7. ÖGAI 1991:
Hermann Kaindl (Ed.):
Proc. 7th Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, ÖGAI-91, Wien, 24.-27. September 1991.
Informatik-Fachberichte 287 Springer 1991 BibTeX
editor = {Hermann Kaindl},
title = {Proc. 7th Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {\"O}GAI-91,
Wien, 24.-27. September 1991},
booktitle = {{\"O}GAI},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Informatik-Fachberichte},
volume = {287},
year = {1991},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Wolfgang Wahlster, Elisabeth André, Som Bandyopadhyay, Winfried Graf, Thomas Rist:
Knowledge-Based Generation of Illustrated Documents.
1-15 BibTeX
- Georg Gottlob:
On the Complexity of Clause Condensing.
16-29 BibTeX
- Craig D. B. Boyle, John Schuette:
HESDE: A Hypertext Based Expert-System Debugging Tool.
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- Helmut Horacek:
A Model of Task-Oriented Communication Based on Principles of Rational Action and Interaction.
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- Ernst Buchberger, Elizabeth Garner, Wolfgang Heinz, Johannes Matiasek, Bernhard Pfahringer:
VIE-DU: Dialogue by Unification.
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- Rudi Hunze:
Eine deklarative Beschreibung von Linkstilgungslücken in koordinierten Strukturen des Deutschen.
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- B. Lees:
Applying Artificial Intelligence in Designing for Quality.
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- Bernhard Nagele, Gerhard Widmer, Werner Horn:
Automatische Verfeinerung der Wissensbasis durch maschinelles Lernen in einem medizinischen Expertensystem.
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- Andrea Leufke, Angelika Hecht, Regine Meunier, Ruxandra Scheiterer:
Learning Diagnostic Rules for Power Distribution Systems.
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- Rudolf Freund, Martina Kirchmeyer, Friedrich Tafill:
Modelling Feature Maps by Attributed Parallel Array Grammars.
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- Andreas Zell, Niels Mache, Tilman Sommer, Thomas Korb:
Design of the SNNS Neural Network Simulator.
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- Gernot Salzer:
Deductive Generalization and Meta-Reasoning or How to Formalize Genesis.
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- Uwe Egly:
A Generalized Factorization Rule Based on the Introduction of Skolem Terms.
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- Andrew Ireland:
On Exploiting the Structure of Martin-Löf's Theory of Types.
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- Maria R. Cravo, João P. Martins:
Being Aware of Assumptions.
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- Chung-Hung Tzeng:
A Mathematical Formulation of Dempster-Shafer's Belief Functions.
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- Andrew U. Frank:
Qualitative Spatial Reasoning with Cardinal Directions.
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- Igor Mozetic, Christian Holzbaur:
Model-Based Diagnosis with Constraint Logic Programs.
168-180 BibTeX
The information on this page was contributed by Hendrik Decker
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:31:51 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)