
A. Lawrence Spitz

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16 Horst Bunke, A. Lawrence Spitz: Document Analysis Systems VII, 7th International Workshop, DAS 2006, Nelson, New Zealand, February 13-15, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
15EEDaniel P. Lopresti, A. Lawrence Spitz: Information leakage through document redaction: attacks and countermeasures. DRR 2005: 183-190
14EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Tilting at Windmills: Adventures in Attempting to Reconstruct Don Quixote. Document Analysis Systems 2004: 51-62
13EEA. Lawrence Spitz, Karl Tombre: Special issue-selected papers from the ICDAR'01 conference. IJDAR 5(2-3): 87 (2003)
12EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Correcting for variable skew in document images. IJDAR 6(3): 181-189 (2003)
11EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Correcting for Variable Skew. Document Analysis Systems 2002: 179-187
10EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Progress in Document Reconstruction. ICPR (1) 2002: 464-467
9EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Shape-based word recognition. IJDAR 1(4): 178-190 (1999)
8 A. Lawrence Spitz, Paul Marks: Measuring the Robustness of Character Shape Coding. Document Analysis Systems 1998: 1-12
7EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Analysis of Compressed Document Images for Dominant Skew, Multiple Skew, and Logotype Detection. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 70(3): 321-334 (1998)
6EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Moby Dick meets GEOCR: Lexical Considerations in WordRecognition. ICDAR 1997: 221-226
5EEAlan F. Smeaton, A. Lawrence Spitz: Using Character Shape Coding for Information Retrieval. ICDAR 1997: 974-
4EEA. Lawrence Spitz: Determination of the Script and Language Content of Document Images. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(3): 235-245 (1997)
3EEA. Lawrence Spitz: An OCR based on character shape codes and lexical information. ICDAR 1995: 723-728
2EEPenelope Sibun, A. Lawrence Spitz: Language Determination: Natural Language Processing from Scanned Document Images. ANLP 1994: 15-21
1 A. Lawrence Spitz: Document Scanning in Office Automation. COMPCON 1984: 51-54

Coauthor Index

1Horst Bunke [16]
2Daniel P. Lopresti [15]
3Paul Marks [8]
4Penelope Sibun [2]
5Alan F. Smeaton [5]
6Karl Tombre [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)