
Mayan Moudgill

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18EEDaniel Iancu, Mayan Moudgill, John Glossner, Jarmo Takala: Efficient Reed-Solomon Iterative Decoder Using Galois Field Instruction Set. SAMOS 2008: 126-135
17EESharad Singhai, MingYung Ko, Sanjay Jinturkar, Mayan Moudgill, John Glossner: An integrated ARM and multi-core DSP simulator. CASES 2007: 33-37
16EEVaidyanathan Ramadurai, Sanjay Jinturkar, Mayan Moudgill, C. John Glossner: Design and Implementation of a Multithreaded High Resolution MPEG4 Decoder on Sandblaster DSP. ESTImedia 2007: 73-76
15EEJohn Glossner, Daniel Iancu, Mayan Moudgill, Michael J. Schulte, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Trends in Low Power Handset Software Defined Radio. SAMOS 2007: 313-321
14EEMichael J. Schulte, John Glossner, Sanjay Jinturkar, Mayan Moudgill, Suman Mamidi, Stamatis Vassiliadis: A Low-Power Multithreaded Processor for Software Defined Radio. VLSI Signal Processing 43(2-3): 143-159 (2006)
13EESuman Mamidi, Emily R. Blem, Michael J. Schulte, C. John Glossner, Daniel Iancu, Andrei Iancu, Mayan Moudgill, Sanjay Jinturkar: Instruction set extensions for software defined radio on a multithreaded processor. CASES 2005: 266-273
12EEC. John Glossner, Mayan Moudgill, Daniel Iancu, Gary Nacer, Sanjay Jinturkar, Stuart Stanley, Michael Samori, Tanuj Raja, Michael J. Schulte, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Future wireless convergence platforms. CODES+ISSS 2005: 7-12
11EEVaidyanathan Ramadurai, Sanjay Jinturkar, Mayan Moudgill, John Glossner: Implementation of H.264 decoder on Sandblaster DSP. ICME 2005: 694-698
10EEC. John Glossner, Sean Dorward, Sanjay Jinturkar, Mayan Moudgill, Erdem Hokenek, Michael J. Schulte, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Sandbridge Software Tools. SAMOS 2005: 269-278
9EEVladimir Kotlyar, Mayan Moudgill: Detecting overflow detection. CODES+ISSS 2004: 36-41
8EEMichael J. Schulte, C. John Glossner, Suman Mamidi, Mayan Moudgill, Stamatis Vassiliadis: A Low-Power Multithreaded Processor for Baseband Communication Systems. SAMOS 2004: 393-402
7EEMayan Moudgill, P. Bose, Jaime H. Moreno: Validation of Turandot, a fast processor model for microarchitecture exploration. IPCCC 1999: 451-457
6EEMayan Moudgill: Techniques for Implementing Fast Processor Simulators. Annual Simulation Symposium 1998: 83-90
5EEJaime H. Moreno, Mayan Moudgill: Scalable Instruction-Level Parallelism Through Tree-Instructions. International Conference on Supercomputing 1997: 1-11
4EEJaime H. Moreno, Mayan Moudgill, Kemal Ebcioglu, Erik R. Altman, C. Brian Hall, Rene Miranda, Shyh-Kwei Chen, Arkady Polyak: Simulation/evaluation environment for a VLIW processor architecture. IBM Journal of Research and Development 41(3): 287-302 (1997)
3EEMayan Moudgill, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Precise Interrupts. IEEE Micro 16(1): 58-67 (1996)
2EEMayan Moudgill, Keshav Pingali, Stamatis Vassiliadis: Register renaming and dynamic speculation: an alternative approach. MICRO 1993: 202-213
1 Keshav Pingali, Micah Beck, Richard Johnson, Mayan Moudgill, Paul Stodghill: Dependence Flow Graphs: An Algebraic Approach to Program Dependencies. POPL 1991: 67-78

Coauthor Index

1Erik R. Altman [4]
2Micah Beck [1]
3Emily R. Blem [13]
4P. Bose [7]
5Shyh-Kwei Chen [4]
6Sean Dorward [10]
7Kemal Ebcioglu [4]
8C. John Glossner (John Glossner) [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
9C. Brian Hall [4]
10Erdem Hokenek [10]
11Andrei Iancu [13]
12Daniel Iancu [12] [13] [15] [18]
13Sanjay Jinturkar [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [17]
14Richard Johnson [1]
15MingYung Ko [17]
16Vladimir Kotlyar [9]
17Suman Mamidi [8] [13] [14]
18Rene Miranda [4]
19Jaime H. Moreno [4] [5] [7]
20Gary Nacer [12]
21Keshav Pingali [1] [2]
22Arkady Polyak [4]
23Tanuj Raja [12]
24Vaidyanathan Ramadurai [11] [16]
25Michael Samori [12]
26Michael J. Schulte [8] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15]
27Sharad Singhai [17]
28Stuart Stanley [12]
29Paul Stodghill [1]
30Jarmo Takala [18]
31Stamatis Vassiliadis [2] [3] [8] [10] [12] [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)