
Elliott I. Organick

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7 Tony M. Carter, Alan L. Davis, Alan B. Hayes, Gary Lindstrom, Dan Klass, Mike P. Maloney, Brent E. Nelson, Elliott I. Organick, Kent F. Smith: Transforming an Ada Program Unit to Silicon and Testing It in an Ada Environment. COMPCON 1984: 448-455
6 Elliott I. Organick, Tony M. Carter, Mike P. Maloney, Alan L. Davis, Alan B. Hayes, Dan Klass, Gary Lindstrom, Brent E. Nelson, Kent F. Smith: Transforming an Ada Program Unit to Silicon and Verifying Its Behavior in an Ada Environment: A first Experiment. IEEE Software 1(1): 31-49 (1984)
5 Elliott I. Organick, Gary Lindstrom: Mapping High-Order Language Program Units into VLSI Structures. COMPCON 1982: 15-18
4EEM. Castan, Elliott I. Organick: µ3L: An HLL-RISC processor for parallel execution of FP-language programs. ISCA 1982: 239-247
3 Elliott I. Organick, Joseph Wilson Thomas: Conputer-Generated Semantics Displays. IFIP Congress 1974: 898-902
2 Richard J. Feiertag, Elliott I. Organick: The MULTICS Input/Output System. SOSP 1971: 35-41
1EEElliott I. Organick: Panel discussion on computer appreciation. Commun. ACM 11(4): 263-268 (1968)

Coauthor Index

1Tony M. Carter [6] [7]
2M. Castan [4]
3Alan L. Davis [6] [7]
4Richard J. Feiertag [2]
5Alan B. Hayes [6] [7]
6Dan Klass [6] [7]
7Gary Lindstrom [5] [6] [7]
8Mike P. Maloney [6] [7]
9Brent E. Nelson [6] [7]
10Kent F. Smith [6] [7]
11Joseph Wilson Thomas [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)