
Georg Schneider

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11EEStuart Goose, Georg Schneider, Raj Tanikella, Hans Mollenhauer, Philippe Menard, Yannick Le Floc'h, Philippe Pillan: Toward Improving the Mobile Experience with Proxy Transcoding and Virtual Composite Devices for a Scalable Bluetooth LAN Access Solution. Mobile Data Management 2002: 169-170
10EEStuart Goose, Heiko Wanning, Georg Schneider: Mobile Reality: A PDA-Based Multimodal Framework Synchronizing a Hybrid Tracking Solution with 3D Graphics and Location-Sensitive Speech Interaction. Ubicomp 2002: 33-47
9EEGeorg Schneider, Christian Hoymann, Stuart Goose: Adhoc Personal Ubiquitous Multimedia Services Via Upnp. ICME 2001
8EEThai-Lai Pham, Georg Schneider, Stuart Goose, Arturo Pizano: Composite Device Computing Environment: A Framework for Situated Interaction Using Small Screen Devices. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(1): 25-28 (2001)
7EEThai-Lai Pham, Georg Schneider, Stuart Goose: A situated computing framework for mobile and ubiquitous multimedia access using small screen and composite devices. ACM Multimedia 2000: 323-331
6EEThai-Lai Pham, Georg Schneider, Stuart Goose: Exploiting Location-Based Composite Devices to Support and Facilitate Situated Ubiquitous Computing. HUC 2000: 143-156
5 Ruppert von Teutul, Georg Schneider, Jean Schweitzer: Team Finder: Ein intelligenter Assistent zur zielgerichteten Ressourcenselektion für workflow-integrierte multimediale Audio- / Video-Desktopkonferenzen. ISI 1998: 404-412
4 Patric Hoechst, Georg Schneider, Karsten Merschjan, Jean Schweitzer: Telearbeit auf der Grundlage einer neuen Kommunikations-technologie. ISI 1998: 80-87
3EEMichael Weber, Gerhard Partsch, Siegfried Höck, Georg Schneider, Astrid Scheller-Huoy, Jean Schweitzer: Integrating synchronous multimedia collaboration into workflow management. GROUP 1997: 281-290
2 Georg Schneider: Wissensbasierte Grafikgenerierung: eine Werkbank zum Erzeugen von 3D-Illustrationen. KI 9(5): 42-46 (1995)
1EEThomas Rist, Antonio Krüger, Georg Schneider, Detlev Zimmermann: AWI: A Workbench for Semi-Automated Illustration Design. Advanced Visual Interfaces 1994: 59-68

Coauthor Index

1Yannick Le Floc'h [11]
2Stuart Goose [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
3Siegfried Höck [3]
4Patric Hoechst [4]
5Christian Hoymann [9]
6Antonio Krüger [1]
7Philippe Menard [11]
8Karsten Merschjan [4]
9Hans Mollenhauer [11]
10Gerhard Partsch [3]
11Thai-Lai Pham [6] [7] [8]
12Philippe Pillan [11]
13Arturo Pizano [8]
14Thomas Rist [1]
15Astrid Scheller-Huoy [3]
16Jean Schweitzer [3] [4] [5]
17Raj Tanikella [11]
18Ruppert von Teutul [5]
19Heiko Wanning [10]
20Michael Weber [3]
21Detlev Zimmermann [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)