
Jessie B. Kennedy

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48EEMartin Graham, Paul Craig, Jessie B. Kennedy: Visualisation to Aid Biodiversity Studies through Accurate Taxonomic Reconciliation. BNCOD 2008: 280-291
47EEChengpu Li, Xiaodong Liu, Jessie B. Kennedy: Semantics-Based Component Repository: Current State of Arts and a Calculation Rating Factor-Based Framework. COMPSAC 2008: 751-756
46EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Multiform Views of Multiple Trees. IV 2008: 252-257
45 Richard Cooper, Jessie B. Kennedy: Data Management. Data, Data Everywhere, 24th British National Conference on Databases, BNCOD 24, Glasgow, UK, July 3-5, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
44EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Exploring Multiple Trees through DAG Representations. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 13(6): 1294-1301 (2007)
43EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy, Laura Downey: Visual comparison and exploration of natural history collections. AVI 2006: 310-313
42EEJessie B. Kennedy, Robert Kukla, Trevor Paterson: Scientific Names Are Ambiguous as Identifiers for Biological Taxa: Their Context and Definition Are Required for Accurate Data Integration. DILS 2005: 80-95
41EEPaul Craig, Jessie B. Kennedy, Andrew Cumming: Animated interval scatter-plot views for the exploratory analysis of large-scale microarray time-course data. Information Visualization 4(3): 149-163 (2005)
40EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Extending taxonomic visualisation to incorporate synonymy and structural markers. Information Visualization 4(3): 206-223 (2005)
39EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Exploring and examining assessment data via a matrix visualisation. AVI 2004: 158-162
38EEAlan Cannon, Jessie B. Kennedy, Trevor Paterson, Mark F. Watson: Ontology-Driven Automated Generation of Data Entry Interfaces to Databases. BNCOD 2004: 150-164
37EETrevor Paterson, Jessie B. Kennedy, Martin R. Pullan, Alan Cannon, Kate Armstrong, Mark F. Watson, Cedric Raguenaud, Sarah M. McDonald, Gordon Russell: A Universal Character Model and Ontology of Defined Terms for Taxonomic Description. DILS 2004: 63-78
36EEPaul Craig, Jessie B. Kennedy: Coordinated Graph and Scatter-Plot Views for the Visual Exploration of Microarray Time-Series Data. INFOVIS 2003
35EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Using Curves to Enhance Parallel Coordinate Visualisations. IV 2003: 10-16
34EEPeter J. Barclay, Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, Jessie B. Kennedy, Richard Cooper, Norman W. Paton, Philip D. Gray: Teallach - a flexible user-interface development environment for object database applications. J. Vis. Lang. Comput. 14(1): 47-77 (2003)
33EEJessie B. Kennedy: Supporting Taxonomic Names in Cell and Molecular Biology Databases. OMICS 7(1): 13-16 (2003)
32EEPaul Craig, Jessie B. Kennedy, Andrew Cumming: Towards Visualising Temporal Features in Large Scale Microarray Time-Series Data. IV 2002: 427-433
31EECedric Raguenaud, Jessie B. Kennedy: Multiple Overlapping Classifications: Issues and Solutions. SSDBM 2002: 77-
30EEMark Roantree, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: Using a Metadata Software Layer in Information Systems Integration. CAiSE 2001: 299-314
29EEMark Roantree, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: Integrating View Schemata Using an Extended Object Definition Language. CoopIS 2001: 150-162
28EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Combining Linking & Focusing Techniques for a Multiple Hierarchy Visualisation. IV 2001: 425-
27 Cedric Raguenaud, Martin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy: Two Approaches to Representing Multiple Overlapping Classifications: a Comparison. SSDBM 2001: 239-244
26 Tony Griffiths, Peter J. Barclay, Norman W. Paton, Jo McKirdy, Jessie B. Kennedy, Philip D. Gray, Richard Cooper, Carole A. Goble, Paulo Pinheiro da Silva: Teallach: a model-based user interface development environment for object databases. Interacting with Computers 14(1): 31-68 (2001)
25 Peter J. Barclay, Jessie B. Kennedy: Teallach's Presentation Model. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 151-154
24 Martin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy, Chris Hand: A Comparision of Set-Based and Graph-Based Visualisations of Overlapping Classification Hierarchies. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 41-50
23 Cedric Raguenaud, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: The Prometheus Taxonomic Database. BIBE 2000: 63-70
22EECedric Raguenaud, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: The Prometheus Database for Taxonomy. SSDBM 2000: 250-252
21 Richard Cooper, Jo McKirdy, Tony Griffiths, Peter J. Barclay, Norman W. Paton, Philip D. Gray, Jessie B. Kennedy, Carole A. Goble: Conceptual Modelling for Database User Interfaces. VDB 2000: 129-
20EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy, David Benyon: Towards a methodology for developing visualizations. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 53(5): 789-807 (2000)
19 Peter J. Barclay, Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, Norman W. Paton, Richard Cooper, Jessie B. Kennedy: The Teallach Tool: Using Models for Flexible User Interface Design. CADUI 1999: 139-158
18EEMartin Graham, Jessie B. Kennedy, Chris Hand: The Challenge of Visualizing Multiple Overlapping Classification Hierarchies. UIDIS 1999: 42-51
17EETony Griffiths, Peter J. Barclay, Jo McKirdy, Norman W. Paton, Philip D. Gray, Jessie B. Kennedy, Richard Cooper, Carole A. Goble, Adrian West, Michael Smyth: Teallach: A Model-Based User Interface Development Environment for Object Databases. UIDIS 1999: 86-96
16 Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, Norman W. Paton, Jessie B. Kennedy, Richard Cooper, Peter J. Barclay, Carole A. Goble, Philip D. Gray, Michael Smyth, Adrian West, Andrew Dinn: An Open-Model-Based Interface Development System: The Teallach Approach. DSV-IS (2) 1998: 34-50
15 Tony Griffiths, Jo McKirdy, G. Forrester, Norman W. Paton, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay, Richard Cooper, Carole A. Goble, Philip D. Gray: Exploiting Model-based Techniques for User Interfaces to Databases. VDB 1998: 21-46
14 Kenneth J. Mitchell, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: Using Active Constructs in User-Interfaces to Object-Oriented Databases. IDEAS 1997: 3-12
13 Philippe Li-Thaio-Té, Jessie B. Kennedy, John Owens: Assessing Inheritance for the Multiple Descendant Redefinition Problem in OO Systems. OOIS 1997: 197-210
12EEBryn R. Marshall, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: bclasses: A construct and method for modelling co-operative object behaviour. Information & Software Technology 39(5): 351-361 (1997)
11 Ronald Morrison, Jessie B. Kennedy: Advances in Databases, 14th British National Conferenc on Databases, BNCOD 14, Edinburgh, UK, July 3-5, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1996
10EEKenneth J. Mitchell, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: A framework for user-interfaces to databases. AVI 1996: 81-90
9 Kenneth J. Mitchell, Jessie B. Kennedy: DRIVE - An Environment for the Organised Construction of User-Interfaces to Databases. IDS 1996: 3
8EEJessie B. Kennedy, Kenneth J. Mitchell, Peter J. Barclay: A Framework for Information Visualisation. SIGMOD Record 25(4): 30-34 (1996)
7 Kenneth J. Mitchell, Jessie B. Kennedy, Peter J. Barclay: Using a Conceptual Data Language to Describe a Database and its Interface. BNCOD 1995: 101-119
6 Peter J. Barclay, Jessie B. Kennedy: A Conceptual Language for Querying Object Oriented Data. BNCOD 1994: 187-204
5 Martin H. Rapley, Jessie B. Kennedy: Three Dimensional Interface for an Object Oriented Database. IDS 1994: 143-167
4 Peter J. Barclay, Jessie B. Kennedy: Viewing Objects. BNCOD 1993: 93-110
3 Peter J. Barclay, Colin M. Fraser, Jessie B. Kennedy: Using a Persistent System to Construct a Customised Interface to an Ecological Database. IDS 1992: 225-243
2EEPeter J. Barclay, Jessie B. Kennedy: Modelling Ecological Data. SSDBM 1992: 77-93
1 Peter J. Barclay, Jessie B. Kennedy: Regaining the Conceptual Level in Object Oriented Data Modelling. BNCOD 1991: 269-305

Coauthor Index

1Kate Armstrong [37]
2Peter J. Barclay [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [22] [23] [25] [26] [29] [30] [34]
3David Benyon (D. R. Benyon) [20]
4Alan Cannon [37] [38]
5Richard Cooper [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [26] [34] [45]
6Paul Craig [32] [36] [41] [48]
7Andrew Cumming [32] [41]
8Andrew Dinn [16]
9Laura Downey [43]
10G. Forrester [15]
11Colin M. Fraser [3]
12Carole A. Goble [15] [16] [17] [21] [26]
13Martin Graham [18] [20] [24] [27] [28] [35] [39] [40] [43] [44] [46] [48]
14Philip D. Gray [15] [16] [17] [21] [26] [34]
15Tony Griffiths [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [26] [34]
16Chris Hand [18] [24]
17Robert Kukla [42]
18Chengpu Li [47]
19Philippe Li-Thaio-Té [13]
20Xiaodong Liu [47]
21Bryn R. Marshall [12]
22Sarah M. McDonald [37]
23Jo McKirdy [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [26] [34]
24Kenneth J. Mitchell [7] [8] [9] [10] [14]
25Ronald Morrison [11]
26John Owens [13]
27Trevor Paterson [37] [38] [42]
28Norman W. Paton [15] [16] [17] [19] [21] [26] [34]
29Martin R. Pullan [37]
30Cedric Raguenaud [22] [23] [27] [31] [37]
31Martin H. Rapley [5]
32Mark Roantree [29] [30]
33Gordon Russell [37]
34Paulo Pinheiro da Silva [26]
35Michael Smyth [16] [17]
36Mark F. Watson [37] [38]
37Adrian West [16] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)