
David Chih-Wei Chang

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4EEDavid Chih-Wei Chang, I-Tao Liao, Jenq Kuen Lee, Wen-Feng Chen, Shau-Yin Tseng, Chein-Wei Jen: PAC DSP Core and Application Processors. ICME 2006: 289-292
3 David Chih-Wei Chang, David Lyon, Charles Chen, Leon Peng, Mehran Massoumi, Matthew Hakimi, Satish Iyengar, Ellen Li, Roque Remedios: Microarchitecture of HaL's Memory Management Unit. COMPCON 1995: 272-279
2 Nirmal R. Saxena, David Chih-Wei Chang, Kevin Dawallu, Jaspal Kohli, Pat Helland: Fault-Tolerant Features in the HaL Memory Management Unit. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(2): 170-180 (1995)
1 David Chih-Wei Chang, Nirmal R. Saxena: Concurrent Error Detection/Correction in the HAL MMU Chip. FTCS 1993: 630-635

Coauthor Index

1Charles Chen [3]
2Wen-Feng Chen [4]
3Kevin Dawallu [2]
4Matthew Hakimi [3]
5Pat Helland [2]
6Satish Iyengar [3]
7Chein-Wei Jen [4]
8Jaspal Kohli [2]
9Jenq Kuen Lee [4]
10Ellen Li [3]
11I-Tao Liao [4]
12David Lyon [3]
13Mehran Massoumi [3]
14Leon Peng [3]
15Roque Remedios [3]
16Nirmal R. Saxena [1] [2]
17Shau-Yin Tseng [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)