
Matthew K. Franklin

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62EEMatthew K. Franklin, Mark Gondree, Payman Mohassel: Communication-Efficient Private Protocols for Longest Common Subsequence. CT-RSA 2009: 265-278
61 Matthew K. Franklin, Lucas Chi Kwong Hui, Duncan S. Wong: Cryptology and Network Security, 7th International Conference, CANS 2008, Hong-Kong, China, December 2-4, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
60EEMatthew K. Franklin, Mark Gondree, Payman Mohassel: Multi-party Indirect Indexing and Applications. ASIACRYPT 2007: 283-297
59EEMatthew K. Franklin, Mark Gondree, Payman Mohassel: Improved Efficiency for Private Stable Matching. CT-RSA 2007: 163-177
58EEAmos Beimel, Matthew K. Franklin: Weakly-Private Secret Sharing Schemes. TCC 2007: 253-272
57EEEike Kiltz, Payman Mohassel, Enav Weinreb, Matthew K. Franklin: Secure Linear Algebra Using Linearly Recurrent Sequences. TCC 2007: 291-310
56EEMatthias Fitzi, Matthew K. Franklin, Juan A. Garay, S. Harsha Vardhan: Towards Optimal and Efficient Perfectly Secure Message Transmission. TCC 2007: 311-322
55EEPayman Mohassel, Matthew K. Franklin: Efficient Polynomial Operations in the Shared-Coefficients Setting. Public Key Cryptography 2006: 44-57
54EEPayman Mohassel, Matthew K. Franklin: Efficiency Tradeoffs for Malicious Two-Party Computation. Public Key Cryptography 2006: 458-473
53EEAmos Beimel, Matthew K. Franklin: Edge Eavesdropping Games. SCN 2006: 1-17
52EEMatthew K. Franklin: A survey of key evolving cryptosystems. IJSN 1(1/2): 46-53 (2006)
51EEMatthew K. Franklin: Mix Networks. Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security 2005
50EEJeffrey Considine, Matthias Fitzi, Matthew K. Franklin, Leonid A. Levin, Ueli M. Maurer, David Metcalf: Byzantine Agreement Given Partial Broadcast. J. Cryptology 18(3): 191-217 (2005)
49 Matthew K. Franklin: Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2004, 24th Annual International CryptologyConference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15-19, 2004, Proceedings Springer 2004
48EEYevgeniy Dodis, Matthew K. Franklin, Jonathan Katz, Atsuko Miyaji, Moti Yung: A Generic Construction for Intrusion-Resilient Public-Key Encryption. CT-RSA 2004: 81-98
47EEMatthew K. Franklin, Moti Yung: Secure Hypergraphs: Privacy from Partial Broadcast. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18(3): 437-450 (2004)
46EEYevgeniy Dodis, Matthew K. Franklin, Jonathan Katz, Atsuko Miyaji, Moti Yung: Intrusion-Resilient Public-Key Encryption. CT-RSA 2003: 19-32
45EEDan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin: Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing. SIAM J. Comput. 32(3): 586-615 (2003)
44EEJessica Staddon, Sara K. Miner, Matthew K. Franklin, Dirk Balfanz, Michael Malkin, Drew Dean: Self-Healing Key Distribution with Revocation. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2002: 241-257
43EEDrew Dean, Matthew K. Franklin, Adam Stubblefield: An algebraic approach to IP traceback. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 5(2): 119-137 (2002)
42EEDan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin: Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing. CRYPTO 2001: 213-229
41EEDan Boneh, Glenn Durfee, Matthew K. Franklin: Lower Bounds for Multicast Message Authentication. EUROCRYPT 2001: 437-452
40EEDrew Dean, Matthew K. Franklin, Adam Stubblefield: An Algebraic Approach to IP Traceback. NDSS 2001
39EETom Berson, Drew Dean, Matthew K. Franklin, Diana K. Smetters, Mike Spreitzer: Cryptology As a Network Service. NDSS 2001
38EEDan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin: Efficient generation of shared RSA keys. J. ACM 48(4): 702-722 (2001)
37EEGlenn Durfee, Matthew K. Franklin: Distribution chain security. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2000: 63-70
36EEMatthew K. Franklin, Tomas Sander: Commital Deniable Proofs and Electronic Campaign Finance. ASIACRYPT 2000: 373-387
35EEMatthew K. Franklin, Zvi Galil, Moti Yung: Eavesdropping games: a graph-theoretic approach to privacy in distributed systems. J. ACM 47(2): 225-243 (2000)
34EEMatthew K. Franklin, Rebecca N. Wright: Secure Communication in Minimal Connectivity Models. J. Cryptology 13(1): 9-30 (2000)
33 Matthew K. Franklin: Financial Cryptography, Third International Conference, FC'99, Anguilla, British West Indies, February 1999, Proceedings Springer 1999
32EEDan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin: Anonymous Authentication with Subset Queries (extended abstract). ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1999: 113-119
31EEBernardo A. Huberman, Matthew K. Franklin, Tad Hogg: Enhancing privacy and trust in electronic communities. ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce 1999: 78-86
30EEDan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin: An Efficient Public Key Traitor Tracing Scheme. CRYPTO 1999: 338-353
29EEMatthew K. Franklin, Juan A. Garay, Moti Yung: Self-Testing/Correcting Protocols (Extended Abstract). DISC 1999: 269-283
28EEHarry Buhrman, Matthew K. Franklin, Juan A. Garay, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, John Tromp, Paul M. B. Vitányi: Mutual Search CoRR cs.DS/9902005: (1999)
27EEHarry Buhrman, Matthew K. Franklin, Juan A. Garay, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, John Tromp, Paul M. B. Vitányi: Mutual Search. J. ACM 46(4): 517-536 (1999)
26EEAmos Beimel, Matthew K. Franklin: Reliable Communication over Partially Authenticated Networks. Theor. Comput. Sci. 220(1): 185-210 (1999)
25EEMatthew K. Franklin, Rebecca N. Wright: Secure Communications in Minimal Connectivity Models. EUROCRYPT 1998: 346-360
24EEMatthew K. Franklin, Gene Tsudik: Secure Group Barter: Multi-party Fair Exchange with Semi-Trusted Neutral Parties. Financial Cryptography 1998: 90-102
23 Harry Buhrman, Matthew K. Franklin, Juan A. Garay, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, John Tromp, Paul M. B. Vitányi: Mutual Search (Extended Abstract). SODA 1998: 481-489
22 Matthew K. Franklin, Dahlia Malkhi: Auditable Metering with Lightweight Security. Journal of Computer Security 6(4): 237-256 (1998)
21EEMatthew K. Franklin, Michael K. Reiter: Fair Exchange with a Semi-Trusted Third Party (extended abstract). ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1997: 1-5
20EEDan Boneh, Matthew K. Franklin: Efficient Generation of Shared RSA Keys (Extended Abstract). CRYPTO 1997: 425-439
19 Matthew K. Franklin, Dahlia Malkhi: Auditable Metering with Lightweight Security. Financial Cryptography 1997: 151-160
18 Amos Beimel, Matthew K. Franklin: Reliable Communication over Partially Authenticated Networks. WDAG 1997: 245-259
17EEMichael K. Reiter, Matthew K. Franklin, John B. Lacy, Rebecca N. Wright: The Omega Key Management Service. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1996: 38-47
16EEDon Coppersmith, Matthew K. Franklin, Jacques Patarin, Michael K. Reiter: Low-Exponent RSA with Related Messages. EUROCRYPT 1996: 1-9
15EERonald Cramer, Matthew K. Franklin, Berry Schoenmakers, Moti Yung: Multi-Autority Secret-Ballot Elections with Linear Work. EUROCRYPT 1996: 72-83
14EEMatthew K. Franklin, Michael K. Reiter: The Design and Implementation of a Secure Auction Service. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(5): 302-312 (1996)
13 Matthew K. Franklin, Stuart Haber: Joint Encryption and Message-Efficient Secure Computation. J. Cryptology 9(4): 217-232 (1996)
12 Michael K. Reiter, Matthew K. Franklin, John B. Lacy, Rebecca N. Wright: The Omega Key Management Service. Journal of Computer Security 4(4): 267-288 (1996)
11EEMatthew K. Franklin, Michael K. Reiter: Verifiable Signature Sharing. EUROCRYPT 1995: 50-63
10EEMatthew K. Franklin, Moti Yung: Secure hypergraphs: privacy from partial broadcast (Extended Abstract). STOC 1995: 36-44
9EEMatthew K. Franklin, Moti Yung: The Blinding of Weak Signatures (Extended Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1994: 67-76
8EEMatthew K. Franklin, Stuart Haber: Joint Encryption and Message-Efficient Secure Computation. CRYPTO 1993: 266-277
7 Matthew K. Franklin, Zvi Galil, Moti Yung: Eavesdropping Games: A Graph-Theoretic Approach to Privacy in Distributed Systems FOCS 1993: 670-679
6 Matthew K. Franklin, Moti Yung: Secure and Efficient Off-Line Digital Money (Extended Abstract). ICALP 1993: 265-276
5 Matthew K. Franklin, Moti Yung: Communication Complexity of Secure Computation (Extended Abstract) STOC 1992: 699-710
4 Armen Gabrielian, Matthew K. Franklin: Multilevel Specification of Real Time Systems. Commun. ACM 34(5): 50-60 (1991)
3 Armen Gabrielian, Matthew K. Franklin: Multi-Level Specification and Verification of Real-Time Software. ICSE 1990: 52-62
2 Matthew K. Franklin, Armen Gabrielian: A Transformational Method for Verifying Safety Properties in Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1989: 112-125
1 Armen Gabrielian, Matthew K. Franklin: State-Based Specification of Complex Real-Time Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1988: 2-11

Coauthor Index

1Dirk Balfanz [44]
2Amos Beimel [18] [26] [53] [58]
3Tom Berson [39]
4Dan Boneh [20] [30] [32] [38] [41] [42] [45]
5Harry Buhrman [23] [27] [28]
6Jeffrey Considine [50]
7Don Coppersmith [16]
8Ronald Cramer [15]
9Drew Dean [39] [40] [43] [44]
10Yevgeniy Dodis [46] [48]
11Glenn Durfee [37] [41]
12Matthias Fitzi [50] [56]
13Armen Gabrielian [1] [2] [3] [4]
14Zvi Galil [7] [35]
15Juan A. Garay [23] [27] [28] [29] [56]
16Mark Gondree [59] [60] [62]
17Stuart Haber [8] [13]
18Jaap-Henk Hoepman [23] [27] [28]
19Tad Hogg [31]
20Bernardo A. Huberman [31]
21Lucas Chi Kwong Hui [61]
22Jonathan Katz [46] [48]
23Eike Kiltz [57]
24John B. Lacy [12] [17]
25Leonid A. Levin [50]
26Dahlia Malkhi (Dalia Malki) [19] [22]
27Michael Malkin [44]
28Ueli M. Maurer [50]
29David Metcalf [50]
30Sara K. Miner [44]
31Atsuko Miyaji [46] [48]
32Payman Mohassel [54] [55] [57] [59] [60] [62]
33Jacques Patarin [16]
34Michael K. Reiter [11] [12] [14] [16] [17] [21]
35Tomas Sander [36]
36Berry Schoenmakers [15]
37Diana K. Smetters [39]
38Mike Spreitzer [39]
39Jessica Staddon [44]
40Adam Stubblefield [40] [43]
41John Tromp [23] [27] [28]
42Gene Tsudik [24]
43S. Harsha Vardhan [56]
44Paul M. B. Vitányi [23] [27] [28]
45Enav Weinreb [57]
46Duncan S. Wong [61]
47Rebecca N. Wright [12] [17] [25] [34]
48Moti Yung (Mordechai M. Yung) [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [15] [29] [35] [46] [47] [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)