
Richard Mateosian

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44EERichard Mateosian: The Paradigms, They Are A-Changin'. IEEE Micro 28(2): 70-72 (2008)
43EERichard Mateosian: Economics. IEEE Micro 27(1): 128-130 (2007)
42EERichard Mateosian: Looking Back. IEEE Micro 27(2): 83-85 (2007)
41EERichard Mateosian: Thinking about Technology. IEEE Micro 27(4): 59-61 (2007)
40EERichard Mateosian: Advice for Investigators. IEEE Micro 27(6): 60-61 (2007)
39EERichard Mateosian: The future will soon be here. IEEE Micro 26(1): 141-142 (2006)
38EERichard Mateosian: More on Old Topics. IEEE Micro 26(3): 86-87 (2006)
37EERichard Mateosian: Old and New. IEEE Micro 26(4): 83-85 (2006)
36EERichard Mateosian: So many books. IEEE Micro 26(5): 82-83 (2006)
35EERichard Mateosian: Too much information. IEEE Micro 25(1): 98-99 (2005)
34EERichard Mateosian: Thinking about history and design. IEEE Micro 25(2): 6-7 (2005)
33EERichard Mateosian: Dealing with globalization. IEEE Micro 25(3): 13-15 (2005)
32EERichard Mateosian: Going through the database. IEEE Micro 25(4): 79-80 (2005)
31EERichard Mateosian: Year-end cleanup. IEEE Micro 25(6): 82-84 (2005)
30EERichard Mateosian: Single Sourcing Mount Fuji. IEEE Micro 24(1): 74-75 (2004)
29 Richard Mateosian: Back to the future. IEEE Micro 24(3): 70-71 (2004)
28 Richard Mateosian: Attacking complexity. IEEE Micro 24(4): 87-88 (2004)
27EERichard Mateosian: Seek and Show. IEEE Micro 24(5): 86-88 (2004)
26EERichard Mateosian: Micro Review: More on old themes. IEEE Micro 24(6): 133-134 (2004)
25EERichard Mateosian: Leadership Annoyances. IEEE Micro 23(1): 82-83 (2003)
24EERichard Mateosian: Nuts and Bolts. IEEE Micro 23(2): 7, 77 (2003)
23EERichard Mateosian: Evolution. IEEE Micro 23(3): 70-72 (2003)
22EERichard Mateosian: Managing Software Projects. IEEE Micro 23(4): 11-13 (2003)
21EERichard Mateosian: So Many Books, So Little Time. IEEE Micro 23(5): 6-7, 79-80 (2003)
20EERichard Mateosian: Enterprise Computing. IEEE Micro 22(3): 71-72 (2002)
19EERichard Mateosian: Programming Books. IEEE Micro 22(4): 10-11 (2002)
18EERichard Mateosian: Personal Effectiveness. IEEE Micro 22(5): 94-96 (2002)
17EERichard Mateosian: Context (Micro Review). IEEE Micro 21(1): 90-92 (2001)
16EERichard Mateosian: Pervasive Technologies (Micro Review). IEEE Micro 21(2): 94-95 (2001)
15EERichard Mateosian: Project tools (Micro Reviews). IEEE Micro 21(3): 78-79 (2001)
14EERichard Mateosian: Making it work. IEEE Micro 21(4): 70-71 (2001)
13EERichard Mateosian: Managing Development. IEEE Micro 21(5): 86-87 (2001)
12EERichard Mateosian: Holiday Reading. IEEE Micro 21(6): 78-79 (2001)
11EERichard Mateosian: Happy New Year. IEEE Micro 20(1): 77-78 (2000)
10EERichard Mateosian: Windows 2000. IEEE Micro 20(2): 12-13, 96 (2000)
9EERichard Mateosian: Doing it right. IEEE Micro 20(3): 4-5 (2000)
8EERichard Mateosian: Summer Cleanup. IEEE Micro 20(4): 7-9, 85 (2000)
7EERichard Mateosian: Interaction Design. IEEE Micro 20(5): 5-6 (2000)
6EERichard Mateosian: System considerations in the NS32032 design. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1984: 77-81
5 Richard Mateosian: NS32032 Design Decisions. COMPCON 1984: 237-241
4EERichard Mateosian, Janak Pathak: Distributed processing with the Z8000 family. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 53-57
3 Kenneth Krohn, Richard Mateosian, John Rhodes: Methods of the Algebraic Theory of Machines. I: Decomposition Theorem for Generalized Machines; Properties Preserved under Series and Parallel Compositions of Machines. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 1(1): 55-85 (1967)
2 Kenneth Krohn, Richard Mateosian, John Rhodes: Complexity of Ideals in Finite Semigroups and Finite-State Machines. Mathematical Systems Theory 1(1): 59-66 (1967)
1 Kenneth Krohn, Richard Mateosian, John Rhodes: Correction: Complexity of Ideals in Finite Semigroups and Finite-State Machines. Mathematical Systems Theory 1(4): 373 (1967)

Coauthor Index

1Kenneth Krohn [1] [2] [3]
2Janak Pathak [4]
3John L. Rhodes (John Rhodes) [1] [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)