
Jarmo Takala

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45EEJin Li, Moncef Gabbouj, Jarmo Takala, Hexin Chen: Laplacian modeling of DCT coefficients for real-time encoding. ICME 2008: 797-800
44EEIsmo Hänninen, Jarmo Takala: Reliability of n-Bit Nanotechnology Adder. ISVLSI 2008: 34-39
43EEDaniel Iancu, Mayan Moudgill, John Glossner, Jarmo Takala: Efficient Reed-Solomon Iterative Decoder Using Galois Field Instruction Set. SAMOS 2008: 126-135
42EEVladimír Guzma, Pekka Jääskeläinen, Pertti Kellomäki, Jarmo Takala: Impact of Software Bypassing on Instruction Level Parallelism and Register File Traffic. SAMOS 2008: 23-32
41EEIsmo Hänninen, Jarmo Takala: Arithmetic Design on Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Nanotechnology. SAMOS 2008: 43-52
40EEShuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Jarmo Takala, Georgi Gaydadjiev: Introduction to the Special Issue on Embedded Computing Systems for DSP. Signal Processing Systems 50(2): 97-98 (2008)
39EEIsmo Hänninen, Jarmo Takala: Robust Adders Based on Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata. ASAP 2007: 391-396
38EEPekka Jääskeläinen, Vladimír Guzma, Jarmo Takala: Resource Conflict Detection in Simulation of Function Unit Pipelines. SAMOS 2007: 233-240
37EEJarno K. Tanskanen, Teemu Pitkänen, Risto Mäkinen, Jarmo Takala: Parallel Memory Architecture for TTA Processor. SAMOS 2007: 273-282
36EETeemu Pitkänen, Tero Partanen, Jarmo Takala: Low-Power Twiddle Factor Unit for FFT Computation. SAMOS 2007: 65-74
35EEJari Heikkinen, Jarmo Takala: Effects of program compression. Journal of Systems Architecture 53(10): 679-688 (2007)
34EEJarmo Takala, Timo D. Hämäläinen, Andy D. Pimentel, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Editorial. Journal of Systems Architecture 53(8): 465 (2007)
33EETuomas Järvinen, Perttu Salmela, Harri Sorokin, Jarmo Takala: Stride Permutation Networks for Array Processors. VLSI Signal Processing 49(1): 51-71 (2007)
32 Georgi Gaydadjiev, C. John Glossner, Jarmo Takala, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (IC-SAMOS 2006), Samos, Greece, July 17-20, 2006 IEEE 2006
31EETuomas Järvinen, Perttu Salmela, Konsta Punkka, Jarmo Takala: Evaluation of stride permutation networks. ISCAS 2006
30EETeemu Pitkänen, Risto Mäkinen, Jari Heikkinen, Tero Partanen, Jarmo Takala: Low-Power, High-Performance TTA Processor for 1024-Point Fast Fourier Transform. SAMOS 2006: 227-236
29EEPerttu Salmela, Pekka Jääskeläinen, Tuomas Järvinen, Jarmo Takala: Software Pipelining Support for Transport Triggered Architecture Processors. SAMOS 2006: 237-247
28EEJari Heikkinen, Jarmo Takala: Effects of Program Compression. SAMOS 2006: 259-268
27EEDaniel Iancu, Hua Ye, Emanoil Surducan, Murugappan Senthilvelan, John Glossner, Vasile Surducan, Vladimir Kotlyar, Andrei Iancu, Gary Nacer, Jarmo Takala: Software Implementation of WiMAX on the Sandbridge SandBlaster Platform. SAMOS 2006: 435-446
26EEJari Nikara, Jarmo Takala, Jaakko Astola: Discrete cosine and sine transforms - regular algorithms and pipeline architectures. Signal Processing 86(2): 230-249 (2006)
25EEJarmo Takala, Konsta Punkka: Scalable FFT Processors and Pipelined Butterfly Units. VLSI Signal Processing 43(2-3): 113-123 (2006)
24 Timo D. Hämäläinen, Andy D. Pimentel, Jarmo Takala, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation 5th International Workshop, SAMOS 2005, Samos, Greece, July 18-20, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
23EEAdrian Burian, Perttu Salmela, Jarmo Takala: Complex Fixed-Point Matrix Inversion Using Transport Triggered Architecture. ASAP 2005: 107-112
22EEPerttu Salmela, Tuomas Järvinen, Teemu Sipilä, Jarmo Takala: 256-State Rate 1/2 Viterbi Decoder on TTA Processor. ASAP 2005: 370-378
21EEJari Heikkinen, Andrea G. M. Cilio, Jarmo Takala, Henk Corporaal: Dictionary-based program compression on transport triggered architectures. ISCAS (2) 2005: 1122-1125
20EETeemu Pitkänen, Tommi Rantanen, Andrea G. M. Cilio, Jarmo Takala: Hardware Cost Estimation for Application-Specific Processor Design. SAMOS 2005: 212-221
19EETuomas Järvinen, Perttu Salmela, Teemu Sipilä, Jarmo Takala: Systematic approach for path metric access in Viterbi decoders. IEEE Transactions on Communications 53(5): 755-759 (2005)
18EETuomas Järvinen, Perttu Salmela, Harri Sorokin, Jarmo Takala: Stride Permutation Networks for Array Processors. ASAP 2004: 376-386
17 Adrian Burian, Jarmo Takala: VLSI-efficient implementation of full adder-based median filter. ISCAS (2) 2004: 817-820
16EEMikko Ylinen, Adrian Burian, Jarmo Takala: Direct versus iterative methods for fixed-point implementation of matrix inversion. ISCAS (3) 2004: 225-228
15EERiku Uusikartano, Jarmo Takala: A low-power fractional decimator architecture for an IF-sampling dual-mode receiver. ISCAS (3) 2004: 589-592
14EETuomas Järvinen, Jarmo Takala: Register-Based Permutation Networks for Stride Permutations. SAMOS 2004: 108-117
13EEJarmo Takala, Konsta Punkka: Scalable FFT Processors and Pipelined Butterfly Units. SAMOS 2004: 373-382
12EEJari Nikara, Stamatis Vassiliadis, Jarmo Takala, Petri Liuha: Multiple-symbol parallel decoding for variable length codes. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 12(7): 676-685 (2004)
11EEAdrian Burian, Jarmo Takala, Marina Dana Topa: Parallel iterations for recursive median filter. ISCAS (4) 2003: 488-491
10EEJarmo Takala, Tuomas Järvinen, Harri Sorokin: Conflict-free parallel memory access scheme for FFT processors. ISCAS (4) 2003: 524-527
9EEAdrian Burian, Jarmo Takala: A recurrent neural network for 1-D phase retrieval. ISCAS (5) 2003: 729-732
8EEJari Heikkinen, Tommi Rantanen, Andrea G. M. Cilio, Jarmo Takala, Henk Corporaal: Evaluating Template-Based Instruction Compression on Transport Triggered Architectures. IWSOC 2003: 192-195
7 Jussi Nykänen, Harri Klapuri, Jarmo Takala: Mapping Action Systems to Hardware Descriptions. PDPTA 2003: 1407-1412
6 Tuomas Järvinen, Perttu Salmela, Teemu Sipilä, Jarmo Takala: In-Place Storage of Path Metrics in Viterbi Decoders. VLSI-SOC 2003: 295-300
5 Jari Nikara, Stamatis Vassiliadis, Jarmo Takala, Petri Liuha: FPGA-Based Variable Length Decoders. VLSI-SOC 2003: 437-441
4EEJari Nikara, Stamatis Vassiliadis, Jarmo Takala, Mihai Sima, Petri Liuha: Parallel Multiple-Symbol Variable-Length Decoding. ICCD 2002: 126-131
3EEJari Nikara, Jarmo Takala, David Akopian, Jukka Saarinen: Pipeline architecture for DCT/IDCT. ISCAS (4) 2001: 902-905
2EEJarmo Takala, Jouko O. Viitanen: Distance Transform Algorithm for Bit-Serial SIMD Architectures. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 74(2): 150-161 (1999)
1 Jouko O. Viitanen, Jarmo Takala: SIMD Parallel Calculation of Distance Transformations. ICIP (3) 1994: 645-649

Coauthor Index

1David Akopian [3]
2Jaakko Astola [26]
3Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya [40]
4Adrian Burian [9] [11] [16] [17] [23]
5Hexin Chen [45]
6Andrea G. M. Cilio [8] [20] [21]
7Henk Corporaal [8] [21]
8Moncef Gabbouj [45]
9Georgi Gaydadjiev (G. N. Gaydadjiev) [32] [40]
10C. John Glossner (John Glossner) [27] [32] [43]
11Vladimír Guzma [38] [42]
12Timo Hämäläinen (Timo D. Hämäläinen, Timo Sippala) [24] [34]
13Ismo Hänninen [39] [41] [44]
14Jari Heikkinen [8] [21] [28] [30] [35]
15Andrei Iancu [27]
16Daniel Iancu [27] [43]
17Pekka Jääskeläinen [29] [38] [42]
18Tuomas Järvinen [6] [10] [14] [18] [19] [22] [29] [31] [33]
19Pertti Kellomäki [42]
20Harri Klapuri [7]
21Vladimir Kotlyar [27]
22Jin Li [45]
23Petri Liuha [4] [5] [12]
24Risto Mäkinen [30] [37]
25Mayan Moudgill [43]
26Gary Nacer [27]
27Jari Nikara [3] [4] [5] [12] [26]
28Jussi Nykänen [7]
29Tero Partanen [30] [36]
30Andy D. Pimentel [24] [34]
31Teemu Pitkänen [20] [30] [36] [37]
32Konsta Punkka [13] [25] [31]
33Tommi Rantanen [8] [20]
34Jukka Saarinen [3]
35Perttu Salmela [6] [18] [19] [22] [23] [29] [31] [33]
36Murugappan Senthilvelan [27]
37Mihai Sima [4]
38Teemu Sipilä [6] [19] [22]
39Harri Sorokin [10] [18] [33]
40Emanoil Surducan [27]
41Vasile Surducan [27]
42Jarno K. Tanskanen [37]
43Marina Dana Topa [11]
44Riku Uusikartano [15]
45Stamatis Vassiliadis [4] [5] [12] [24] [32] [34]
46Jouko O. Viitanen [1] [2]
47Hua Ye [27]
48Mikko Ylinen [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)