Requires Unstratified Reflection and Strong Paraconsistency.
COIN 2007: 110-124 |
1993 |
37 | EE | Takayuki Dan Kimura,
Wayne Citrin,
Dan Halbert,
Carl Hewitt,
Norman K. Meyrowitz,
Ben Shneiderman:
Potentials and Limitations of Pen-Based Computers.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 536-539 |
1992 |
36 | | Carl Hewitt:
Some Requirements for Mobile Distributed Telecomputing Architecture.
MAAMAW 1992: 259-270 |
1991 |
35 | | James A. Hendler,
Daniel G. Bobrow,
Les Gasser,
Carl Hewitt,
Marvin Minsky:
Multiple Approaches to Multiple Agent Problem Solving.
IJCAI 1991: 553-554 |
34 | | Mamdouh Ibrahim,
Daniel G. Bobrow,
Carl Hewitt,
Jean-François Perror,
Reid G. Smith,
Howard E. Shrobe:
OOP and AI (Panel).
OOPSLA 1991: 351-354 |
33 | | Carl Hewitt:
Open Information Systems Semantics for Distributed Artificial Intelligence.
Artif. Intell. 47(1-3): 79-106 (1991) |
1990 |
32 | | Gul Agha,
Samson Abramsky,
Carl Hewitt,
Robin Milner,
Peter Wegner,
Akinori Yonezawa:
Foundations of Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming (Panel).
OOPSLA/ECOOP 1990: 100 |
1989 |
31 | | Carl Hewitt:
Toward an Open Systems Architecture.
IFIP Congress 1989: 389-392 |
1988 |
30 | | Michael L. Brodie,
Daniel G. Bobrow,
Victor R. Lesser,
Stuart E. Madnick,
Dennis Tsichritzis,
Carl Hewitt:
Future Artificial Intelligence requirements For Intelligent Database Systems - Panel Report.
Expert Database Conf. 1988: 45-62 |
29 | | Carl Hewitt:
Knowledge Processing.
FGCS 1988: 161-162 |
28 | | Carl Hewitt,
Gul Agha:
Guarded Horn Clause Languages: Are They Deductive and Logical?
FGCS 1988: 650-657 |
1987 |
27 | | Gul Agha,
Carl Hewitt:
Actors: A Conceptual Foundation for Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming.
Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming 1987: 49-74 |
1986 |
26 | EE | Carl Hewitt:
Offices Are Open Systems.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 4(3): 271-287 (1986) |
1985 |
25 | | Gul Agha,
Carl Hewitt:
Concurrent Programming Using Actors: Exploiting large-Scale Parallelism.
FSTTCS 1985: 19-41 |
1984 |
24 | | Carl Hewitt,
Henry Lieberman:
Design Issues in Parallel Architectures for Artificial Intelligence.
COMPCON 1984: 418-423 |
23 | | Carl Hewitt,
Tom Reinhardt,
Gul Agha,
Giuseppe Attardi:
Linguistic Support of Receptionists for Shared Resources.
Seminar on Concurrency 1984: 330-359 |
1983 |
22 | | Carl Hewitt,
Peter de Jong:
Analyzing the Roles of Descriptions and Actions in Open Systems.
AAAI 1983: 162-167 |
21 | | Gerald Barber,
Peter de Jong,
Carl Hewitt:
Semantic Support for Work in Organizations.
IFIP Congress 1983: 561-566 |
20 | | Henry Lieberman,
Carl Hewitt:
A Real-Time Garbage Collector Based on the Lifetimes of Objects.
Commun. ACM 26(6): 419-429 (1983) |
1982 |
19 | | Carl Hewitt,
Peter de Jong:
Open Systems.
On Conceptual Modelling (Intervale) 1982: 147-164 |
18 | | Carl Hewitt:
An Artificial Intelligence Perspective.
On Conceptual Modelling (Intervale) 1982: 453-455 |
1980 |
17 | | Carl Hewitt,
Giuseppe Attardi,
Maria Simi:
Knowledge Embedding in the Description System Omega.
AAAI 1980: 157-164 |
16 | | Carl Hewitt:
Design of the APIARY for Actor Systems.
LISP Conference 1980: 107-118 |
15 | | Henry Lieberman,
Carl Hewitt:
A Session with Tinker: Interleaving Program Testing with Program Writing.
LISP Conference 1980: 90-99 |
1979 |
14 | | Carl Hewitt,
Giuseppe Attardi,
Henry Lieberman:
Specifying and Proving Properties of Guardians for Distributed Systems.
Semantics of Concurrent Computation 1979: 316-336 |
13 | | Carl Hewitt,
Russell R. Atkinson:
Specification and Proof Techniques for Serializers.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(1): 10-23 (1979) |
1977 |
12 | | Carl Hewitt,
Henry G. Baker:
Laws for Communicating Parallel Processes.
IFIP Congress 1977: 987-992 |
11 | | Akinori Yonezawa,
Carl Hewitt:
Modelling Distributed Systems.
IJCAI 1977: 370-376 |
10 | | Russell R. Atkinson,
Carl Hewitt:
Parallelism and Synchronization in Actor Systems.
POPL 1977: 267-280 |
9 | | Carl Hewitt:
Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages.
Artif. Intell. 8(3): 323-364 (1977) |
1975 |
8 | | Carl Hewitt:
How To Use What You Know.
IJCAI 1975: 189-198 |
7 | | Irene Greif,
Carl Hewitt:
Actor Semantics of Planner-73.
POPL 1975: 67-77 |
1974 |
6 | | Carl Hewitt,
Peter Bishop,
Richard Steiger,
Irene Greif,
Brian Cantwell Smith,
Todd Matson,
Roger Hale:
Behavioral semantics of nonrecursive control structures.
Symposium on Programming 1974: 385-407 |
1973 |
5 | | Carl Hewitt,
Peter Bishop,
Richard Steiger:
A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence.
IJCAI 1973: 235-245 |
4 | | Carl Hewitt,
Peter Bishop,
Irene Greif,
Brian Cantwell Smith,
Todd Matson,
Richard Steiger:
Actor Induction and Meta-Evaluation.
POPL 1973: 153-168 |
1971 |
3 | | Carl Hewitt:
Procedural Embedding of knowledge in Planner.
IJCAI 1971: 167-184 |
1969 |
2 | | Carl Hewitt:
PLANNER: A Language for Proving Theorems in Robots.
IJCAI 1969: 295-302 |
1967 |
1 | | Manuel Blum,
Carl Hewitt:
Automata on a 2-Dimensional Tape
FOCS 1967: 155-160 |