
Anthony J. G. Hey

Tony Hey

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47EEAlexander S. Szalay, Gordon Bell, Jan vandenBerg, Alainna Wonders, Randal C. Burns, Dan Fay, Jim Heasley, Tony Hey, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Ani Thakar, Catharine van Ingen, Richard Wilton: GrayWulf: Scalable Clustered Architecture for Data Intensive Computing. HICSS 2009: 1-10
46EETony Hey: MPI: Past, Present and Future. PVM/MPI 2007: 5-6
45EETony Hey, Herbert Van de Sompel, Don Waters, Clifford A. Lynch, Carl Lagoze: Augmenting interoperability across scholarly repositories. JCDL 2006: 85
44EEFrancine Berman, Robert Chadduck, William G. LeFurgy, Daniel E. Atkins, Tony Hey: Long term storage - 100 years of digital data. SC 2006: 72
43EEAnthony J. G. Hey: 'e-science and cyberinfrastructure: a middleware perspective'. WWW 2006: 245
42EEAnthony J. G. Hey, Juri Papay, Mike Surridge: The role of performance engineering techniques in the context of the Grid. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 297-316 (2005)
41EEAnthony J. G. Hey, Geoffrey Fox: Special Issue: Grids and Web Services for e-Science. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 317-322 (2005)
40EEMalcolm P. Atkinson, David De Roure, Alistair N. Dunlop, Geoffrey Fox, Peter Henderson, Anthony J. G. Hey, Norman W. Paton, Steven Newhouse, Savas Parastatidis, Anne E. Trefethen, Paul Watson, Jim Webber: Web Service Grids: an evolutionary approach. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 377-389 (2005)
39EEJohn R. Gurd, Anthony J. G. Hey, Juri Papay, Graham D. Riley: Special Issue: Grid Performance. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 17(2-4): 95-98 (2005)
38EEGuy T. Almes, Jonathon N. Cummings, Jeremy P. Birnholtz, Ian T. Foster, Tony Hey, Bill Spencer: CSCW and cyberinfrastructure: opportunities and challenges. CSCW 2004: 270-273
37EETony Hey: e-Science and Web Services Grids. GCC 2004: 3
36EEAnthony J. G. Hey, Juri Papay, Andy J. Keane, Simon J. Cox: Component Based Problem Solving Environment. Euro-Par 2002: 105-112
35EETony Hey: The UK e-Science Program and the Grid. ISHPC 2002: 6
34EETony Hey, Anne E. Trefethen: The UK e-Science Core Program and the Grid. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2002: 3-21
33EETony Hey, Anne E. Trefethen: The UK e-Science Core Programme and the Grid. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(8): 1017-1031 (2002)
32 Tony Hey, Juri Papay: Performance engineering, PSEs and the GRID. Scientific Programming 10(1): 3-17 (2002)
31EETony Hey: E-Science and the Grid. BNCOD 2001: 23
30 Geoffrey Fox, Anthony J. G. Hey: Editorial: Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 13(1): 1-2 (2001)
29 Gareth V. Hughes, Wendy Hall, Tony Hey, Les Carr: Academic Information Management: an Open Linking Approach. WebNet 1999: 526-531
28EENick Floros, Anthony J. G. Hey, K. E. Meacham, Juri Papay, Mike Surridge: Predictive resource management for meta-applications. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(5-6): 723-734 (1999)
27 Kenneth C. Bowler, Anthony J. G. Hey: Parallel computing and quantum chromodynamics. Parallel Computing 25(13-14): 2111-2134 (1999)
26EEEmilio Hernández, Anthony J. G. Hey: White-Box Benchmarking. Euro-Par 1998: 220-223
25 Mark Papiani, Alistair N. Dunlop, Anthony J. G. Hey: Automatic Web Interfaces and Browsing for Object-relational Databases (Abstract). BNCOD 1997: 131-132
24 Vladimir Getov, Emilio Hernández, Anthony J. G. Hey: Message-Passing Performance of Parallel Computers. Euro-Par 1997: 1009-1016
23 Oscar Naim, Anthony J. G. Hey: Visualization of Do-Loop Performance. HPCN Europe 1997: 878-887
22 Anthony J. G. Hey, Alistair N. Dunlop, Emilio Hernández: Realistic Parallel Performance Estimation. Parallel Computing 23(1-2): 5-21 (1997)
21 Jack Dongarra, Tony Hey, Erich Strohmaier: Selected Results from the ParkBench Benchmark. Euro-Par, Vol. II 1996: 251-254
20 Jack Dongarra, Tony Hey, Erich Strohmaier: PARKBENCH: Methodology, Relations and Results. HPCN Europe 1996: 770-777
19 Oscar Naim, Tony Hey, Ed Zaluska: Do-loop-surface: an abstract representation of parallel program performance. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 8(3): 205-234 (1996)
18 Alistair N. Dunlop, Emilio Hernández, Oscar Naim, Tony Hey, Denis A. Nicole: A toolkit for optimising parallel performance. HPCN Europe 1995: 548-553
17EEAnthony J. G. Hey, Roger W. Hockney, Vladimir Getov, I. C. Wolton, John H. Merlin, James Allwright: The genesis distributed memory benchmarks. Part 2: COMMS1, TRANS1, FFT1 and QCD2 benchmarks on the suprenum and IPSC/860 computers. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 7(6): 543-570 (1995)
16EEJohn H. Merlin, Anthony J. G. Hey: An Introduction to High Performance Fortran. Scientific Programming 4(2): 87-113 (1995)
15EEMark Papiani, Anthony J. G. Hey, Roger W. Hockney: The Graphical Benchmark Information Service. Scientific Programming 4(4): 219-227 (1995)
14 Oscar Naim, Anthony J. G. Hey: Invasiveness of Performance Instrumentation Measurements on Mulitprocessors. Applications in Parallel and Distributed Computing 1994: 319-328
13 James Cownie, Alistair N. Dunlop, Stephen A. Hellberg, Anthony J. G. Hey, David J. Pritchard: A Portable Parallel Programming Environment - The ESPRIT PPPE project. EUROSIM 1994: 135-142
12 Tony Hey, Chris Scott, Mike Surridge: Simulation and Modelling Application on MPP Systems. EUROSIM 1994: 15-21
11 Oscar Naim, Anthony J. G. Hey: Do-Loop-Surface: An Abstract Performance Data Visualization. HPCN 1994: 367-372
10 Tony Hey: The Genesis Esprit Project - An Overview. Parallel Computing 20(10-11): 1605-1612 (1994)
9 Cliff Addison, Vladimir Getov, Anthony J. G. Hey, Roger W. Hockney, I. C. Wolton: Benchmarking for Distributed Memory Parallel Systems: Gaining Insight from Numbers. Parallel Computing 20(10-11): 1653-1668 (1994)
8EECliff Addison, James Allwright, Norman Binsted, Nigel Bishop, Bryan Carpenter, Peter Dalloz, David Gee, Vladimir Getov, Tony Hey, Roger W. Hockney, Max Lemke, John H. Merlin, Mark Pinches, Chris Scott, Ivan Wolton: The Genesis distributed-memory benchmarks. Part 1: Methodology and general relativity benchmark with results for the SUPRENUM computer. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 5(1): 1-22 (1993)
7 Anthony J. G. Hey: The Genesis distributed memory benchmarks. Parallel Computing 17(10-11): 1275-1283 (1991)
6EEAnthony J. G. Hey: Supercomputing with transputers - past, present and future. ICS 1990: 479-489
5 Anthony J. G. Hey: Experience with MIMD Message-Passing Systems: Towards General Purpose Parallel Computing. PRISMA Workshop 1990: 99-111
4 Anthony J. G. Hey: Experiments in MIMD Parallelism. PARLE (2) 1989: 28-42
3EEC. R. Askew, D. B. Carpenter, J. T. Chalker, Anthony J. G. Hey, M. Moore, Denis A. Nicole, David J. Pritchard: Monte Carlo simulation on transputer arrays. Parallel Computing 6(2): 247-258 (1988)
2 David J. Pritchard, C. R. Askew, D. B. Carpenter, Ian Glendinning, Anthony J. G. Hey, Denis A. Nicole: Practical Parallelism using Transputer Arrays. PARLE (1) 1987: 278-294
1EEGeoffrey Fox, Steve W. Otto, Anthony J. G. Hey: Matrix algorithms on a hypercube I: Matrix multiplication. Parallel Computing 4(1): 17-31 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Cliff Addison [8] [9]
2James Allwright [8] [17]
3Guy T. Almes [38]
4C. R. Askew [2] [3]
5Daniel E. Atkins [44]
6Malcolm P. Atkinson [40]
7Gordon Bell [47]
8Francine Berman (Fran Berman) [44]
9Norman Binsted [8]
10Jeremy P. Birnholtz [38]
11Nigel Bishop [8]
12Kenneth C. Bowler [27]
13Randal C. Burns [47]
14Bryan Carpenter [8]
15D. B. Carpenter [2] [3]
16Les Carr (Leslie Carr) [29]
17Robert Chadduck [44]
18J. T. Chalker [3]
19James Cownie [13]
20Simon J. Cox [36]
21Jonathon N. Cummings [38]
22Peter Dalloz [8]
23Jack Dongarra [20] [21]
24Alistair N. Dunlop [13] [18] [22] [25] [40]
25Dan Fay [47]
26Nick Floros [28]
27Ian T. Foster [38]
28Geoffrey Fox (Geoffrey Charles Fox) [1] [30] [40] [41]
29David Gee [8]
30Vladimir Getov [8] [9] [17] [24]
31Ian Glendinning [2]
32John R. Gurd [39]
33Wendy Hall [29]
34Jim Heasley [47]
35Stephen A. Hellberg [13]
36Peter Henderson [40]
37Emilio Hernández [18] [22] [24] [26]
38Roger W. Hockney [8] [9] [15] [17]
39Gareth V. Hughes [29]
40Catharine van Ingen [47]
41Andy J. Keane [36]
42Carl Lagoze [45]
43William G. LeFurgy [44]
44Max Lemke [8]
45Clifford A. Lynch [45]
46K. E. Meacham [28]
47John H. Merlin [8] [16] [17]
48M. Moore [3]
49Oscar Naim [11] [14] [18] [19] [23]
50Steven Newhouse [40]
51Denis A. Nicole [2] [3] [18]
52María A. Nieto-Santisteban [47]
53Steve W. Otto [1]
54Juri Papay [28] [32] [36] [39] [42]
55Mark Papiani [15] [25]
56Savas Parastatidis [40]
57Norman W. Paton [40]
58Mark Pinches [8]
59David J. Pritchard [2] [3] [13]
60Graham D. Riley [39]
61David De Roure [40]
62Chris Scott [8] [12]
63Herbert Van de Sompel [45]
64Bill Spencer [38]
65Erich Strohmaier [20] [21]
66Mike Surridge [12] [28] [42]
67Alexander S. Szalay [47]
68Ani Thakar (Aniruddha R. Thakar, Aniruddha Thakar) [47]
69Anne E. Trefethen [33] [34] [40]
70Don Waters [45]
71Paul Watson [40]
72Jim Webber [40]
73Richard Wilton [47]
74I. C. Wolton [9] [17]
75Ivan Wolton [8]
76Alainna Wonders [47]
77Ed Zaluska [19]
78Jan vandenBerg [47]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)