
Enric Pastor

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27EEManitra Rakotoarisoa, Enric Pastor: BMC Encoding for Concurrent Systems. SCCC 2008: 127-134
26EEJuan López, Pablo Royo, Enric Pastor, Cristina Barrado, Eduard Santamaria: A middleware architecture for unmanned aircraft avionics. Middleware (Demos and Posters) 2007: 24
25EEEnric Pastor, Marco A. Peña, Marc Solé: TRANSYT: A Tool for the Verification of Asynchronous Concurrent Systems. CAV 2005: 424-428
24EEMarc Solé, Enric Pastor: Evaluating Symbolic Traversal Algorithms Applied to Asynchronous Concurrent Systems. ACSD 2004: 207-216
23EEEnric Pastor, Marco A. Peña: Efficient Hybrid Reachability Analysis for Asynchronous Concurrent Systems. CHARME 2003: 378-393
22EEEnric Pastor, Marco A. Peña: Combining Simulation and Guided Traversal for the Verification of Concurrent Systems. DATE 2003: 11158-11159
21EEJosep Carmona, Jordi Cortadella, Enric Pastor: Synthesis of Reactive Systems: Application to Asynchronous Circuit Design. Concurrency and Hardware Design 2002: 108-151
20EEMarco A. Peña, Jordi Cortadella, Alexander B. Smirnov, Enric Pastor: A Case Study for the Verification of Complex Timed Circuits: IPCMOS. DATE 2002: 44-53
19EEMarc Solé, Enric Pastor: Traversal Techniques for Concurrent Systems. FMCAD 2002: 220-237
18 Josep Carmona, Jordi Cortadella, Enric Pastor: A structural encoding technique for the synthesis of asynchronous circuits. Fundam. Inform. 50(2): 135-154 (2002)
17EEJosep Carmona, Jordi Cortadella, Enric Pastor: A structural encoding technique for the synthesis of asynchronous circuits. ACSD 2001: 157-166
16EEEnric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella, Oriol Roig: Symbolic Analysis of Bounded Petri Nets. IEEE Trans. Computers 50(5): 432-448 (2001)
15EEMarco A. Peña, Jordi Cortadella, Enric Pastor, Alex Kondratyev: Formal Verification of Safety Properties in Timed Circuits. ASYNC 2000: 2-11
14EEEnric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella, Marco A. Peña: Structural Methods to Improve the Symbolic Analysis of Petri Nets. ICATPN 1999: 26-45
13EEJordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Enric Pastor, Alexandre Yakovlev: Decomposition and technology mapping of speed-independent circuits using Boolean relations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(9): 1221-1236 (1999)
12EEEnric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella: Efficient Encoding Schemes for Symbolic Analysis of Petri Nets. DATE 1998: 790-795
11EEEnric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella, Alex Kondratyev, Oriol Roig: Structural methods for the synthesis of speed-independent circuits. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 17(11): 1108-1129 (1998)
10EEAlexei L. Semenov, Alexandre Yakovlev, Enric Pastor, Marco A. Peña, Jordi Cortadella, Luciano Lavagno: Partial order based approach to synthesis of speed-independent circuits. ASYNC 1997: 254-
9EEAlexei L. Semenov, Alexandre Yakovlev, Enric Pastor, Marco A. Peña, Jordi Cortadella: Synthesis of Speed-Independent Circuits from STG-Unfolding Segment. DAC 1997: 16-21
8EEOriol Roig, Jordi Cortadella, Marco A. Peña, Enric Pastor: Automatic Generation of Synchronous Test Patterns for Asynchronous Circuits. DAC 1997: 620-625
7EEJordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Alex Kondratyev, Luciano Lavagno, Enric Pastor, Alexandre Yakovlev: Decomposition and technology mapping of speed-independent circuits using Boolean relations. ICCAD 1997: 220-227
6EEOriol Roig, Jordi Cortadella, Enric Pastor: Hierarchical gate-level verification of speed-independent circuits. ASYNC 1995: 128-137
5 Oriol Roig, Jordi Cortadella, Enric Pastor: Verification of Asynchronous Circuits by BDD-based Model Checking of Petri Nets. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1995: 374-391
4EEEnric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella, Oriol Roig: A new look at the conditions for the synthesis of speed-independent circuits. Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 1995: 230-
3 Enric Pastor, Oriol Roig, Jordi Cortadella, Rosa M. Badia: Petri Net Analysis Using Boolean Manipulation. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994: 416-435
2EEEnric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella: Polynomial algorithms for the synthesis for hazard-free circuits from signal transition graphs. ICCAD 1993: 250-254
1 Enric Pastor, Jordi Cortadella: An Efficient Unique State Coding Algorithm for Signal Transition Graphs. ICCD 1993: 174-177

Coauthor Index

1Rosa M. Badia [3]
2Cristina Barrado [26]
3Josep Carmona [17] [18] [21]
4Jordi Cortadella [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [21]
5Michael Kishinevsky [7] [13]
6Alex Kondratyev [7] [11] [13] [15]
7Luciano Lavagno [7] [10] [13]
8Juan López [26]
9Marco A. Peña [8] [9] [10] [14] [15] [20] [22] [23] [25]
10Manitra Rakotoarisoa [27]
11Oriol Roig [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [11] [16]
12Pablo Royo [26]
13Eduard Santamaria [26]
14Alexei L. Semenov [9] [10]
15Alexander B. Smirnov [20]
16Marc Solé [19] [24] [25]
17Alexandre Yakovlev [7] [9] [10] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)