
Fouzia Moussouni

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10EEFouzia Moussouni, Laure Berti-Equille, G. Rozé, Olivier Loréal, Emilie Guérin: QDex: A Database Profiler for Generic Bio-data Exploration and Quality Aware Integration. WISE Workshops 2007: 5-16
9EEEmilie Guérin, Gwenaëlle Marquet, Julie Chabalier, Marie-Bérengère Troadec, Christiane Guguen-Guillouzo, Olivier Loréal, Anita Burgun, Fouzia Moussouni: Combining biomedical knowledge and transcriptomic data to extract new knowledge on genes. J. Integrative Bioinformatics 3(2): (2006)
8EEEmilie Guérin, Gwenaëlle Marquet, Anita Burgun, Olivier Loréal, Laure Berti-Equille, Ulf Leser, Fouzia Moussouni: Integrating and Warehousing Liver Gene Expression Data and Related Biomedical Resources in GEDAW. DILS 2005: 158-174
7EELaure Berti-Equille, Fouzia Moussouni: Quality-Aware Integration and Warehousing of Genomic Data. IQ 2005
6 Laure Berti-Equille, Fouzia Moussouni, Anne Arcade: Integration of biological data on transcriptome. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 6(3): 61-86 (2001)
5 Norman W. Paton, Shakeel A. Khan, Andrew Hayes, Fouzia Moussouni, Andy Brass, Karen Eilbeck, Carole A. Goble, Simon J. Hubbard, Stephen G. Oliver: Conceptual modelling of genomic information. Bioinformatics 16(6): 548-557 (2000)
4EEFouzia Moussouni, Norman W. Paton, Andy Hayes, Steve Oliver, Carole A. Goble, Andy Brass: Database Challenges for Genome Information in the Post Sequencing Phase. DEXA 1999: 540-549
3 Fouzia Moussouni, Christian Lavault: Optimal Pattern Matching on dDimensional Meshes. OPODIS 1997: 45-60
2 Fouzia Moussouni, Christian Lavault: Distributed String Matching Algorithm on the N-cube. Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 832-835
1 Fouzia Moussouni, Christian Lavault: N-Cube String Matching Algorithm with Long Texts. Combinatorics and Computer Science 1995: 328-340

Coauthor Index

1Anne Arcade [6]
2Laure Berti-Equille (Laure Berti) [6] [7] [8] [10]
3Andy Brass [4] [5]
4Anita Burgun [8] [9]
5Julie Chabalier [9]
6Karen Eilbeck [5]
7Carole A. Goble [4] [5]
8Emilie Guérin [8] [9] [10]
9Christiane Guguen-Guillouzo [9]
10Andrew Hayes [5]
11Andy Hayes [4]
12Simon J. Hubbard [5]
13Shakeel A. Khan [5]
14Christian Lavault [1] [2] [3]
15Ulf Leser [8]
16Olivier Loréal [8] [9] [10]
17Gwenaëlle Marquet [8] [9]
18Stephen G. Oliver [5]
19Steve Oliver [4]
20Norman W. Paton [4] [5]
21G. Rozé [10]
22Marie-Bérengère Troadec [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)