Volume 34,
Number 1,
January 1988
- Noga Alon, E. E. Bergmann, Don Coppersmith, Andrew M. Odlyzko:
Balancing sets of vectors.
128- BibTeX
- Prem Nath, Ranjit Singh:
Some characterizations of the directed divergence using cyclic symmetry.
130- BibTeX
- Renato M. Capocelli, Alfredo De Santis, Indeer Jeet Taneja:
Bounds on the entropy series.
134- BibTeX
- Mario Blaum:
A (16, 9, 6, 5, 4) error-correcting DC free block code.
138- BibTeX
- Thu Nguyen:
Coset correlation of m-sequences.
141- BibTeX
- Naoki Suehiro, Mitsutoshi Hatori:
N-shift cross-orthogonal sequences.
143- BibTeX
- P. Vijay Kumar:
Frequency-hopping code sequence designs having large linear span.
146- BibTeX
- Sho Kikkawa, Masayuki Ishida:
Number of degrees of freedom, correlation times, and equivalent bandwidths of a random process.
151- BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Carmichael, Jean-Claude Massé, Radu Theodorescu:
Representations for multivariate reciprocal Gaussian processes.
155- BibTeX
- L. Montgomery Smith:
Nonstationary noise effects in the Abel inversion.
158- BibTeX
- Tom Høholdt, Helge Elbrønd Jensen:
Determination of the merit factor of Legendre sequences.
161- BibTeX
- Aart Blokhuis, H. J. Tiersma:
Bounds for the size of radar arrays.
164- BibTeX
Volume 34,
Number 2,
March 1988
- Robert G. Gallager:
Finding parity in a simple broadcast network.
176-180 BibTeX
- Imre Csiszár, Prakash Narayan:
The capacity of the arbitrarily varying channel revisited: Positivity, constraints.
181-193 BibTeX
- Nicholas Pippenger:
Reliable computation by formulas in the presence of noise.
194-197 BibTeX
- Zhen Zhang, Toby Berger:
Estimation via compressed information.
198-211 BibTeX
- Mark A. Herro, Daniel J. Costello Jr., Laizhao Hu:
Capacity and cutoff rate calculations for a concatenated coding system.
212-222 BibTeX
- Sergio Benedetto, Marco Ajmone Marsan, Guido Albertengo, Egidio P. Giachin:
Combined coding and modulation: Theory and applications.
223-236 BibTeX
- Gerhard J. M. van Wee:
Improved sphere bounds on the coveting radius of codes.
237-245 BibTeX
- Erdal Arikan:
Sequential decoding for multiple access channels.
246-259 BibTeX
- Bixio Rimoldi:
A decomposition approach to CPM.
260-270 BibTeX
- P. Vijay Kumar:
On the existence of square dot-matrix patterns having a specific three-valued periodic-correlation function.
271-277 BibTeX
- Jacob Ziv:
On classification with empirically observed statistics and universal data compression.
278-286 BibTeX
- Alfred O. Hero III, Stuart C. Schwartz:
Poisson models and mean-squared error for correlator estimators of time delay.
287-303 BibTeX
- Bernard C. Picinbono, Patrick Duvaut:
Optimal linear-quadratic systems for detection and estimation.
304-311 BibTeX
- János Körner, Katalin Marton:
Random access communication and graph entropy.
312- BibTeX
- W. M. C. J. van Overveld:
Fixed-length strategies for the binary multiplying channel.
314- BibTeX
- Kenji Nakagawa, Fumio Kanaya:
A new geometric capacity characterization of a discrete memoryless channel.
318- BibTeX
- Wayne E. Stark, Robert J. McEliece:
On the capacity of channels with block memory.
322- BibTeX
- Muzhong Wang:
Almost asymptotically optimal flag encoding of the integers.
324- BibTeX
- Iiro S. Honkala:
Lower bounds for binary covering codes.
326- BibTeX
- Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar:
On the existence of optimum cyclic burst correcting codes over GF(q).
329- BibTeX
- Ludo M. G. M. Tolhuizen, Wil J. van Gils:
A large automorphism group decreases the number of computations in the construction of an optimal encoder/decoder pair for a linear block code.
333- BibTeX
- Ehud Weinstein, Anthony J. Weiss:
A general class of lower bounds in parameter estimation.
338- BibTeX
- Ehud Weinstein:
Relations between Belini-Tartara, Chazan-Zakai-Ziv, and Wax-Ziv lower bounds.
342- BibTeX
- Samir S. Soliman, Robert A. Scholtz:
Spread ambiguity functions.
343- BibTeX
- S. Fleisher, Hardish Singh, Edward Shwedyk:
A generalized two-threshold detection procedure.
347- BibTeX
- Amir Dembo:
Bounds on the extreme eigenvalues of positive-definite Toeplitz matrices.
352- BibTeX
- Torleiv Kløve:
Bounds on the size of optimal difference triangle sets.
355- BibTeX
- Kei Takikawa:
Correction to 'Fast Progressive Reconstruction of a Transformed Image'.
361- BibTeX
Volume 34,
Number 3,
May 1988
- Lawrence H. Ozarow, Aaron D. Wyner, Jacob Ziv:
Achievable rates for a constrained Gaussian channel.
365-370 BibTeX
- Israel Bar-David, Shlomo Shamai:
On information transfer by envelope-constrained signals over the AWGN channel.
371-379 BibTeX
- Walter Hirt, James L. Massey:
Capacity of the discrete-time Gaussian channel with intersymbol interference.
380-388 BibTeX
- Jonathan J. Ashley:
A linear bound for sliding-block decoder window size.
389-399 BibTeX
- Taejeong Kim, David L. Neuhoff:
Delta codes for line drawings.
400-416 BibTeX
- Boris Fitingof, Zeev Waksman:
Fused trees and some new approaches to source coding.
417-424 BibTeX
- A. Robert Calderbank, Ting-Ann Lee, James E. Mazo:
Baseband trellis codes with a spectral null at zero.
425-434 BibTeX
- Gregory J. Pottie, Desmond P. Taylor:
Sphere-packing upper bounds on the free distance of trellis codes.
435-447 BibTeX
- Tadao Kasami, Toru Fujiwara, Toyoo Takata, Shu Lin:
A cascaded coding scheme for error control and its performance analysis.
448-462 BibTeX
- Wenlong Zhang, Jack K. Wolf:
A class of binary burst error-correcting quasi-cyclic codes.
463-479 BibTeX
- Jiapeng Gao, Luther D. Rudolph, Carlos R. P. Hartmann:
Iteratively maximum likelihood decodable spherical codes and a method for their construction.
480-485 BibTeX
- W. Cary Huffman:
On the [24, 12, 10] quaternary code and binary codes with an automorphism having two cycles.
486-493 BibTeX
- Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar, Robert J. McEliece, Henk C. A. van Tilborg:
Two-dimensional burst identification codes and their use in burst correction.
494-504 BibTeX
- Hamid R. Amirazizi, Martin E. Hellman:
Time-memory-processor trade-offs.
505-512 BibTeX
- Gadiel Seroussi, Nader H. Bshouty:
Vector sets for exhaustive testing of logic circuits.
513-522 BibTeX
- Pierre Baldi:
Neural networks, orientations of the hypercube, and algebraic threshold functions.
523-530 BibTeX
- Ilan Kessler, Moshe Sidi:
Mixing collision resolution algorithms exploiting information of successful messages.
531-536 BibTeX
- Paul G. Flikkema, Lee D. Davisson:
Detection of baseband signals using a delta modulator.
537-543 BibTeX
- Andrew B. Martinez, John B. Thomas:
Detector design using a density fit to non-Gaussian noise.
544-550 BibTeX
- John K. Goutsias, Jerry M. Mendel:
Optimal simultaneous detection and estimation of filtered discrete semi-Markov chains.
551-568 BibTeX
Volume 34,
Number 4,
July 1988
- Ingrid Daubechies:
Time-frequency localization operators: A geometric phase space approach.
605-612 BibTeX
- Helge Elbrønd Jensen, Tom Høholdt, Jørn Justesen:
Double series representation of bounded signals.
613-624 BibTeX
- Sueo Sugimoto, Teruyo Wada:
Spectral expressions of information measures of Gaussian time series and their relation to AIC and CAT.
625-631 BibTeX
- Randall K. Bahr, James A. Bucklew:
Minimax estimation of unknown deterministic signals in colored noise.
632-641 BibTeX
- Abraham Krieger, Elias Masry:
Convergence analysis of adaptive linear estimation for dependent stationary processes.
642-654 BibTeX
- Stamatis Cambanis, Elias Masry:
Performance of discrete-time predictors of continuous-time stationary processes.
655-668 BibTeX
- Gonzalo R. Arce, Neal C. Gallagher Jr.:
Stochastic analysis for the recursive median filter process.
669-679 BibTeX
- Moshe Tarrab, Arie Feuer:
Convergence and performance analysis of the normalized LMS algorithm with uncorrelated Gaussian data.
680-691 BibTeX
- Hong Fan:
Application of Benveniste's convergence results in the study of adaptive IIR filtering algorithms.
692-709 BibTeX
- Ben-Zion Bobrovsky, Moshe Zakai, Ofer Zeitouni:
Error bounds for the nonlinear filtering of signals with small diffusion coefficients.
710-721 BibTeX
- Daniel R. Fuhrmann, Michael I. Miller:
On the existence of positive-definite maximum-likelihood estimates of structured covariance matrices.
722-729 BibTeX
- Fidel Morales-Moreno, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Structure, optimization, and realization of FFSK trellis codes.
730-751 BibTeX
- Robert Michael Tanner:
A transform theory for a class of group-invariant codes.
752-775 BibTeX
- Unjeng Cheng, Gaylord K. Huth:
Bounds of the bit error probability of a linear cyclic code over GF(2l) and its extended code.
776-785 BibTeX
- Robert H. Deng, Mark A. Herro:
DC-free coset codes.
786-792 BibTeX
- G. Robert Redinbo:
Speedier decoding of cyclic codes using chord properties.
793-802 BibTeX
- Ezio Biglieri, Michele Elia:
Multidimensional modulation and coding for band-limited digital channels.
803-809 BibTeX
- Ron M. Roth, Abraham Lempel:
Composition of Reed-Solomon codes and geometric designs.
810-816 BibTeX
- Renato M. Capocelli, Luisa Gargano, Ugo Vaccaro:
On the characterization of statistically synchronizable variable-length codes.
817-825 BibTeX
- Yariv Ephraim, Robert M. Gray:
A unified approach for encoding clean and noisy sources by means of waveform and autoregressive model vector quantization.
826-834 BibTeX
- Hirosuke Yamamoto:
A rate-distortion problem for a communication system with a secondary decoder to be hindered.
835-842 BibTeX
- Robert D. Cameron:
Source encoding using syntactic information source models.
843-850 BibTeX
- Claude A. Christen:
Optimal contention among three senders.
851-857 BibTeX
- Mark A. Herro, Laizhao Hu:
A new look at coding for APD-based direct-detection optical channels.
858-866 BibTeX
Volume 34,
Number 5,
September 1988
- Benny Chor, Ronald L. Rivest:
A knapsack-type public key cryptosystem based on arithmetic in finite fields.
901-909 BibTeX
- Bruce E. Hajek, Galen H. Sasaki:
Link scheduling in polynomial time.
910-917 BibTeX
- Ramesh R. Rao, Anthony Ephremides:
On the stability of interacting queues in a multiple-access system.
918-930 BibTeX
- Lazaros F. Merakos, Chatschik Bisdikian:
Delay analysis of the n -ary stack random-access algorithm.
931-942 BibTeX
- Richard J. Barton, H. Vincent Poor:
Signal detection in fractional Gaussian noise.
943-959 BibTeX
- H. Vincent Poor:
Fine quantization in signal detection and estimation.
960-972 BibTeX
- Lee K. Jones:
A stochastic multisample extension of Morris's robust detector in bounded amplitude noise.
973-978 BibTeX
- Rodney M. Goodman, Padhraic Smyth:
Decision tree design from a communication theory standpoint.
979-994 BibTeX
- Brian L. Hughes, Prakash Narayan:
The capacity of a vector Gaussian arbitrarily varying channel.
995-1003 BibTeX
- Chein-I Chang, Lee D. Davisson:
On calculating the capacity of an infinite-input finite (infinite)-output channel.
1004-1010 BibTeX
- Marc Rouanne, Daniel J. Costello Jr.:
A lower bound on the minimum Euclidean distance of trellis-coded modulation schemes.
1011-1020 BibTeX
- Paul K. M. Ho, Peter J. McLane:
Spectrum, distance, and receiver complexity of encoded continuous phase modulation.
1021-1032 BibTeX
- Yariv Ephraim, Hanoch Lev-Ari, Robert M. Gray:
Asymptotic minimum discrimination information measure for asymptotically weakly stationary processes.
1033-1040 BibTeX
- Ofer Zeitouni:
On the filtering of noise-contaminated signals observed via hard limiters.
1041-1048 BibTeX
- Douglas J. Muder:
Minimal trellises for block codes.
1049- BibTeX
- Martin C. Rost, Khalid Sayood:
The root lattices as low bit rate vector quantizers.
1053- BibTeX
- V. Sidorenko, Rolf Johannesson, Kamil Sh. Zigangirov:
On sequential decoding for the Gilbert channel.
1058- BibTeX
- Mario Blaum, Patrick G. Farrell, Henk C. A. van Tilborg:
Multiple burst-correcting array codes.
1061- BibTeX
- C. Foias, Arthur E. Frazho, Peter J. Sherman:
A geometric approach to the maximum likelihood spectral estimator for sinusoids in noise.
1066- BibTeX
- Peter Elias:
Zero error capacity under list decoding.
1070- BibTeX
- David C. Larson, Jonathan J. Ashley, Thomas D. Howell:
On the minimum length error event of minimum Euclidean weight.
1074- BibTeX
- Jovan Dj. Golic, Miodrag V. Zivkovic:
On the linear complexity of nonuniformly decimated PN-sequences.
1077- BibTeX
- Kjell Jørgen Hole:
New short constraint length rate (n-1)/n punctured convolutional codes for soft-decision Viterbi decoding.
1079- BibTeX
- James A. Bucklew:
A large deviation theory proof of the abstract alphabet source coding theorem.
1081- BibTeX
- Fabrizio Pollara, Robert J. McEliece, Khaled A. S. Abdel-Ghaffar:
Finite-state codes.
1083- BibTeX
- Jehoshua Bruck, Joseph W. Goodman:
A generalized convergence theorem for neural networks.
1089- BibTeX
- Ahmed H. Tewfik, Bernard C. Levy, Alan S. Willsky:
Sampling theorems for two-dimensional isotropic random fields.
1092- BibTeX
- Andrew R. Barron, Thomas M. Cover:
A bound on the financial value of information.
1097- BibTeX
- Peter Vanroose:
Code construction for the noiseless binary switching multiple-access channel.
1100- BibTeX
- Zhen Zhang:
Partial converse for a relay channel.
1106- BibTeX
- Hanan Rosenthal, Jacob Binia:
On the epsilon entropy of mixed random variables.
1110- BibTeX
Volume 34,
Number 6,
November 1988
- Jack Salz:
Introduction to special issue commemorating Stephen O. Rice (1907-1986).
1365-1366 BibTeX
- David Middleton:
Rice and the theory of random noise: Some personal recollections.
1367-1373 BibTeX
- David S. Slepian, Aaron D. Wyner:
S.O. Rice's contributions to Shannon Theory.
1374 BibTeX
- Robert Price:
An orthonormal Laguerre expansion yielding Rice's envelope density function for two sine waves in noise.
1375-1382 BibTeX
- Attilio J. Rainal:
Origin of Rice's formula.
1383-1387 BibTeX
- L. Lorne Campbell, Paul H. Wittke, Glenn D. Swanson:
The distribution of the amplitude and continuous phase of a sinusoid in noise.
1388-1395 BibTeX
- Nelson M. Blachman:
Gaussian noise-I: The shape of large excursions.
1396-1400 BibTeX
- Nelson M. Blachman:
Gaussian noise-II: Distribution of phase change of narrow-band noise plus sinusoid.
1401-1405 BibTeX
- Israel Bar-David, Shlomo Shamai:
On the Rice model of noise in FM receivers.
1406-1419 BibTeX
- James E. Mazo, Henry J. Landau:
On the minimum distance problem for faster-than-Nyquist signaling.
1420-1427 BibTeX
- Paul H. Wittke, Wendy S. Smith, L. Lorne Campbell:
Infinite series of interference variables with Cantor-type distributions.
1428-1436 BibTeX
- Gerard J. Foschini, Giovanni Vannucci:
Characterizing filtered light waves corrupted by phase noise.
1437-1448 BibTeX
- Aaron D. Wyner:
Capacity and error exponent for the direct detection photon channel-Part I.
1449-1461 BibTeX
- Aaron D. Wyner:
Capacity and error-exponent for the direct detection photon channel-Part II.
1462-1471 BibTeX
- Edward Bedrosian:
Amplitude demodulation of filtered AM/PM signals.
1472-1482 BibTeX
- John H. Roberts:
Phase-difference distribution for a narrow-band non-Gaussian noise and related statistics.
1483-1490 BibTeX
- Harry Leib, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
The phase of a vector perturbed by Gaussian' noise and differentially coherent receivers.
1491-1501 BibTeX
- Edgar N. Gilbert:
Retrials and balks.
1502-1508 BibTeX
- Lester E. Dubins, Alon Orlitsky, James A. Reeds, Lawrence A. Shepp:
Self-avoiding random loops.
1509-1516 BibTeX
- T. T. Kadota:
Approximately optimum detection of deterministic signals in Gaussian and compound Poisson noise.
1517-1527 BibTeX
- Harrison E. Rowe:
Radio imaging of moving targets: The one-dimensional case.
1528- BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:26:14 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)