
Oscar Díaz

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76EEGentzane Aldekoa, Salvador Trujillo, Goiuria Sagardui Mendieta, Oscar Díaz: Quantifying Maintainability in Feature Oriented Product Lines. CSMR 2008: 243-247
75EESantiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez, Sandy Pérez, Oscar Díaz: A Model-Driven Development for GWT-Based Rich Internet Applications with OOH4RIA. ICWE 2008: 13-23
74EESandy Pérez, Oscar Díaz, Santiago Meliá, Jaime Gómez: Facing Interaction-Rich RIAs: The Orchestration Model. ICWE 2008: 24-37
73EEOscar Díaz, Cristóbal Arellano, Jon Iturrioz: Layman tuning of websites: facing change resilience. WWW 2008: 1127-1128
72EEJon Iturrioz, Oscar Díaz, Sergio Fernández Anzuola: Toward the Semantic Desktop: The seMouse Approach. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(1): 24-31 (2008)
71EESalvador Trujillo, Maider Azanza, Oscar Díaz: Generative metaprogramming. GPCE 2007: 105-114
70 Maria Ángeles Moraga, Coral Calero, Mario Piattini, Oscar Díaz: PTSM: A portlet selection model. ICEIS (1) 2007: 301-306
69EESalvador Trujillo, Don S. Batory, Oscar Díaz: Feature Oriented Model Driven Development: A Case Study for Portlets. ICSE 2007: 44-53
68EEFelipe I. Anfurrutia, Oscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo: On Refining XML Artifacts. ICWE 2007: 473-478
67EEOscar Díaz, Sandy Pérez, Iñaki Paz: Providing Personalized Mashups Within the Context of Existing Web Applications. WISE 2007: 493-502
66EEOscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo, Sandy Pérez: Turning portlets into services: the consumer profile. WWW 2007: 913-922
65EEMaria Ángeles Moraga, Coral Calero, Mario Piattini, Oscar Díaz: Improving a portlet usability model. Software Quality Journal 15(2): 155-177 (2007)
64EEJon Iturrioz, Sergio Fernández Anzuola, Oscar Díaz: Turning the Mouse into a Semantic Device: The seMouse Experience. ESWC 2006: 457-471
63EESalvador Trujillo, Don S. Batory, Oscar Díaz: Feature refactoring a multi-representation program into a product line. GPCE 2006: 191-200
62EEFernando Bellas, Iñaki Paz, Alberto Pan, Oscar Díaz, Victor Carneiro, Fidel Cacheda: An Automatic Approach to Displaying Web Applications as Portlets. ICDCIT 2006: 264-277
61 Felipe M. Villoria, Oscar Díaz, Sergio Fernández Anzuola: Powering RSS Aggregators with Ontologies - A Case for the RSSOWL Aggregator. ICEIS (4) 2006: 197-200
60 Gentzane Aldekoa, Salvador Trujillo, Goiuria Sagardui Mendieta, Oscar Díaz: Experience Measuring Maintainability in Software Product Lines. JISBD 2006: 173-182
59 Oscar Díaz, Arantza Irastorza, Maider Azanza, Felipe M. Villoria: Modelado de la agregación de portlets por medio de statecharts. JISBD 2006: 453-462
58EEOscar Díaz, Arantza Irastorza, Maider Azanza, Felipe M. Villoria: Modeling Portlet Aggregation Through Statecharts. WISE 2006: 265-276
57EEIñaki Paz, Oscar Díaz, Robert Baumgartner, Sergio Fernández Anzuola: Semantically Integrating Portlets in Portals Through Annotation. WISE 2006: 436-447
56EEFelipe M. Villoria, Sergio Fernández Anzuola, Oscar Díaz: Blogouse: Turning the Mouse into a Copy&Blog Device. WISE 2006: 554-559
55 Felipe I. Anfurrutia, Oscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo: A product-line approach to database reporting. JISBD 2005: 163-170
54EEOscar Díaz, Iñaki Paz: Turning Web Applications into Portlets: Raising the Issues. SAINT 2005: 31-37
53EEOscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo, Felipe I. Anfurrutia: Supporting Production Strategies as Refinements of the Production Process. SPLC 2005: 210-221
52EEMaria Ángeles Moraga, Coral Calero, Iñaki Paz, Oscar Díaz, Mario Piattini: A Reusability Model for Portlets. WISE Workshops 2005: 21-32
51EEOscar Díaz, Jon Iturrioz, Arantza Irastorza: Improving portlet interoperability through deep annotation. WWW 2005: 372-381
50EEOscar Díaz, Juan J. Rodríguez: Portlet syndication: Raising variability concerns. ACM Trans. Internet Techn. 5(4): 627-659 (2005)
49EEOscar Díaz, Felipe I. Anfurrutia: Improving self-interpretation of XML-based business documents by introducing derived elements. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 4(3): 264-282 (2005)
48EEOscar Díaz, Iñaki Paz: InvokingWeb Applications from Portals: Customisation Implications. AH 2004: 75-84
47EEJon Iturrioz, Oscar Díaz, Sergio Fernández Anzuola: Facing Document-Provider Heterogeneity in Knowledge Portals. CAiSE 2004: 384-397
46EESalvador Trujillo, Iñaki Paz, Oscar Díaz: Enhancing Decoupling in Portlet Implementation. ICWE 2004: 587-588
45EEOscar Díaz, Juan J. Rodríguez: Portlets as Web Components: an Introduction. J. UCS 10(4): 454-472 (2004)
44 Jon Iturrioz, Oscar Díaz, Sergio Fernández Anzuola: Coupling the ontology layer with the resource layer: a rule-based approach. JISBD 2003: 157-166
43 Oscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo: Moving Co-Branding To The Web: Service-Level Agreement Implications. PRO-VE 2003: 535-542
42EEOscar Díaz, Salvador Trujillo, Iker Azpeitia: User-Facing Web Service Development: A Case for a Product-Line Approach. TES 2003: 66-77
41 Juan J. Rodríguez, Oscar Díaz, Felipe Ibáñez: Moving Web Services Dependencies at the Front-end. Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context 2002: 221-237
40 Felipe Ibáñez, Oscar Díaz, Juan J. Rodríguez: Extending XML Schema with Derived Elements. Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context 2002: 53-67
39 Sibylle Steinau, Oscar Díaz, Juan J. Rodríguez, Felipe Ibáñez: A Tool for Assessing the Consistency of Websites. ICEIS 2002: 691-698
38 Mick Horgan, Oscar Díaz: Seamless Integration of URL-Addresable Sources: The Websheet Project. ICWI 2002: 325-331
37 Oscar Díaz, Arantza Irastorza, Juan J. Rodríguez, Felipe I. Anfurrutia: An Overview on XML Initiatives to Bring Modularization to Web Application Development. ICWI 2002: 435-443
36 Oscar Díaz: De los Servicios Web a los Servicios Web Interactivos. JISBD 2002: 5
35 Oscar Díaz, Arantza Illarramendi, Mario Piattini: VI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2001), 1-23 de Noviembre de 2001, Almagro (Ciudad Real) JISBD 2001
34 Juan J. Rodríguez, Oscar Díaz: Seamless Integration of Inquiry and Transactional Tasks in Web Applications. DS-9 2001: 105-119
33 Oscar Díaz, Felipe Ibáñez, Jon Iturrioz: A Model-Based Approach to Web-Application Development. DS-9 2001: 295-309
32 Arantza Irastorza, Arturo Jaime, Oscar Díaz: Contenido en la Web: un modelo de reutilización. JISBD 2001: 581-600
31EEOscar Díaz, Mario Piattini, Coral Calero: Measuring Triggering-Interaction Complexity on Active Databases. Inf. Syst. 26(1): 15-34 (2001)
30 Coral Calero, Mario Piattini, Oscar Díaz: Métricas para la calidad de bases de datos activas. JISBD 2000: 371-382
29EEOscar Díaz, Mario Piattini: Metrics for Active Database Maintainability. CAiSE 1999: 472-476
28 Oscar Díaz: ¿Para qué la tesis doctoral? JISBD 1999: 1-6
27 Oscar Díaz, Arturo Jaime: Depuración de disparadores en bases de datos activas. JISBD 1999: 151-162
26 Oscar Díaz: Tool Support. Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 127-145
25 Oscar Díaz: EXACT: An Approach to Coping with Heterogeneous Rule Execution Models. Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 249-261
24 Norman W. Paton, Oscar Díaz: Introduction Active Rules in Database Systems 1999: 3-27
23EENorman W. Paton, Oscar Díaz: Active Database Systems. ACM Comput. Surv. 31(1): 63-103 (1999)
22EEOscar Díaz, Norman W. Paton, Jon Iturrioz: Formalizing and Validating Behavioral Models Through the Event Calculus. Inf. Syst. 23(3-4): 179-196 (1998)
21EEOscar Díaz, Jon Iturrioz, Mario Piattini: Promoting business policies in object-oriented methods. Journal of Systems and Software 41(2): 105-115 (1998)
20 Oscar Díaz, Norman W. Paton: Stimuli and Business Policies as Modelling Constructs: Their Definition and Validation Through the Event Calculus. CAiSE 1997: 33-46
19EEOscar Díaz, Arturo Jaime: EXACT: An Extensible Approach to Active Object-Oriented Databases. VLDB J. 6(4): 282-295 (1997)
18 Norman W. Paton, Khoa Doan, Oscar Díaz, Arturo Jaime: Exploitation of Object-Oriented and Active Constructs in Database Interface Development. IDS 1996: 1
17 Oscar Díaz, Mario Piattini, Jon Iturrioz: Una clasificación de reflas de negocio. JIDBD 1996: 196-203
16EEOscar Díaz: Object-oriented systems: a cross-discipline overview. Information & Software Technology 38(1): 47-57 (1996)
15 Oscar Díaz: Dimensions of Active Database Systems. BDA 1995: 3-
14 Ray Fernández, Oscar Díaz: Reactive Behaviour Support: Themes and Variations. Rules in Database Systems 1995: 69-85
13EEOscar Díaz: The Operational Semantics of User-Defined Relationships in Object Oriented Database Systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 16(3): 223-240 (1995)
12 Oscar Díaz: The Operational Semantics of User-Defined Relationships in Object-Oriented Systems. DAISD 1994: 95-116
11EEOscar Díaz, Norman W. Paton: Extending ODBMSs Using Metaclasses. IEEE Software 11(3): 40-47 (1994)
10EEOscar Díaz, Arturo Jaime, Norman W. Paton, Ghassan al-Qaimari: Supporting Dynamic Displays Using Active Rules. SIGMOD Record 23(1): 21-26 (1994)
9 Oscar Díaz, Arturo Jaime, Norman W. Paton: DEAR: a DEbugger for Active Rules in an object-oriented context. Rules in Database Systems 1993: 180-193
8 Norman W. Paton, Oscar Díaz, M. Howard Williams, Jack Campin, Andrew Dinn, Arturo Jaime: Dimensions of Active Behaviour. Rules in Database Systems 1993: 40-57
7 Norman W. Paton, Oscar Díaz, Maria L. Barja: Combining Active Rules and Metaclasses for Enhanced Extensibility in Object-Oriented Systems. Data Knowl. Eng. 10: 45-63 (1993)
6 Oscar Díaz, Suzanne M. Embury: Generating Active Rules from High-Level Specifications. BNCOD 1992: 227-243
5 Oscar Díaz: Deriving Active Rules for Constraint Maintenance in an Object-Oriented Database. DEXA 1992: 332-337
4 Oscar Díaz, Norman W. Paton: Sharing Behaviour in an Object-Oriented Database using a Rule-Based Mechanism. BNCOD 1991: 17-37
3EEOscar Díaz, Norman W. Paton, Peter M. D. Gray: Rule Management in Object Oriented Databases: A Uniform Approach. VLDB 1991: 317-326
2 Oscar Díaz, Peter M. D. Gray: Semantic-rich User-defined Relationship as a Main Constructor in Object Oriented Database. DS-4 1990: 207-224
1 Norman W. Paton, Oscar Díaz: Metaclasses in Object-Oriented Databases. DS-4 1990: 331-347

Coauthor Index

1Gentzane Aldekoa [60] [76]
2Felipe I. Anfurrutia [37] [49] [53] [55] [68]
3Sergio Fernández Anzuola [44] [47] [56] [57] [61] [64] [72]
4Cristóbal Arellano [73]
5Maider Azanza [58] [59] [71]
6Iker Azpeitia [42]
7Maria L. Barja [7]
8Don S. Batory [63] [69]
9Robert Baumgartner [57]
10Fernando Bellas [62]
11Fidel Cacheda [62]
12Coral Calero (Coral Calero Muñoz) [30] [31] [52] [65] [70]
13Jack Campin [8]
14Victor Carneiro [62]
15Andrew Dinn [8]
16Khoa Doan [18]
17Suzanne M. Embury [6]
18Ray Fernández [14]
19Jaime Gómez [74] [75]
20Peter M. D. Gray [2] [3]
21Mick Horgan [38]
22Felipe Ibáñez [33] [39] [40] [41]
23Arantza Illarramendi [35]
24Arantza Irastorza [32] [37] [51] [58] [59]
25Jon Iturrioz [17] [21] [22] [33] [44] [47] [51] [64] [72] [73]
26Arturo Jaime [8] [9] [10] [18] [19] [27] [32]
27Santiago Meliá (Santiago Meliá Beigbeder) [74] [75]
28Goiuria Sagardui Mendieta [60] [76]
29Maria Ángeles Moraga [52] [65] [70]
30Alberto Pan [62]
31Norman W. Paton [1] [3] [4] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [18] [20] [22] [23] [24]
32Iñaki Paz [46] [48] [52] [54] [57] [62] [67]
33Sandy Pérez [66] [67] [74] [75]
34Mario Piattini [17] [21] [29] [30] [31] [35] [52] [65] [70]
35Juan J. Rodríguez [34] [37] [39] [40] [41] [45] [50]
36Sibylle Steinau [39]
37Salvador Trujillo [42] [43] [46] [53] [55] [60] [63] [66] [68] [69] [71] [76]
38Felipe M. Villoria [56] [58] [59] [61]
39M. Howard Williams [8]
40Ghassan al-Qaimari [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)