2009 |
241 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Viewpoint - Advising students for success.
Commun. ACM 52(3): 34-37 (2009) |
2007 |
240 | EE | Foto N. Afrati,
Chen Li,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Using views to generate efficient evaluation plans for queries.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 73(5): 703-724 (2007) |
2005 |
239 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Gradiance On-Line Accelerated Learning.
ACSC 2005: 3-6 |
238 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael J. Carey,
Stefano Ceri,
W. Bruce Croft,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Laura M. Haas,
Alon Y. Halevy,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Martin L. Kersten,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Timos K. Sellis,
Avi Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gerhard Weikum,
Jennifer Widom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Lowell database research self-assessment.
Commun. ACM 48(5): 111-118 (2005) |
237 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Richard Hull,
Victor Vianu,
Sheila A. Greibach,
Michael A. Harrison,
Ellis Horowitz,
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
In memory of Seymour Ginsburg 1928 - 2004.
SIGMOD Record 34(1): 5-12 (2005) |
2003 |
236 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Survey of New Directions in Database System.
DASFAA 2003: 3- |
235 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Improving the Efficiency of Database-System Teaching.
SIGMOD Conference 2003: 1-3 |
234 | EE | Jim Gray,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Lowell Report.
SIGMOD Conference 2003: 680 |
233 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael J. Carey,
Stefano Ceri,
W. Bruce Croft,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Laura M. Haas,
Alon Y. Halevy,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Martin L. Kersten,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Timos K. Sellis,
Avi Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gerhard Weikum,
Jennifer Widom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Lowell Database Research Self Assessment
CoRR cs.DB/0310006: (2003) |
232 | EE | Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Querying websites using compact skeletons.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 66(4): 809-851 (2003) |
2001 |
231 | EE | Chen Li,
Mayank Bawa,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Minimizing View Sets without Losing Query-Answering Power.
ICDT 2001: 99-113 |
230 | EE | Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Querying Websites Using Compact Skeletons.
PODS 2001 |
229 | EE | Foto N. Afrati,
Chen Li,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Generating Efficient Plans for Queries Using Views.
SIGMOD Conference 2001: 319-330 |
228 | EE | Edith Cohen,
Mayur Datar,
Shinji Fujiwara,
Aristides Gionis,
Piotr Indyk,
Rajeev Motwani,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Cheng Yang:
Finding Interesting Associations without Support Pruning.
IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 13(1): 64-78 (2001) |
2000 |
227 | | Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
Database System Implementation
Prentice-Hall 2000 |
226 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Survey of Association-Rule Mining.
Discovery Science 2000: 1-14 |
225 | EE | Edith Cohen,
Mayur Datar,
Shinji Fujiwara,
Aristides Gionis,
Piotr Indyk,
Rajeev Motwani,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Cheng Yang:
Finding Interesting Associations without Support Pruning.
ICDE 2000: 489-499 |
224 | EE | Shinji Fujiwara,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Rajeev Motwani:
Dynamic Miss-Counting Algorithms: Finding Implication and Similarity Rules with Confidence Pruning.
ICDE 2000: 501-511 |
223 | | Craig Silverstein,
Sergey Brin,
Rajeev Motwani,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Scalable Techniques for Mining Causal Structures.
Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 4(2/3): 163-192 (2000) |
222 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Information integration using logical views.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 239(2): 189-210 (2000) |
1999 |
221 | EE | Ramana Yerneni,
Chen Li,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Hector Garcia-Molina:
Optimizing Large Join Queries in Mediation Systems.
ICDT 1999: 348-364 |
220 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The MIDAS Data-Mining Project at Stanford.
IDEAS 1999: 460-464 |
219 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Some Advances in Data-Mining Techniques (Abstract).
NGITS 1999: 1 |
218 | EE | Ramana Yerneni,
Chen Li,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Computing Capabilities of Mediators.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 443-454 |
217 | | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Answering Queries Using Limited External Query Processors.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 58(1): 69-82 (1999) |
1998 |
216 | EE | Shalom Tsur,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Serge Abiteboul,
Chris Clifton,
Rajeev Motwani,
Svetlozar Nestorov,
Arnon Rosenthal:
Query Flocks: A Generalization of Association-Rule Mining.
SIGMOD Conference 1998: 1-12 |
215 | EE | Chen Li,
Ramana Yerneni,
Vasilis Vassalos,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Murty Valiveti:
Capability Based Mediation in TSIMMIS.
SIGMOD Conference 1998: 564-566 |
214 | EE | Min Fang,
Narayanan Shivakumar,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Rajeev Motwani,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Computing Iceberg Queries Efficiently.
VLDB 1998: 299-310 |
213 | EE | Craig Silverstein,
Sergey Brin,
Rajeev Motwani,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Scalable Techniques for Mining Causal Structures.
VLDB 1998: 594-605 |
212 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael L. Brodie,
Stefano Ceri,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jim Gray,
Gerald Held,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
H. V. Jagadish,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Asilomar Report on Database Research
CoRR cs.DB/9811013: (1998) |
211 | EE | Richard T. Snodgrass,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Tomasz Imielinski,
David Maier,
Patricia G. Selinger,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Reminiscences on Influential Papers.
SIGMOD Record 27(3): 33-35 (1998) |
210 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael L. Brodie,
Stefano Ceri,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jim Gray,
Gerald Held,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
H. V. Jagadish,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hamid Pirahesh,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Asilomar Report on Database Research.
SIGMOD Record 27(4): 74-80 (1998) |
1997 |
209 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
A First Course in Database Systems.
Prentice-Hall 1997 |
208 | EE | Himanshu Gupta,
Venky Harinarayan,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Index Selection for OLAP.
ICDE 1997: 208-219 |
207 | EE | Svetlozar Nestorov,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Janet L. Wiener,
Sudarshan S. Chawathe:
Representative Objects: Concise Representations of Semistructured, Hierarchial Data.
ICDE 1997: 79-90 |
206 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Information Integration Using Logical Views.
ICDT 1997: 19-40 |
205 | EE | Sergey Brin,
Rajeev Motwani,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Shalom Tsur:
Dynamic Itemset Counting and Implication Rules for Market Basket Data.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 255-264 |
204 | | Hector Garcia-Molina,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Dallan Quass,
Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Vasilis Vassalos,
Jennifer Widom:
The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages.
J. Intell. Inf. Syst. 8(2): 117-132 (1997) |
203 | | Dallan Quass,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom,
Yehoshua Sagiv:
Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information.
Journal of Systems Integration 7(3/4): 381-407 (1997) |
202 | EE | Peter Buneman,
Louiqa Raschid,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Mediator Languages - a Proposal for a Standard.
SIGMOD Record 26(1): 39-44 (1997) |
1996 |
201 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Database Approach to Knowledge Represention.
AAAI/IAAI, Vol. 2 1996: 1346-1348 |
200 | EE | Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
MedMaker: A Mediation System Based on Declarative Specifications.
ICDE 1996: 132-141 |
199 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Efficient Implementation of Data Cubes Via Materialized Views.
KDD 1996: 386-388 |
198 | | Arno Siebes,
Shalom Tsur,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Laurent Vieille,
Carlo Zaniolo:
Deductive Databases: Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions (Panel Discussion).
Logic in Databases 1996: 225-229 |
197 | EE | Alon Y. Levy,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Answering Queries Using Limited External Processors.
PODS 1996: 227-237 |
196 | EE | Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Integrating Information by Outerjoins and Full Disjunctions.
PODS 1996: 238-248 |
195 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The TSIMMIS Database Integration Project.
SEBD 1996: 7-14 |
194 | EE | Venky Harinarayan,
Anand Rajaraman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Implementing Data Cubes Efficiently.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 205-216 |
193 | EE | Dallan Quass,
Jennifer Widom,
Roy Goldman,
Kevin Haas,
Qingshan Luo,
Jason McHugh,
Svetlozar Nestorov,
Anand Rajaraman,
Hugo Rivero,
Serge Abiteboul,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Janet L. Wiener:
LORE: A Lightweight Object REpository for Semistructured Data.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 549 |
192 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Moving Database Theory into Database Practice.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): article 90 (1996) |
191 | EE | Abraham Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Database Research: Achievements and Opportunities Into the 21st Century.
SIGMOD Record 25(1): 52-63 (1996) |
1995 |
190 | | Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Ashish Gupta,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Query Translation Scheme for Rapid Implementation of Wrappers.
DOOD 1995: 161-186 |
189 | | Dallan Quass,
Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information.
DOOD 1995: 319-344 |
188 | EE | Arthur M. Keller,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Version Numbering Scheme with a Useful Lexicographical Order.
ICDE 1995: 240-248 |
187 | | Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dallan Quass,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
The TSIMMIS Approach to Mediation: Data Models and Languages.
NGITS 1995: 0- |
186 | EE | Anand Rajaraman,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Answering Queries Using Templates with Binding Patterns.
PODS 1995: 105-112 |
185 | EE | Joachim Hammer,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Kelly Ireland,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
Information Translation, Mediation, and Mosaic-Based Browsing in the TSIMMIS System.
SIGMOD Conference 1995: 483 |
184 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Role of Theory Today.
ACM Comput. Surv. 27(1): 43-44 (1995) |
183 | | Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A survey of deductive database systems.
J. Log. Program. 23(2): 125-149 (1995) |
182 | EE | Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Argument Reduction by Factoring.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 146(1&2): 269-310 (1995) |
1994 |
181 | | Jennifer Widom,
Ashish Gupta,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Validating Constraints with Partial Information: Research Overview.
DAISD 1994: 375-385 |
180 | | Sudarshan S. Chawathe,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Joachim Hammer,
Kelly Ireland,
Yannis Papakonstantinou,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
The TSIMMIS Project: Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources.
IPSJ 1994: 7-18 |
179 | EE | Ashish Gupta,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
Constraint Checking with Partial Information.
PODS 1994: 45-55 |
178 | | Ashish Gupta,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Jennifer Widom:
Efficient and Complete Tests for Database Integrity Constraint Checking.
PPCP 1994: 173-180 |
1993 |
177 | | Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
Logical Query Optimization by Proff-Tree Transformation.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 47(1): 222-248 (1993) |
1992 |
176 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
New Frontiers in Database System Research.
25th Anniversary of INRIA 1992: 87-101 |
175 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Interface Between Language Theory and Database Theory.
Theoretical Studies in Computer Science 1992: 133-151 |
174 | | Ashish Gupta,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Generalizing Conjunctive Query Containment for View Maintenance and Integrity Constraint Verification (Abstract).
Workshop on Deductive Databases, JICSLP 1992: 195 |
1991 |
173 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Comparison between Deductive and Object-Oriented Database Systems.
DOOD 1991: 263-277 |
172 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
The Input/Output Complexity of Transitive Closure.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 3(2-4): 331-360 (1991) |
171 | EE | Abraham Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities.
Commun. ACM 34(10): 110-120 (1991) |
170 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
High-Probability Parallel Transitive-Closure Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 20(1): 100-125 (1991) |
1990 |
169 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
The Input/Output Complexity of Transitive Closure.
SIGMOD Conference 1990: 44-53 |
168 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
High-Probability Parallel Transitive Closure Algorithms.
SPAA 1990: 200-209 |
167 | EE | Arthur M. Keller,
Peter Rathmann,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gio Wiederhold:
Selected Database Research at Stanford.
SIGMOD Record 19(4): 119-122 (1990) |
166 | EE | Abraham Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities - The "Lagunita" Report of the NSF Invitational Workshop on the Future of Database System Research held in Palo Alto, California, February 22-23, 1990.
SIGMOD Record 19(4): 6-22 (1990) |
165 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Carlo Zaniolo:
Deductive Databases: Achievements and Future Directions.
SIGMOD Record 19(4): 75-82 (1990) |
1989 |
164 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Volume II
Computer Science Press 1989 |
163 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Bottom-Up Beats Top-Down for Datalog.
PODS 1989: 140-149 |
162 | EE | Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
Proof-Tree Transformation Theorems and Their Applications.
PODS 1989: 172-181 |
161 | EE | Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Efficient Evaluation of Right-, Left-, and Mult-Lineare Rules.
SIGMOD Conference 1989: 235-242 |
160 | EE | Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Raghu Ramakrishnan,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Argument Reduction by Factoring.
VLDB 1989: 173-182 |
159 | | Foto N. Afrati,
Christos H. Papadimitriou,
George Papageorgiou,
Athena Roussou,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On the Convergence of Query Evaluation.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 38(2): 341-359 (1989) |
158 | | David Peleg,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
An Optimal Synchronizer for the Hypercube.
SIAM J. Comput. 18(4): 740-747 (1989) |
1988 |
157 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Volume I
Computer Science Press 1988 |
156 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
The Complexity of Ordering Subgoals.
PODS 1988: 74-81 |
155 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Allen Van Gelder:
Parallel Complexity of Logical Query Programs.
Algorithmica 3: 5-42 (1988) |
154 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Allen Van Gelder:
Efficient tests for top-down termination of logical rules.
J. ACM 35(2): 345-373 (1988) |
1987 |
153 | | David Peleg,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
An Optimal Synchronizer for the Hypercube.
PODC 1987: 77-85 |
152 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Database Theory: Past and Future.
PODS 1987: 1-10 |
151 | | Anna R. Karlin,
Howard Trickey,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Algorithms for the Compilation of Regular Expressions into PLAs.
Algorithmica 2: 283-314 (1987) |
150 | EE | Katherine A. Morris,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Yatin P. Saraiya,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Allen Van Gelder:
YAWN! (Yet Another Window on NAIL!).
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 10(4): 28-43 (1987) |
149 | | Christos H. Papadimitriou,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Communication-Time Tradeoff.
SIAM J. Comput. 16(4): 639-646 (1987) |
1986 |
148 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Ravi Sethi,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Compilers: Princiles, Techniques, and Tools.
Addison-Wesley 1986 |
147 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Allen Van Gelder:
Parallel Complexity of Logical Query Programs
FOCS 1986: 438-454 |
146 | | Katherine A. Morris,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Allen Van Gelder:
Design Overview of the NAIL! System.
ICLP 1986: 554-568 |
145 | EE | François Bancilhon,
David Maier,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Magic Sets and Other Strange Ways to Implement Logic Programs.
PODS 1986: 1-15 |
144 | EE | Foto N. Afrati,
Christos H. Papadimitriou,
George Papageorgiou,
Athena Roussou,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Convergence of Sideways Query Evaluation.
PODS 1986: 24-30 |
143 | | Ronald Fagin,
Gabriel M. Kuper,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
Updating Logical Databases.
Advances in Computing Research 3: 1-18 (1986) |
1985 |
142 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Logic and Database Systems.
On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada) 1985: 121-123 |
141 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
An Approach To Processing Queries In A Logic-Based Query Language.
On Knowledge Base Management Systems (Islamorada) 1985: 147-164 |
140 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Implementation of Logical Query Languages for Databases (Abstract).
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 444 |
139 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Implementation of Logical Query Languages for Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 10(3): 289-321 (1985) |
1984 |
138 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Some Thoughts About Supercomputer Organization.
COMPCON 1984: 424-432 |
137 | | Christos H. Papadimitriou,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Communication-Time Tradeoff
FOCS 1984: 84-88 |
136 | EE | Gabriel M. Kuper,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
On the Equivalence of Logical Databases.
PODS 1984: 221-228 |
135 | EE | Arthur M. Keller,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On Complementary and Independent Mappings on Databases.
SIGMOD Conference 1984: 143-148 |
134 | | Danny Dolev,
David Maier,
Harry G. Mairson,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Correcting Faults in Write-Once Memory
STOC 1984: 225-229 |
133 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
On the Foundations of the Universal Relation Model.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(2): 283-308 (1984) |
132 | EE | Henry F. Korth,
Gabriel M. Kuper,
Joan Feigenbaum,
Allen Van Gelder,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
System/U: A Database System Based on the Universal Relation Assumption.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 9(3): 331-347 (1984) |
131 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Flux, Sorting, and Supercomputer Organization for AI Applications.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 1(2): 131-151 (1984) |
130 | | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Connections in Acyclic Hypergraphs.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 32: 185-199 (1984) |
1983 |
129 | | Alfred V. Aho,
John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Data Structures and Algorithms.
Addison-Wesley 1983 |
128 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Universal Relation Interfaces for Database Systems.
IFIP Congress 1983: 243-252 |
127 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
The Revenge of the JD.
PODS 1983: 279-287 |
126 | EE | Ronald Fagin,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Moshe Y. Vardi:
On the Semantics of Updates in Databases.
PODS 1983: 352-365 |
125 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Fragments of Relations.
SIGMOD Conference 1983: 15-22 |
124 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
On Notions of Information Transfer in VLSI Circuits
STOC 1983: 133-139 |
123 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Maximal Objects and the Semantics of Universal Relation Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 8(1): 1-14 (1983) |
122 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Corrigendum: The Theory of Joins in Relational Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 8(2): 287 (1983) |
121 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On Kent's "Consequences of Assuming a Universal Relation".
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 8(4): 637-643 (1983) |
120 | | Ronald Fagin,
David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Tools for Template Dependencies.
SIAM J. Comput. 12(1): 36-59 (1983) |
1982 |
119 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Database Systems, 2nd Edition
Computer Science Press 1982 |
118 | | Howard Trickey,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Regular Expression Compiler.
COMPCON 1982: 345-348 |
117 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The U. R. Strikes Back.
PODS 1982: 10-22 |
116 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Connections in Acyclic Hypergraphs.
PODS 1982: 34-39 |
115 | EE | Ronald Fagin,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Simplified Universal Relation Assumption and Its Properties.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 7(3): 343-360 (1982) |
114 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Query Processing in Universal Relation Systems.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 5(3): 6-10 (1982) |
113 | EE | Fereidoon Sadri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Template Dependencies: A Large Class of Dependencies in Relational Databases and Its Complete Axiomatization.
J. ACM 29(2): 363-372 (1982) |
112 | EE | Robert W. Floyd,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Compilation of Regular Expressions into Integrated Circuits.
J. ACM 29(3): 603-622 (1982) |
111 | | Fereidoon Sadri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Theory of Functional and Template Dependencies.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 17: 317-331 (1982) |
1981 |
110 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A View of Directions in Relational Database Theory.
ICALP 1981: 165-176 |
109 | | Danny Dolev,
Kevin Karplus,
Alan Siegel,
Alex Strong,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Optimal Wiring between Rectangles
STOC 1981: 312-317 |
108 | | Catriel Beeri,
Ronald Fagin,
David Maier,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Properties of Acyclic Database Schemes
STOC 1981: 355-362 |
107 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Connections in Acyclic Hypergraphs.
XP2 Workshop on Relational Database Theory 1981 |
106 | EE | David Maier,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Fragments of Relations: First Hack.
XP2 Workshop on Relational Database Theory 1981 |
105 | | Catriel Beeri,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Equivalence of Relational Database Schemes.
SIAM J. Comput. 10(2): 352-370 (1981) |
104 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Inferring a Tree from Lowest Common Ancestors with an Application to the Optimization of Relational Expressions.
SIAM J. Comput. 10(3): 405-421 (1981) |
103 | | Sam Toueg,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Deadlock-Free Packet Switching Networks.
SIAM J. Comput. 10(3): 594-611 (1981) |
1980 |
102 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Database Systems, 1st Edition
Computer Science Press 1980 |
101 | | Robert W. Floyd,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Compilation of Regular Expressions into Integrated Circuits (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1980: 260-269 |
100 | EE | Fereidoon Sadri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Interaction between Functional Dependencies and Template Dependencies.
SIGMOD Conference 1980: 45-51 |
99 | | Fereidoon Sadri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Complete Axiomatization for a Large Class of Dependencies in Relational Databases
STOC 1980: 117-122 |
98 | EE | Henry F. Korth,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
System/U: A Database System Based on the Universal Relation Assumption.
XP1 Workshop on Database Theory 1980 |
97 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Universal Instances.
XP1 Workshop on Database Theory 1980 |
96 | EE | Marc A. Kaplan,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Scheme for the Automatic Inference of Variable Types.
J. ACM 27(1): 128-145 (1980) |
95 | | David Maier,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Fereidoon Sadri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Adequacy of Decompositions of Relational Databases.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 21(3): 368-379 (1980) |
1979 |
94 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation.
Addison-Wesley 1979 |
93 | | David Maier,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Fereidoon Sadri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Adequacy of Decompositions of Relational Databases.
Advances in Data Base Theory 1979: 101-114 |
92 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Mihalis Yannakakis:
Modeling Communications Protocols by Automata
FOCS 1979: 267-273 |
91 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Universality of Data Retrieval Languages.
POPL 1979: 110-120 |
90 | | Catriel Beeri,
Alberto O. Mendelzon,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Equivalence of Relational Database Schemes
STOC 1979: 319-329 |
89 | | Sam Toueg,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Deadlock-Free Packet Switching Networks
STOC 1979: 89-98 |
88 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Optimal Partial-Match Retrieval When Fields Are Independently Specified.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(2): 168-179 (1979) |
87 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Catriel Beeri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Theory of Joins in Relational Databases.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(3): 297-314 (1979) |
86 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 4(4): 435-454 (1979) |
85 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Equivalences Among Relational Expressions.
SIAM J. Comput. 8(2): 218-246 (1979) |
1978 |
84 | EE | Bharat K. Bhargava,
Stephen R. Kimbleton,
Barbara Liskov,
Jack Minker,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Crossfertilization Of DBMS Research With Other Disciplines Of Computer Science (Panel Discussion).
ACM Annual Conference (1) 1978: 325 |
83 | | Marc A. Kaplan,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A General Scheme for the Automatic Inference of Variable Types.
POPL 1978: 60-75 |
82 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Yehoshua Sagiv,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions (Abstract).
SIGMOD Conference 1978: 39 |
1977 |
81 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Catriel Beeri,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Theory of Joins in Relational Data Bases (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1977: 107-113 |
80 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Stephen C. Johnson,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Code Generation for Machines with Multiregister Operations.
POPL 1977: 21-28 |
79 | EE | John B. Kam,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Model of Statistical Databases and Their Security.
ACM Trans. Database Syst. 2(1): 1-10 (1977) |
78 | | John B. Kam,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Monotone Data Flow Analysis Frameworks
Acta Inf. 7: 305-317 (1977) |
77 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Operations on Sparse Relations.
Commun. ACM 20(3): 171-176 (1977) |
76 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Stephen C. Johnson,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Code Generation for Expressions with Common Subexpressions.
J. ACM 24(1): 146-160 (1977) |
75 | | Amelia C. Fong,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Finding the Depth of a Flow Graph.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 15(3): 300-309 (1977) |
74 | | Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Evaluating Relational Expressions with Dense and Sparse Arguments.
SIAM J. Comput. 6(1): 109-122 (1977) |
73 | | Matthew M. Geller,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Economy of Description by Parsers, DPDA'S, and PDA'S.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 4(2): 143-153 (1977) |
1976 |
72 | | Amelia C. Fong,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Induction Variables in Very High Level Languages.
POPL 1976: 104-112 |
71 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Stephen C. Johnson,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Code Generation for Expressions with Common Subexpressions.
POPL 1976: 19-31 |
70 | | Amelia C. Fong,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Finding the Depth of a Flow Graph
STOC 1976: 121-125 |
69 | | Michael A. Harrison,
Walter L. Ruzzo,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Protection in Operating Systems.
Commun. ACM 19(8): 461-471 (1976) |
68 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Daniel S. Hirschberg,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Bounds on the Complexity of the Longest Common Subsequence Problem.
J. ACM 23(1): 1-12 (1976) |
67 | EE | John B. Kam,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Global Data Flow Analysis and Iterative Algorithms.
J. ACM 23(1): 158-171 (1976) |
66 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Node Listings for Reducible Flow Graphs.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 13(3): 286-299 (1976) |
65 | | Alfred V. Aho,
John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On Finding Lowest Common Ancestors in Trees.
SIAM J. Comput. 5(1): 115-132 (1976) |
1975 |
64 | | Matthew M. Geller,
Harry B. Hunt III,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Economy of Descriptions by Parsers, DPDA's, and PDA's
FOCS 1975: 122-127 |
63 | | Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Evaluating Relational Expressions with Dense and Sparse Arguments
FOCS 1975: 90-97 |
62 | | Amelia C. Fong,
John B. Kam,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Application of Lattice Algebra to Loop Optimization.
POPL 1975: 1-9 |
61 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On the Complexity of LR(k) Testing.
POPL 1975: 130-136 |
60 | | Michael A. Harrison,
Walter L. Ruzzo,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On Protection in Operating System.
SOSP 1975: 14-24 |
59 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Node Listings for Reducible Flow Graphs
STOC 1975: 177-185 |
58 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On the Complexity of LR(k) Testing.
Commun. ACM 18(12): 707-716 (1975) |
57 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Stephen C. Johnson,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Deterministic Parsing of Ambiguous Grammars.
Commun. ACM 18(8): 441-452 (1975) |
56 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
NP-Complete Scheduling Problems.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 10(3): 384-393 (1975) |
55 | | Matthew S. Hecht,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Simple Algorithm for Global Data Flow Analysis Problems.
SIAM J. Comput. 4(4): 519-532 (1975) |
54 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Kenneth Steiglitz,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Evaluating Polynomials at Fixed Sets of Points.
SIAM J. Comput. 4(4): 533-539 (1975) |
1974 |
53 | | Alfred V. Aho,
John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms.
Addison-Wesley 1974 |
52 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Daniel S. Hirschberg,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Bounds on the Complexity of the Longest Common Subsequence Problem (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1974: 104-109 |
51 | | Harry B. Hunt III,
Thomas G. Szymanski,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Operations on Sparse Relations and Efficient Algorithms for Grammar Problems (Extended Abstract)
FOCS 1974: 127-132 |
50 | EE | Matthew S. Hecht,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Characterizations of Reducible Flow Graphs.
J. ACM 21(3): 367-375 (1974) |
49 | | David S. Johnson,
Alan J. Demers,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
M. R. Garey,
Ronald L. Graham:
Worst-Case Performance Bounds for Simple One-Dimensional Packing Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 3(4): 299-325 (1974) |
1973 |
48 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Steven C. Johnson,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Deterministic Parsing of Ambiguous Grammars.
POPL 1973: 1-21 |
47 | | Matthew S. Hecht,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Analysis of a Simple Algorithm for Global Flow Problems.
POPL 1973: 207-217 |
46 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Polynomial Complete Scheduling Problems.
SOSP 1973: 96-101 |
45 | | Alfred V. Aho,
John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
On Finding Lowest Common Ancestors in Trees
STOC 1973: 253-265 |
44 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Fast Algorithms for the Elimination of Common Subexpressions
Acta Inf. 2: 191-213 (1973) |
43 | | Alexander Birman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Parsing Algorithms with Backtrack
Information and Control 23(1): 1-34 (1973) |
42 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Error Detection in Precedence Parsers.
Mathematical Systems Theory 7(2): 97-113 (1973) |
41 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Technique for Speeding up LR(k) Parsers.
SIAM J. Comput. 2(2): 106-127 (1973) |
40 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Set Merging Algorithms.
SIAM J. Comput. 2(4): 294-303 (1973) |
1972 |
39 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Fast Algorithm for the Elimination of Common Subexpressions
FOCS 1972: 161-176 |
38 | | M. R. Garey,
Ronald L. Graham,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Worst-Case Analysis of Memory Allocation Algorithms
STOC 1972: 143-150 |
37 | | Matthew S. Hecht,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Flow Graph Reducibility
STOC 1972: 238-250 |
36 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Technique for Speeding Up LR(k) Parsers
STOC 1972: 251-263 |
35 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Peter J. Denning,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Weak and Mixed Strategy Precedence Parsing.
J. ACM 19(2): 225-243 (1972) |
34 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Note on the Efficiency of Hashing Functions.
J. ACM 19(3): 569-575 (1972) |
33 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Equivalence of Programs with Structured Variables.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 6(2): 125-137 (1972) |
32 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Optimization of LR(k) Parsers.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 6(6): 573-602 (1972) |
31 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Optimization of Straight Line Programs.
SIAM J. Comput. 1(1): 1-19 (1972) |
30 | | Alfred V. Aho,
M. R. Garey,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Transitive Reduction of a Directed Graph.
SIAM J. Comput. 1(2): 131-137 (1972) |
29 | | Matthew S. Hecht,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Flow Graph Reducibility.
SIAM J. Comput. 1(2): 188-202 (1972) |
1971 |
28 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Care and Feeding of LR(k) Grammars
STOC 1971: 159-170 |
27 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Translations on a Context-Free Grammar
Information and Control 19(5): 439-475 (1971) |
26 | EE | Alfred V. Aho,
Peter J. Denning,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Principles of Optimal Page Replacement.
J. ACM 18(1): 80-93 (1971) |
25 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Characterizations and Extensions of Pushdown Translations.
Mathematical Systems Theory 5(2): 172-192 (1971) |
1970 |
24 | | Alexander Birman,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Parsing Algorithms with Backtrack
FOCS 1970: 153-174 |
23 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Equivalence of Programs with Structured Variables
FOCS 1970: 25-31 |
22 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Transformations on Straight Line Programs-Preliminary Version
STOC 1970: 136-148 |
21 | EE | Ravi Sethi,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Generation of Optimal Code for Arithmetic Expressions.
J. ACM 17(4): 715-728 (1970) |
20 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
John E. Hopcroft:
On the Computational Power of Pushdown Automata.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 4(2): 129-136 (1970) |
19 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Characterization of Two-Way Deterministic Classes of Languages.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 4(6): 523-538 (1970) |
1969 |
18 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A Characterization of Two-Way Deterministic Classes of Languages
FOCS 1969: 231-239 |
17 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Translations on a Context Free Grammar
STOC 1969: 93-112 |
16 | EE | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Some Results on Tape-Bounded Turing Machines.
J. ACM 16(1): 168-177 (1969) |
15 | EE | Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Halting Stack Automata.
J. ACM 16(1): 550-563 (1969) |
14 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Syntax Directed Translations and the Pushdown Assembler.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 3(1): 37-56 (1969) |
13 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Properties of Syntax Directed Translations.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 3(3): 319-334 (1969) |
12 | | Alfred V. Aho,
John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
A General Theory of Translation.
Mathematical Systems Theory 3(3): 193-221 (1969) |
1968 |
11 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Automaton Analogs of Syntax Directed Translation Schemata
FOCS 1968: 143-159 |
10 | | Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Peter Weiner:
Universal Two State Machines: Characterization Theorems and Decomposition Schemes
FOCS 1968: 413-426 |
9 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Sets Accepted by One-Way Stack Automata Are Context Sensitive
Information and Control 13(2): 114-133 (1968) |
8 | | Alfred V. Aho,
John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Time and Tape Complexity of Pushdown Automaton Languages
Information and Control 13(3): 186-206 (1968) |
7 | EE | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Decidable and Undecidable Questions About Automata.
J. ACM 15(2): 317-324 (1968) |
6 | EE | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Relations Between Time and Tape Complexities.
J. ACM 15(3): 414-427 (1968) |
5 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Deterministic Stack Automata and the Quotient Operator.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2(1): 1-12 (1968) |
4 | | Alfred V. Aho,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
The Theory of Languages.
Mathematical Systems Theory 2(2): 97-125 (1968) |
1967 |
3 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
An Approach to a Unified Theory of Automata
FOCS 1967: 140-147 |
2 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Two Results on One-Way Stack Automata
FOCS 1967: 37-44 |
1 | | John E. Hopcroft,
Jeffrey D. Ullman:
Nonerasing Stack Automata.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 1(2): 166-186 (1967) |