
Marc Rettig

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14EEMarc Rettig: Books. Interactions 11(4): 57-59 (2004)
13EEMarc Rettig: Preamble. Interactions 3(3): 5-8 (1996)
12EEMarc Rettig: Reflections on awards criteria. Interactions 3(3): 64 (1996)
11EEMarc Rettig: Gaps. Interactions 2(2): 13-16 (1995)
10 Marc Rettig: Prototyping for Tiny Fingers. Commun. ACM 37(4): 21-27 (1994)
9 Marc Rettig, Gary Simons: A Project Planning and Development Process for Small Taems. Commun. ACM 36(10): 45-55 (1993)
8 Marc Rettig: Cooperative Software. Commun. ACM 36(4): 23-27 (1993)
7 Marc Rettig, Gary Simons, John Thomson: Extended Objects. Commun. ACM 36(8): 19-24 (1993)
6 Marc Rettig: Interface Design When You Don't Know How. Commun. ACM 35(1): 29-34 (1992)
5 Marc Rettig: Hat Racks for Understanding. Commun. ACM 35(10): 21-24 (1992)
4 Marc Rettig: A Succotash of Projections and Insights. Commun. ACM 35(5): 25-30 (1992)
3 Marc Rettig: Testing Made Palatable. Commun. ACM 34(5): 25-29 (1991)
2 Marc Rettig: Nobody Reads Documentation. Commun. ACM 34(7): 19-24 (1991)
1 Marc Rettig: Software Teams. Commun. ACM 33(10): 23-27 (1990)

Coauthor Index

1Gary Simons [7] [9]
2John Thomson [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)