
Tony Griffiths

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18EETony Griffiths, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Seung-Hyun Jeong, Nassima Djafri, Keith T. Mason: Spatio-Temporal Databases in Practice: Directly Supporting Previously Developed Land Data Using Tripod. ICDE 2005: 1135-1136
17EETony Griffiths, Norman W. Paton, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Seung-Hyun Jeong, Nassima Djafri: Language Bindings for Spatio-Temporal Database Programming in Tripod. BNCOD 2004: 216-233
16EESeung-Hyun Jeong, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Tony Griffiths: A Generic Algorithmic Framework for Aggregation of Spatio-Temporal Data. SSDBM 2004: 245-254
15EETony Griffiths, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Robert Barr: The Tripod spatio-historical data model. Data Knowl. Eng. 49(1): 23-65 (2004)
14EEPeter J. Barclay, Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, Jessie B. Kennedy, Richard Cooper, Norman W. Paton, Philip D. Gray: Teallach - a flexible user-interface development environment for object database applications. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 14(1): 47-77 (2003)
13EENassima Djafri, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Tony Griffiths: Spatio-temporal evolution: querying patterns of change in databases. ACM-GIS 2002: 35-41
12 Tony Griffiths, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Keith T. Mason, Bo Huang, Michael F. Worboys, Chris Johnson, John G. Stell: Tripod: A Comprehensive System for the Management of Spatial and Aspatial Historical Objects. ACM-GIS 2001: 118-123
11EETony Griffiths, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Norman W. Paton, Keith T. Mason, Bo Huang, Michael F. Worboys: Tripod: A Comprehensive Model for Spatial and Aspatial Historical Objects. ER 2001: 84-102
10EETony Griffiths, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Nassima Djafri, Norman W. Paton: A Query Calculus for Spatio-Temporal Object Databases. TIME 2001: 101-110
9 Tony Griffiths, Peter J. Barclay, Norman W. Paton, Jo McKirdy, Jessie B. Kennedy, Philip D. Gray, Richard Cooper, Carole A. Goble, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases. Interacting with Computers 14(1): 31-68 (2001)
8 Paulo Pinheiro da Silva, Tony Griffiths, Norman W. Paton: Generating User Interface Code in a Model Based User Interface Development Environment. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 155-160
7EENorman W. Paton, Alvaro A. A. Fernandes, Tony Griffiths: Spatio-Temporal Databases: Contentions, Components and Consolidation. DEXA Workshop 2000: 851-855
6 Richard Cooper, Jo McKirdy, Tony Griffiths, Peter J. Barclay, Norman W. Paton, Philip D. Gray, Jessie B. Kennedy, Carole A. Goble: Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces. VDB 2000: 129-
5 Peter J. Barclay, Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, Norman W. Paton, Richard Cooper, Jessie B. Kennedy: The Teallach Tool: Using Models for Flexible User Interface Design. CADUI 1999: 139-158
4 Tony Griffiths, Norman W. Paton, Carole A. Goble, Adrian West: Task Modelling for Database Interface Development. HCI (1) 1999: 1033-1037
3EETony Griffiths, Peter J. Barclay, Jo McKirdy, Norman W. Paton, Philip D. Gray, Jessie B. Kennedy, Richard Cooper, Carole A. Goble, Adrian West, Michael Smyth: Teallach: A Model-Based User Interface Development Environment for Object Databases. UIDIS 1999: 86-96
2 Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, Norman W. Paton, Jessie B. Kennedy, Richard Cooper, Peter J. Barclay, Carole A. Goble, Philip D. Gray, Michael Smyth, Adrian West, Andrew Dinn: An Open-Model-Based Interface Development System: The Teallach Approach. DSV-IS (2) 1998: 34-50
1 Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, G. Forrester, Norman W. Paton, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay, Richard Cooper, Carole A. Goble, Philip D. Gray: Exploiting Model-based Techniques for User Interfaces to Databases. VDB 1998: 21-46

Coauthor Index

1Peter J. Barclay [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9] [14]
2Robert Barr [15]
3Richard Cooper [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9] [14]
4Andrew Dinn [2]
5Nassima Djafri [10] [13] [17] [18]
6Alvaro A. A. Fernandes [7] [10] [11] [12] [13] [15] [16] [17] [18]
7G. Forrester [1]
8Carole A. Goble [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [9]
9Philip D. Gray [1] [2] [3] [6] [9] [14]
10Bo Huang [11] [12]
11Seung-Hyun Jeong [16] [17] [18]
12Chris Johnson [12]
13Jessie B. Kennedy [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9] [14]
14Keith T. Mason [11] [12] [18]
15Jo McKirdy [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [9] [14]
16Norman W. Paton [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
17Paulo Pinheiro da Silva [8] [9]
18Michael Smyth [2] [3]
19John G. Stell [12]
20Adrian West [2] [3] [4]
21Michael F. Worboys [11] [12]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)