
Neill A. Kipp

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6EEMarcos André Gonçalves, Edward A. Fox, Layne T. Watson, Neill A. Kipp: Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s): A formal model for digital libraries. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 22(2): 270-312 (2004)
5EENeill A. Kipp, Sam Hunting: Slashing brambles and sating digital hunger. Extreme Markup Languages® 2003
4EEConstantinos Phanouriou, Neill A. Kipp, Ohm Sornil, Paul Mather, Edward A. Fox: A Sigital Library for Authors: Recent Progress of the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. ACM DL 1999: 20-27
3EEMurat Bayraktar, Change Zhang, Bharadwaj Vadapalli, Neill A. Kipp, Edward A. Fox: A Web Art Gallery. ACM DL 1998: 277-278
2EEEdward A. Fox, John L. Eaton, Gail McMillan, Neill A. Kipp, Paul Mather, Tim McGonigle, William Schweiker, Brian DeVane: Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations: An International Effort Unlocking University Resources. D-Lib Magazine 3(9): (1997)
1 Steven R. Newcomb, Neill A. Kipp, Victoria T. Newcomb: The "HyTime" Hypermedia/Time-based Document Structuring Language. Commun. ACM 34(11): 67-83 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Murat Bayraktar [3]
2Brian DeVane [2]
3John L. Eaton [2]
4Edward A. Fox [2] [3] [4] [6]
5Marcos André Gonçalves [6]
6Sam Hunting [5]
7Paul Mather [2] [4]
8Tim McGonigle [2]
9Gail McMillan [2]
10Steven R. Newcomb [1]
11Victoria T. Newcomb [1]
12Constantinos Phanouriou [4]
13William Schweiker [2]
14Ohm Sornil [4]
15Bharadwaj Vadapalli [3]
16Layne T. Watson [6]
17Change Zhang [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)