2006 | ||
65 | EE | Domenico Ferrari: Humble beginnings, uncertain end: getting the internet to provide performance guarantees. SIGCOMM 2006: 1-2 |
2003 | ||
64 | EE | Andrea Pontiggia, Claudio U. Ciborra, Domenico Ferrari, Manfred Grauer, Karlheinz Kautz, Marcello Martinez, Sandra Sieber: Panel: Teaching information systems today: the convergence between IS and organization theory. ECIS 2003 |
2002 | ||
63 | EE | Franca Cantoni, Domenico Ferrari, Stefano Rabaiotti: Socio-technological Aspects Of Knowledge Disclosure : The Relevance Of Storytelling In Knowledge-ecology Based Organizations. ECIS 2002 |
1999 | ||
62 | Luca Delgrossi, Giuseppe Di Fatta, Domenico Ferrari, Giuseppe Lo Re: Interference and Communications among Active Network Applications. IWAN 1999: 97-108 | |
61 | Luca Delgrossi, Domenico Ferrari: Charging schemes for reservation-based networks. Telecommunication Systems 11(1-2): 127-137 (1999) | |
1998 | ||
60 | Luca Delgrossi, Domenico Ferrari: Internet-based secure Virtual Networks. SYBEN 1998: 318-326 | |
59 | EE | Colin Parris, Domenico Ferrari: The implementation of a dynamic management scheme for guaranteed-performance connections. Computer Communications 21(1): 1-23 (1998) |
58 | Domenico Ferrari: The Tenet Experience and the Design of Protocols for Integrated-Services Internetworks. Multimedia Syst. 6(3): 179-185 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
57 | Domenico Ferrari, Amit Gupta, Giorgio Ventre: Distributed Advance Reservation of Real-Time Connections. Multimedia Syst. 5(3): 187-198 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
56 | Wolfgang Effelsberg, Otto Spaniol, André A. S. Danthine, Domenico Ferrari: High-Speed Networking for Multimedia Applications [2nd Int. Workshop on Architecture and Protocols for High Performance Networks, Dagstuhl, June 19-23, 1995] Kluwer 1996 | |
55 | Domenico Ferrari: Distributed Admission Control Algorithms for Real-Time Communication. WDAG 1996: 18-28 | |
54 | EE | Anindo Banerjea, Domenico Ferrari, Bruce A. Mah, Mark Moran, Dinesh C. Verma, Hui Zhang: The Tenet real-time protocol suite: design, implementation, and experiences. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(1): 1-10 (1996) |
53 | EE | Jörg Liebeherr, Dallas E. Wrege, Domenico Ferrari: Exact admission control for networks with a bounded delay service. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 4(6): 885-901 (1996) |
52 | Domenico Ferrari: Multimedia Network Protocols: Where Are We? Multimedia Syst. 4(6): 299-304 (1996) | |
1995 | ||
51 | Domenico Ferrari: Programs for Networking Research and Testbed Activities in the US. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1995: 1-6 | |
50 | Domenico Ferrari, Amit Gupta, Giorgio Ventre: Distributed Advance Reservation of Real-Time Connections. NOSSDAV 1995: 16-27 | |
49 | Riccardo Bettati, Domenico Ferrari, Amit Gupta, W. Heffner, Wingwai Howe, Mark Moran, Quyen Nguyen, Rajendra Yavatkar: Connection Establishment for Multi-Party Real-Time Communication. NOSSDAV 1995: 240-250 | |
48 | EE | Amit Gupta, Domenico Ferrari: Resource partitioning for real-time communication. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 3(5): 501-508 (1995) |
1994 | ||
47 | Hui Zhang, Domenico Ferrari: Improving Utilization for Deterministic Service In Multimedia Communication. ICMCS 1994: 295-304 | |
46 | Colin Parris, Hui Zhang, Domenico Ferrari: A Dynamic Management Scheme for Real-Time Connections. INFOCOM 1994: 698-707 | |
45 | Brian Whetten, Stephen Steinberg, Domenico Ferrari: The Packet Starvation Effect in CSMA/CD LANs and a Solution. LCN 1994: 206-217 | |
44 | Domenico Ferrari, Anindo Banerjea, Hui Zhang: Network Support for Multimedia. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 26(10): 1267-128 (1994) | |
43 | EE | Dilip D. Kandlur, Kang G. Shin, Domenico Ferrari: Real-Time Communication in Multihop Networks. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 5(10): 1044-1056 (1994) |
42 | Colin Parris, Hui Zhang, Domenico Ferrari: Dynamic Management of Guaranteed-Performance Multimedia Connections. Multimedia Syst. 1(6): 267-283 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
41 | Hui Zhang, Domenico Ferrari: Rate-Controlled Static-Priority Queueing. INFOCOM 1993: 227-236 | |
40 | Bruce A. Mah, Srinivasan Seshan, Kimberly Keeton, Randy H. Katz, Domenico Ferrari: Providing Network Video Service to Mobile Clients. Workshop on Workstation Operating Systems 1993: 48-54 | |
1992 | ||
39 | Domenico Ferrari, Jean Ramaekers, Giorgio Ventre: Client-Network Interactions in Quality of Service Communication Environments. HPN 1992: 221-234 | |
38 | EE | Domenico Ferrari: Delay jitter control scheme for packet-switching internetworks. Computer Communications 15(6): 367-373 (1992) |
1991 | ||
37 | EE | Dilip D. Kandlur, Kang G. Shin, Domenico Ferrari: Real-time communication in multi-hop networks. ICDCS 1991: 300-307 |
36 | Domenico Ferrari: Design and Applications of a Delay Jitter Control Scheme for Packet-Switching Internetworks. NOSSDAV 1991: 72-83 | |
1990 | ||
35 | Domenico Ferrari, Dinesh C. Verma: A Scheme for Real-Time Channel Establishment in Wide-Area Networks. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 8(3): 368-379 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
34 | Domenico Ferrari: Workload Characterization for Tightly-Coupled and Loosely-Coupled Systems. SIGMETRICS 1989: 210 | |
1988 | ||
33 | EE | Domenico Ferrari: Forword to the Special Section on Papers from the 1987 ACM SIMETRICS Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(4): 521 (1988) |
1987 | ||
32 | David P. Anderson, Domenico Ferrari, P. Venkat Rangan, B. Sartirana: A Protocol for Secure Communication and Its Performance. ICDCS 1987: 473-481 | |
31 | Songnian Zhou, Domenico Ferrari: A Measurement Study of Load Balancing Performance. ICDCS 1987: 490-497 | |
30 | David P. Anderson, Domenico Ferrari, P. Venkat Rangan, B. Sartirana: The Empirical Evaluation of a Security-Oriented Datagram Protocol. Performance 1987: 131-150 | |
29 | Domenico Ferrari, Songnian Zhou: An Empirical Investigation of Load Indices for Load Balancing Applications. Performance 1987: 515-528 | |
1986 | ||
28 | EE | David P. Anderson, Domenico Ferrari: The DASH project (summary of current research). ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1986 |
27 | Domenico Ferrari, Songnian Zhou: A Load Index for Dynamic Load Balancing. FJCC 1986: 684-689 | |
26 | Domenico Ferrari: Performance Evaluation in Perspective (Panel). IFIP Congress 1986: 721-722 | |
25 | EE | Robert B. Hagmann, Domenico Ferrari: Performance Analysis of Several Back-End Database Architectures. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 11(1): 1-26 (1986) |
24 | Domenico Ferrari: Considerations in the Insularity of Performance Evaluation. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(6): 678-683 (1986) | |
23 | Maria Calzarossa, Domenico Ferrari: A Sensitivity Study of the Clustering Approach to Workload Modeling. Perform. Eval. 6(1): 25-33 (1986) | |
22 | Domenico Ferrari: Considerations on the Insularity of Performance Evaluation. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 14(2): 21-32 (1986) | |
1985 | ||
21 | Maria Calzarossa, Domenico Ferrari: A Sensitivity Study of the Clustering Approach to Workload Modeling. SIGMETRICS 1985: 38-39 | |
1984 | ||
20 | Domenico Ferrari: The Evolution of Berkeley Unix. COMPCON 1984: 502-506 | |
19 | EE | Domenico Ferrari, Tzong-yu Paul Lee: Modeling File System Organizations in a Local Area Network Environment. ICDE 1984: 517-524 |
18 | Domenico Ferrari, Giuseppe Serazzi, Alessandro Zeigner: Measurement and Tuning of Computer Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1984: 793-794 | |
17 | Domenico Ferrari: On the Foundations of Artificial Workload Design. SIGMETRICS 1984: 8-14 | |
1983 | ||
16 | Özalp Babaoglu, Domenico Ferrari: Two-Level Replacement Decisions in Paging Stores. IEEE Trans. Computers 32(12): 1151-1159 (1983) | |
15 | Edwin J. Lau, Domenico Ferrari: Program Restructuring in a Multilevel Virtual Memory. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(1): 69-79 (1983) | |
14 | Domenico Ferrari, Yiu-Yo Yih: VSWS: The Variable-Interval Sampled Working Set Policy. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(3): 299-305 (1983) | |
1981 | ||
13 | Domenico Ferrari: A Generative Model of Working Set Dynamics. SIGMETRICS 1981: 52-57 | |
1977 | ||
12 | Domenico Ferrari: An Approach to the Design of a Learning Memory Manager. Int. CMG Conference 1977: 217-224 | |
11 | Domenico Ferrari, Makoto Kobayashi: Program Restructuring Algorithms for Global LRU Environments. International Computing Symposium 1977: 277-283 | |
1976 | ||
10 | Domenico Ferrari, Edwin J. Lau: An Experiment in Program Restructuring for Performance Enhancement. ICSE 1976: 146-150 | |
1975 | ||
9 | EE | Samuel T. Chanson, Domenico Ferrari: A deterministic analytic model of a multiprogrammed interactive system. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 645-652 |
8 | Domenico Ferrari: Tailoring Programs to Models of Program Behavior. IBM Journal of Research and Development 19(3): 244-251 (1975) | |
7 | Domenico Ferrari, Mark Liu: A General-Purpose Software Measurement Tool. Softw., Pract. Exper. 5(2): 181-192 (1975) | |
1974 | ||
6 | Domenico Ferrari: Improving Program Locality by Strategy-Oriented Restructuring. IFIP Congress 1974: 266-270 | |
5 | Domenico Ferrari: Improving Locality by Critical Working Sets. Commun. ACM 17(11): 614-620 (1974) | |
1971 | ||
4 | EE | Domenico Ferrari: On the Architecture of Data Base Systems. SIGFIDET Workshop 1971: 113-115 |
3 | Giampio Bracchi, Domenico Ferrari: A Language for Treating Geometric Patterns in a Two-dimensional Space. Commun. ACM 14(1): 26-32 (1971) | |
1970 | ||
2 | EE | Giampio Bracchi, Domenico Ferrari, Marco Somalvico: A Multilevel Data Structure for Complex Hierarchies of Interrelated Data. SIGFIDET Workshop 1970: 246-275 |
1967 | ||
1 | Domenico Ferrari, A. Grasselli: A Cellular Structure for Sequential Networks FOCS 1967: 210-225 |