
Robert M. Keller

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33EEThomas Barr, C. Byron, Z. Duron, Robert M. Keller, B. Lickly, Carl Nygaard, K. Roberts, Michael AuYeung, Joseph Betser, J. Coggi, Brooks Davis, Craig A. Lee, D. Stodden, Mark Thomas: Grid-enabling orbital analysis and computationally intensive applications for a growing set of diversified users. NOMS 2008: 615-629
32EEBrian Bentow, Jonathan Dodge, Aaron Homer, Christopher D. Moore, Robert M. Keller, Craig A. Lee, Mark Thomas, Matthew Presley, Jorge Seidel, Robert Davis, Joseph Betser: Grid-enabling a vibroacoustic analysis toolkit. IJHPCN 5(3): 168-178 (2008)
31EEBrian Bentow, Jonathan Dodge, Aaron Homer, Christopher D. Moore, Robert M. Keller, Matthew Presley, Robert Davis, Jorge Seidel, Craig A. Lee, Joseph Betser: System Management for Grid-Enabling a Vibroacoustic Analysis Application. NOMS 2006
30EEBrian Bentow, Jonathan Dodge, Aaron Homer, Christopher D. Moore, Robert M. Keller, Matthew Presley, Robert Davis, Jorge Seidel, Craig A. Lee, Joseph Betser: Grid-enabling a vibroacoustic analysis application. GRID 2005: 33-39
29EEElizabeth Sweedyk, Robert M. Keller: Fun and games: a new software engineering course. ITiCSE 2005: 138-142
28 Bharat Jayaraman, Robert M. Keller: Semantics and Implementation of Resource Expressions. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 7(1): 40-63 (1989)
27 Joseph H. Fasel, Robert M. Keller: Graph Reduction, Proceedings of a Workshop, Santa Fé, New Mexico, USA, September 29 - October 1, 1986 Springer 1987
26 Frank C. H. Lin, Robert M. Keller: The Gradient Model Load Balancing Method. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 13(1): 32-38 (1987)
25 Robert M. Keller, Jon W. Slater, Kevin T. Likes: Overview of Rediflow II Development. Graph Reduction 1986: 203-214
24 Frank C. H. Lin, Robert M. Keller: Gradient Model: A Demand-Driven Load Balancing Scheme. ICDCS 1986: 329-336
23 Frank C. H. Lin, Robert M. Keller: Distributed Recovery in Applicative Systems. ICPP 1986: 405-412
22EERobert M. Keller, M. Ronan Sleep: Applicative Caching. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 8(1): 88-108 (1986)
21 Robert M. Keller, Prakash Panangaden: Semantics of Digital Networks Containing Indeterminate Modules. Distributed Computing 1(4): 235-245 (1986)
20 Robert M. Keller, Gary Lindstrom: Approaching Distributed Database Implementations through Functional Programming Concepts. ICDCS 1985: 192-200
19 Robert M. Keller, Frank C. H. Lin, Jiro Tanaka: Rediflow Multiprocessing. COMPCON 1984: 410-417
18 Prateek Mishra, Robert M. Keller: Static Inference of Properties of Applicative Programs. POPL 1984: 235-244
17 Robert M. Keller, Prakash Panangaden: Semantics of Networks Containing Indeterminate Operators. Seminar on Concurrency 1984: 479-496
16 Krithi Ramamritham, Robert M. Keller: Specification of Synchronizing Processes. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(6): 722-733 (1983)
15 Bharadwaj Jayaraman, Robert M. Keller: Resource expressions for applicative languages. ICPP 1982: 160-167
14 Paul Hudak, Robert M. Keller: Garbage Collection and Task Deletion in Distributed Applicative Processing Systems. Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming 1982: 168-178
13 Alan L. Davis, Robert M. Keller: Data Flow Program Graphs. IEEE Computer 15(2): 26-41 (1982)
12 Krithi Ramamritham, Robert M. Keller: On synchronization and its specification. CONPAR 1981: 271-282
11 Krithi Ramamritham, Robert M. Keller: Specifying and Proving Properties of Sentinel Processes. ICSE 1981: 374-386
10 Robert M. Keller: Divide and CONCer: Data Structuring in Applicative Multiprocessing Systems. LISP Conference 1980: 196-202
9 Robert M. Keller: Some Theoretical Aspects of Applicative Multiprocessing. MFCS 1980: 58-74
8 Robert M. Keller: Formal Verification of Parallel Programs. Commun. ACM 19(7): 371-384 (1976)
7 Robert M. Keller: Look-Ahead Processors. ACM Comput. Surv. 7(4): 177-195 (1975)
6 Robert M. Keller: A Fundamental Tehoerem of Asynchronous Parallel Computation. Sagamore Computer Conference 1974: 102-112
5 Walter A. Burkhard, Robert M. Keller: Some Approaches to Best-Match File Searching. Commun. ACM 16(4): 230-236 (1973)
4EERobert M. Keller: Parallel Program Schemata and Maximal Parallelism I. Fundamental Results. J. ACM 20(3): 514-537 (1973)
3EERobert M. Keller: Parallel Program Schemata and Maximal Parallelism II: Construction of Closures. J. ACM 20(4): 696-710 (1973)
2 Robert M. Keller: On the Decomposition of Asynchronous Systems FOCS 1972: 78-89
1 Robert M. Keller: On Maximally Parallel Schemata FOCS 1970: 32-50

Coauthor Index

1Michael AuYeung [33]
2Thomas Barr [33]
3Brian Bentow [30] [31] [32]
4Joseph Betser [30] [31] [32] [33]
5Walter A. Burkhard [5]
6C. Byron [33]
7J. Coggi [33]
8Alan L. Davis [13]
9Brooks Davis [33]
10Robert Davis [30] [31] [32]
11Jonathan Dodge [30] [31] [32]
12Z. Duron [33]
13Joseph H. Fasel [27]
14Aaron Homer [30] [31] [32]
15Paul Hudak [14]
16Bharadwaj Jayaraman [15]
17Bharat Jayaraman [28]
18Craig A. Lee [30] [31] [32] [33]
19B. Lickly [33]
20Kevin T. Likes [25]
21Frank C. H. Lin [19] [23] [24] [26]
22Gary Lindstrom [20]
23Prateek Mishra [18]
24Christopher D. Moore [30] [31] [32]
25Carl Nygaard [33]
26Prakash Panangaden [17] [21]
27Matthew Presley [30] [31] [32]
28Krithi Ramamritham [11] [12] [16]
29K. Roberts [33]
30Jorge Seidel [30] [31] [32]
31Jon W. Slater [25]
32M. Ronan Sleep [22]
33D. Stodden [33]
34Elizabeth Sweedyk [29]
35Jiro Tanaka [19]
36Mark Thomas [32] [33]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)