
Nirmal R. Saxena

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31EEFrançois-Fabien Ferhani, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey, Phil Nigh: How Many Test Patterns are Useless? VTS 2008: 23-28
30EESubhasish Mitra, Wei-Je Huang, Nirmal R. Saxena, Shu-Yi Yu, Edward J. McCluskey: Reconfigurable Architecture for Autonomous Self-Repair. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(3): 228-240 (2004)
29EESubhasish Mitra, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Efficient Design Diversity Estimation for Combinational Circuits. IEEE Trans. Computers 53(11): 1483-1492 (2004)
28EESubhasish Mitra, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: A Design Diversity Metric and Analysis of Redundant Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(5): 498-510 (2002)
27EESubhasish Mitra, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Techniques for Estimation of Design Diversity for Combinational Logic Circuits. DSN 2001: 25-36
26EEShu-Yi Yu, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: An ACS Robotic Control Algorithm with Fault Tolerant Capabilities. FCCM 2000: 175-184
25EEWei-Je Huang, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: A Reliable LZ Data Compressor on Reconfigurable Coprocessors. FCCM 2000: 249-258
24EESubhasish Mitra, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Fault Escapes in Duplex Systems. VTS 2000: 453-458
23EENirmal R. Saxena, Santiago Fernández-Gomez, Wei-Je Huang, Subhasish Mitra, Shu-Yi Yu, Edward J. McCluskey: Dependable Computing and Online Testing in Adaptive and Configurable Systems. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 17(1): 29-41 (2000)
22 Subhasish Mitra, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: A design diversity metric and reliability analysis for redundant systems. ITC 1999: 662-671
21 Chaohuang Zeng, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Finite state machine synthesis with concurrent error detection. ITC 1999: 672-679
20 Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Parallel Signatur Analysis Design with Bounds on Aliasing. IEEE Trans. Computers 46(4): 425-438 (1997)
19 Irith Pomeranz, Nirmal R. Saxena, Richard Reeve, Paritosh Kulkarni, Yan A. Li: Generation of Test Cases for Hardware Design Verification of a Super-Scalar Fetch Processor. ITC 1996: 904-913
18 Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Counting Two-State Transition-Tour Sequences. IEEE Trans. Computers 45(11): 1337-1342 (1996)
17 Nirmal R. Saxena, Chien Chen, Ravi Swami, Hideki Osone, Shalesh Thusoo, David Lyon, David Chang, Anand Dharmaraj, Niteen Patkar, Yizhi Lu, Ben Chia: Error Detection and Handling in a Superscalar, Speculative Out-of-Order Execution Processor System. FTCS 1995: 464-471
16 Babu Turumella, Aiman Kabakibo, Manjunath Bogadi, Karakunakara Menon, Shaleah Thusoo, Long Nguyen, Nirmal R. Saxena, Michael Chow: Design Verification of a Super-Scalar RISC Processor. FTCS 1995: 472-477
15 David R. Barach, Jaspal Kohli, John Slice, Marc Spaulding, Rajeev Bharadhwaj, Don Hudson, Cliff Neighbors, Nirmal R. Saxena, Rolland Crunk: HALSIM - A Very Fast SPARC-V9 Behavioral Model. MASCOTS 1995: 249-252
14 Nirmal R. Saxena, David Chih-Wei Chang, Kevin Dawallu, Jaspal Kohli, Pat Helland: Fault-Tolerant Features in the HaL Memory Management Unit. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(2): 170-180 (1995)
13 Daniel Boley, Gene H. Golub, Samy Makar, Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Floating Point Fault Tolerance with Backward Error Assertions. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(2): 302-311 (1995)
12EENirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Linear Complexity Assertions for Sorting. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(6): 424-431 (1994)
11 Nirmal R. Saxena, Ravi Tangirala, Ajay Srivastava: Algorithmic Synthesis of High Level Tests for Data Path Designs. FTCS 1993: 360-369
10 David Chih-Wei Chang, Nirmal R. Saxena: Concurrent Error Detection/Correction in the HAL MMU Chip. FTCS 1993: 630-635
9 Nirmal R. Saxena, Piero Franco, Edward J. McCluskey: Simple Bounds on Serial Signature Analysis Aliasing for Random Testing. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(5): 638-645 (1992)
8 Nirmal R. Saxena, Piero Franco, Edward J. McCluskey: Bounds on Signature Analysis Aliasing for Random Testing. FTCS 1991: 104-113
7 Nirmal R. Saxena, Piero Franco, Edward J. McCluskey: Refined Bounds on Signature Analysis Aliasing for Random Testing. ITC 1991: 818-827
6 Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Control-Flow Checking Using Watchdog Assists and Extended-Precision Checksums. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(4): 554-559 (1990)
5 Nirmal R. Saxena, Edward J. McCluskey: Analysis of Checksums, Extended-Precision Checksums, and Cyclic Redundancy Checks. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(7): 969-975 (1990)
4EEJohn P. Robinson, Nirmal R. Saxena: Simultaneous signature and syndrome compression. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(5): 584-589 (1988)
3 Nirmal R. Saxena, John P. Robinson: Syndrome and transition count are uncorrelated. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(1): 64-69 (1988)
2 John P. Robinson, Nirmal R. Saxena: A Unified View of Test Compression Methods. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(1): 94-99 (1987)
1 Nirmal R. Saxena, John P. Robinson: Accumulator Compression Testing. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(4): 317-321 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1David R. Barach [15]
2Rajeev Bharadhwaj [15]
3Manjunath Bogadi [16]
4Daniel Boley [13]
5David Chang [17]
6David Chih-Wei Chang [10] [14]
7Chien Chen [17]
8Ben Chia [17]
9Michael Chow [16]
10Rolland Crunk [15]
11Kevin Dawallu [14]
12Anand Dharmaraj [17]
13François-Fabien Ferhani [31]
14Santiago Fernández-Gomez [23]
15Piero Franco [7] [8] [9]
16Gene H. Golub [13]
17Pat Helland [14]
18Wei-Je Huang [23] [25] [30]
19Don Hudson [15]
20Aiman Kabakibo [16]
21Jaspal Kohli [14] [15]
22Paritosh Kulkarni [19]
23Yan A. Li [19]
24Yizhi Lu [17]
25David Lyon [17]
26Samy Makar [13]
27Edward J. McCluskey [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [12] [13] [18] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]
28Karakunakara Menon [16]
29Subhasish Mitra [22] [23] [24] [27] [28] [29] [30]
30Cliff Neighbors [15]
31Long Nguyen [16]
32Phil Nigh [31]
33Hideki Osone [17]
34Niteen Patkar [17]
35Irith Pomeranz [19]
36Richard Reeve [19]
37John P. Robinson [1] [2] [3] [4]
38John Slice [15]
39Marc Spaulding [15]
40Ajay Srivastava [11]
41Ravi Swami [17]
42Ravi Tangirala [11]
43Shaleah Thusoo [16]
44Shalesh Thusoo [17]
45Babu Turumella [16]
46Shu-Yi Yu [23] [26] [30]
47Chaohuang Zeng [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)