
Daniel Geist

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22EEDaniel Geist, Mark Ginzburg, Yoad Lustig, Ishai Rabinovitz, Ohad Shacham, Rachel Tzoref: Supporting SAT based BMC on Finite Path Models. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 144(1): 67-77 (2006)
21EEAnat Dahan, Daniel Geist, Leonid Gluhovsky, Dmitry Pidan, Gil Shapir, Yaron Wolfsthal, Lyes Benalycherif, Romain Kamdem, Younes Lahbib: Combining System Level Modeling with Assertion Based Verification. ISQED 2005: 310-315
20EEBaruch Schieber, Daniel Geist, Ayal Zaks: Computing the minimum DNF representation of Boolean functions defined by intervals. Discrete Applied Mathematics 149(1-3): 154-173 (2005)
19 Daniel Geist, Enrico Tronci: Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods, 12th IFIP WG 10.5 Advanced Research Working Conference, CHARME 2003, L'Aquila, Italy, October 21-24, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
18EEDaniel Geist: The PSL/Sugar Specification Language A Language for all Seasons. CHARME 2003: 3
17EEShoham Ben-David, Cindy Eisner, Daniel Geist, Yaron Wolfsthal: Model Checking at IBM. Formal Methods in System Design 22(2): 101-108 (2003)
16EESharon Barner, Daniel Geist, Anna Gringauze: Symbolic Localization Reduction with Reconstruction Layering and Backtracking. CAV 2002: 65-77
15 Tamir Heyman, Daniel Geist, Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster: A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Reachability Analysis of Very Large Circuits. Formal Methods in System Design 21(3): 317-338 (2002)
14EEJulia Dushina, Mike Benjamin, Daniel Geist: Semi-Formal Test Generation with Genevieve. DAC 2001: 617-622
13EEJulia Dushina, Mike Benjamin, Daniel Geist: Semi-Formal Test Generation for a Block of Industrial DSP. VTS 2001: 131-137
12 Yael Abarbanel-Vinov, Neta Aizenbud-Reshef, Ilan Beer, Cindy Eisner, Daniel Geist, Tamir Heyman, Iris Reuveni, Eran Rippel, Irit Shitsevalov, Yaron Wolfsthal, Tali Yatzkar-Haham: On the Effective Deployment of Functional Formal Verification. Formal Methods in System Design 19(1): 35-44 (2001)
11 Tamir Heyman, Daniel Geist, Orna Grumberg, Assaf Schuster: Achieving Scalability in Parallel Reachability Analysis of Very Large Circuits. CAV 2000: 20-35
10EESagi Katz, Orna Grumberg, Daniel Geist: "Have I written enough Properties?" - A Method of Comparison between Specification and Implementation. CHARME 1999: 280-297
9EEDaniel Geist, Giora Biran, Tamarah Arons, Michael Slavkin, Yvgeny Nustov, Monica Farkas, Karen Holtz, Andy Long, Dave King, Steve Barret: A Methodology for the Verification of a ``System on Chip''. DAC 1999: 574-579
8EEMike Benjamin, Daniel Geist, Alan Hartman, Gérard Mas, Ralph Smeets, Yaron Wolfsthal: A Study in Coverage-Driven Test Generation. DAC 1999: 970-975
7 Ilan Beer, Shoham Ben-David, Cindy Eisner, Daniel Geist, Leonid Gluhovsky, Tamir Heyman, Avner Landver, P. Paanah, Yoav Rodeh, G. Ronin, Yaron Wolfsthal: RuleBase: Model Checking at IBM. CAV 1997: 480-483
6 Daniel Geist, Monica Farkas, Avner Landver, Yossi Lichtenstein, Shmuel Ur, Yaron Wolfsthal: Coverage-Directed Test Generation Using Symbolic Techniques. FMCAD 1996: 143-158
5EEAshok K. Chandra, Vijay S. Iyengar, D. Jameson, R. V. Jawalekar, Indira Nair, Barry K. Rosen, Michael P. Mullen, J. Yoon, R. Armoni, Daniel Geist, Yaron Wolfsthal: AVPGEN-A test generator for architecture verification. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 3(2): 188-200 (1995)
4 Ilan Beer, Shoham Ben-David, Daniel Geist, Raanan Gewirtzman, Michael Yoeli: Methodology and System for Practical Formal Verification of Reactive Hardware. CAV 1994: 182-193
3 Daniel Geist, Ilan Beer: Efficient Model Checking by Automated Ordering of Transition Relation Partitions. CAV 1994: 299-310
2EEDaniel Geist, Ervin Y. Rodin: Adjacency of the 0-1 knapsack problem. Computers & OR 19(8): 797-800 (1992)
1EEDaniel Geist, Michael W. Vannier: PC-based 3-D reconstruction of medical images. Computers & Graphics 13(2): 135-143 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Yael Abarbanel-Vinov [12]
2Neta Aizenbud-Reshef [12]
3R. Armoni [5]
4Tamarah Arons [9]
5Sharon Barner [16]
6Steve Barret [9]
7Ilan Beer [3] [4] [7] [12]
8Shoham Ben-David [4] [7] [17]
9Lyes Benalycherif [21]
10Mike Benjamin [8] [13] [14]
11Giora Biran [9]
12Ashok K. Chandra [5]
13Anat Dahan [21]
14Julia Dushina [13] [14]
15Cindy Eisner [7] [12] [17]
16Monica Farkas [6] [9]
17Raanan Gewirtzman [4]
18Mark Ginzburg [22]
19Leonid Gluhovsky [7] [21]
20Anna Gringauze [16]
21Orna Grumberg [10] [11] [15]
22Alan Hartman [8]
23Tamir Heyman [7] [11] [12] [15]
24Karen Holtz [9]
25Vijay S. Iyengar [5]
26D. Jameson [5]
27R. V. Jawalekar [5]
28Romain Kamdem [21]
29Sagi Katz [10]
30Dave King [9]
31Younes Lahbib [21]
32Avner Landver [6] [7]
33Yossi Lichtenstein [6]
34Andy Long [9]
35Yoad Lustig [22]
36Gérard Mas [8]
37Michael P. Mullen [5]
38Indira Nair [5]
39Yvgeny Nustov [9]
40P. Paanah [7]
41Dmitry Pidan [21]
42Ishai Rabinovitz [22]
43Iris Reuveni [12]
44Eran Rippel [12]
45Yoav Rodeh [7]
46Ervin Y. Rodin [2]
47G. Ronin [7]
48Barry K. Rosen [5]
49Baruch Schieber [20]
50Assaf Schuster [11] [15]
51Ohad Shacham [22]
52Gil Shapir [21]
53Irit Shitsevalov [12]
54Michael Slavkin [9]
55Ralph Smeets [8]
56Enrico Tronci [19]
57Rachel Tzoref [22]
58Shmuel Ur [6]
59Michael W. Vannier [1]
60Yaron Wolfsthal (Yaron Wolfstahl) [5] [6] [7] [8] [12] [17] [21]
61Tali Yatzkar-Haham [12]
62Michael Yoeli [4]
63J. Yoon [5]
64Ayal Zaks [20]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)