
John P. Robinson

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32EEJesse D. Walters, Thomas L. Casavant, John P. Robinson, Thomas B. Bair, Terry A. Braun, Todd E. Scheetz: XenoCluster: A Grid Computing Approach to Finding Ancient Evolutionary Genetic Anomalies. PaCT 2005: 355-366
31 Todd E. Scheetz, Nishank Trivedi, Chad A. Roberts, Tamara Kucaba, Brian Berger, Natalie L. Robinson, Clayton L. Birkett, Allen J. Gavin, Brian O'Leary, Terry A. Braun, Maria F. Bonaldo, John P. Robinson, Val C. Sheffield, Marcelo Bento Soares, Thomas L. Casavant: ESTprep: Preprocessing CDNA Sequence Reads. Bioinformatics 19(11): 1318-1324 (2003)
30 Allen J. Gavin, Todd E. Scheetz, Chad A. Roberts, Brian O'Leary, Terry A. Braun, Val C. Sheffield, Marcelo Bento Soares, John P. Robinson, Thomas L. Casavant: Pooled library tissue tags for EST-based gene discovery. Bioinformatics 18(9): 1162-1166 (2002)
29 John P. Robinson: Genetic search for Golomb arrays. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46(3): 1170-1173 (2000)
28 John P. Robinson: Golomb rectangles as folded rulers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(1): 290-293 (1997)
27EEGeetani Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: Authors' reply to comments on "Aliasing Properties of Circular MISRs". J. Electronic Testing 6(1): 141-142 (1995)
26 Geetani Edirisooriya, Samantha Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: On the Performance of Augmented Signature Testing. ISCAS 1993: 1607-1610
25EEGeetani Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: Test generation to minimize error masking. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 12(4): 540-549 (1993)
24EEGeetani Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: Aliasing properties of circular MISRs. J. Electronic Testing 4(2): 151-158 (1993)
23 Geetani Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: Aliasing in Multiple-Valued Test Data Compaction. ISMVL 1992: 43-50
22EEJohn P. Robinson: Aliasing probability transients. J. Electronic Testing 3(1): 9-16 (1992)
21 Geetani Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: Aliasing Probability in Multiple Input Linear Signature Automata for Q-ary Symmetric Errors. ICCD 1991: 352-355
20 John P. Robinson: Aliasing Probabilities for Feedback Signature Compression of Test Data. IEEE Trans. Computers 40(7): 867-873 (1991)
19EEGeetani Edirisooriya, John P. Robinson: Cyclic code weight spectra and BIST aliasing. J. Electronic Testing 2(2): 153-163 (1991)
18 Cheng Hsien Tung, John P. Robinson: A Fast Algorithm for Optimum Syndrome Space Compression. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(2): 228-232 (1988)
17EEJohn P. Robinson, Nirmal R. Saxena: Simultaneous signature and syndrome compression. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(5): 584-589 (1988)
16 Nirmal R. Saxena, John P. Robinson: Syndrome and transition count are uncorrelated. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(1): 64-69 (1988)
15EEJohn P. Robinson: Edges in the poset of partitions of an integer. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 48(2): 236-238 (1988)
14 John P. Robinson, Nirmal R. Saxena: A Unified View of Test Compression Methods. IEEE Trans. Computers 36(1): 94-99 (1987)
13 Cheng Hsien Tung, John P. Robinson: On Concurrently Testable Microprogrammed Control Units. ITC 1986: 895-900
12 Nirmal R. Saxena, John P. Robinson: Accumulator Compression Testing. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(4): 317-321 (1986)
11 John P. Robinson: Golomb rectangles. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(6): 781-787 (1985)
10 J. C. Maxted, John P. Robinson: Error recovery for variable length codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(6): 794-801 (1985)
9 John P. Robinson: Addendum to "Optimum Golomb Rulers". IEEE Trans. Computers 32(2): 201 (1983)
8 John P. Robinson, Chia-Lung Yeh: A Method for Modulo-2 Minimization. IEEE Trans. Computers 31(8): 800-801 (1982)
7 John P. Robinson, Martin Cohn: Counting Sequences. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(1): 17-23 (1981)
6 John P. Robinson: Optimum Golomb Rulers. IEEE Trans. Computers 28(12): 943-944 (1979)
5 John P. Robinson, Charles W. Hoffner II: Easily Tested Three-Level Gate Networks for T or More of N Symmetric Functions. IEEE Trans. Computers 24(3): 331-335 (1975)
4 Sudhakar M. Reddy, George I. Davida, John P. Robinson: A Class of High-Rate Double-Error-Correcting Convolutional Codes Information and Control 16(3): 225-230 (1970)
3 Sudhakar M. Reddy, John P. Robinson: A Construction for Convolutional Codes Using Block Codes Information and Control 12(1): 55-70 (1968)
2 Sudhakar M. Reddy, John P. Robinson: A Decoding Algorithm for Some Convolutional Codes Constructed from Block Codes Information and Control 13(5): 492-507 (1968)
1 Alan W. Nordstrom, John P. Robinson: An Optimum Nonlinear Code Information and Control 11(5/6): 613-616 (1967)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas B. Bair [32]
2Brian Berger [31]
3Clayton L. Birkett [31]
4Maria F. Bonaldo [31]
5Terry A. Braun [30] [31] [32]
6Thomas L. Casavant [30] [31] [32]
7Martin Cohn [7]
8George I. Davida [4]
9Geetani Edirisooriya [19] [21] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27]
10Samantha Edirisooriya [26]
11Allen J. Gavin [30] [31]
12Charles W. Hoffner II [5]
13Tamara Kucaba [31]
14J. C. Maxted [10]
15Alan W. Nordstrom [1]
16Brian O'Leary [30] [31]
17Sudhakar M. Reddy [2] [3] [4]
18Chad A. Roberts [30] [31]
19Natalie L. Robinson [31]
20Nirmal R. Saxena [12] [14] [16] [17]
21Todd E. Scheetz [30] [31] [32]
22Val C. Sheffield [30] [31]
23Marcelo Bento Soares [30] [31]
24Nishank Trivedi [31]
25Cheng Hsien Tung [13] [18]
26Jesse D. Walters [32]
27Chia-Lung Yeh [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)