
Santosh Pande

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76EETushar Kumar, Romain Cledat, Jaswanth Sreeram, Santosh Pande: Statistically Analyzing Execution Variance for Soft Real-Time Applications. LCPC 2008: 124-140
75 Santosh Pande, Zhiyuan Li: Proceedings of the 2007 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES'07), San Diego, California, USA, June 13-15, 2007 ACM 2007
74EETushar Kumar, Jaswanth Sreeram, Romain Cledat, Santosh Pande: A profile-driven statistical analysis framework for the design optimization of soft real-time applications. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 529-532
73EETushar Kumar, Jaswanth Sreeram, Romain Cledat, Santosh Pande: A profile-driven statistical analysis framework for the design optimization of soft real-time applications. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 529-532
72EEJaswanth Sreeram, Romain Cledat, Tushar Kumar, Santosh Pande: RSTM : A Relaxed Consistency Software Transactional Memory for Multicores. PACT 2007: 428
71EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Power-efficient prefetching for embedded processors. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 6(1): (2007)
70EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Allocating architected registers through differential encoding. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 29(2): (2007)
69EETao Zhang, Xiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Compiler Optimizations to Reduce Security Overhead. CGO 2006: 346-357
68EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: A Scalable Priority Queue Architecture for High Speed Network Processing. INFOCOM 2006
67EER. Collins, F. Alegre, Xiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Compiler assisted dynamic management of registers for network processors. IPDPS 2006
66EEKun Zhang, Santosh Pande: Minimizing downtime in seamless migrations of mobile applications. LCTES 2006: 12-21
65EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Effective thread management on network processors with compiler analysis. LCTES 2006: 72-82
64EEXiaotong Zhuang, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande: Using Branch Correlation to Identify Infeasible Paths for Anomaly Detection. MICRO 2006: 113-122
63EEKun Zhang, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande: Memory Protection through Dynamic Access Control. MICRO 2006: 123-134
62EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Parallelizing load/stores on dual-bank memory embedded processors. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst. 5(3): 613-657 (2006)
61EEChristian Poellabauer, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande, Karsten Schwan: An Efficient Frequency Scaling Approach for Energy-Aware Embedded Real-Time Systems. ARCS 2005: 207-221
60EETao Zhang, Xiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande, Wenke Lee: Anomalous path detection with hardware support. CASES 2005: 43-54
59EETao Zhang, Xiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Building Intrusion-Tolerant Secure Software. CGO 2005: 255-266
58EEKun Zhang, Santosh Pande: Efficient application migration under compiler guidance. LCTES 2005: 10-20
57EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Differential register allocation. PLDI 2005: 168-179
56EEKalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto, Prashant J. Thakare, Santosh Pande, Homa Karimabadi, Yuri Omelchenko, Jonathan Driscoll: Performance prediction of large-scale parallel discrete event models of physical systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 356-364
55EEXiaotong Zhuang, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande: HIDE: an infrastructure for efficiently protecting information leakage on the address bus. ASPLOS 2004: 72-84
54EEWeidong Shi, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande: Static Techniques to Improve Power Efficiency of Branch Predictors. Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference 2004: 385-398
53EEXiaotong Zhuang, Tao Zhang, Hsien-Hsin S. Lee, Santosh Pande: Hardware assisted control flow obfuscation for embedded processors. CASES 2004: 292-302
52EEKun Zhang, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande: Binary translation to improve energy efficiency through post-pass register re-allocation. EMSOFT 2004: 74-85
51EETao Zhang, Weidong Shi, Santosh Pande: Static Techniques to Improve Power Efficiency of Branch Predictors. HiPC 2004: 274-285
50EETankut Akgul, Vincent John Mooney III, Santosh Pande: A Fast Assembly Level Reverse Execution Method via Dynamic Slicing. ICSE 2004: 522-531
49EEXiaotong Zhuang, Tao Zhang, Santosh Pande: Hardware-managed register allocation for embedded processors. LCTES 2004: 192-201
48EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Power-efficient prefetching via bit-differential offset assignment on embedded processors. LCTES 2004: 67-77
47EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Balancing register allocation across threads for a multithreaded network processor. PLDI 2004: 289-300
46EESathyanarayanan Thammanur, Santosh Pande: A fast, memory-efficient register allocation framework for embedded systems. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 26(6): 938-974 (2004)
45EEMark Leair, Santosh Pande: Optimizing Dynamic Dispatches through Type Invariant Region Analysis. HiPC 2003: 459-468
44EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Compiler Scheduling of Mobile Agents for Minimizing Overheads. ICDCS 2003: 600-
43EEDong Zhou, Santosh Pande, Karsten Schwan: Method Partitioning - Runtime Customization of Pervasive Programs without Design-time Application Knowledge. ICDCS 2003: 610-619
42EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande: Resolving Register Bank Conflicts for a Network Processor. IEEE PACT 2003: 269-
41EETao Zhang, Santosh Pande, Antonio Valverde Garcia: Tamper-resistant whole program partitioning. LCTES 2003: 209-219
40EEXiaotong Zhuang, ChokSheak Lau, Santosh Pande: Storage assignment optimizations through variable coalescence for embedded processors. LCTES 2003: 220-231
39EEFabrice Rastello, Amit Rao, Santosh Pande: Optimal task scheduling at run time to exploit intra-tile parallelism. Parallel Computing 29(2): 209-239 (2003)
38EETao Zhang, Santosh Pande, André L. M. dos Santos, Franz Josef Bruecklmayr: Leakage-proof program partitioning. CASES 2002: 136-145
37EESiddharth Rele, Santosh Pande, Soner Önder, Rajiv Gupta: Optimizing Static Power Dissipation by Functional Units in Superscalar Processors. CC 2002: 261-275
36EEXiaotong Zhuang, Santosh Pande, John S. Greenland Jr.: A Framework for Parallelizing Load/Stores on Embedded Processors. IEEE PACT 2002: 68-
35EEAbhishek Singh, Santosh Pande: Compiler optimizations for Java aglets in distributed data intensive applications. SAC 2002: 87-92
34EEWaibhav Tembe, Santosh Pande: Loop Restructuring for Data I/O Minimization on Limited On-Chip Memory Embedded Processors. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(10): 1269-1280 (2002)
33EENarasimhan Ramasubramanian, Ram Subramanian, Santosh Pande: Automatic Compilation of Loops to Exploit Operator Parallelism on Configurable Arithmetic Logic Units. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 13(1): 45-66 (2002)
32 Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal: Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages, Compilation Techniques, and Run Time Systems Springer 2001
31EESantosh Pande, Tareq Bali: A Compilation Method for Communication-Efficient Partitioning of DOALL Loops. Compiler Optimizations for Scalable Parallel Systems Languages 2001: 413-444
30EERam Subramanian, Santosh Pande: A Data Re-use Based Compiler Optimization for FPGAs. FPL 2001: 648-652
29EESiddharth Rele, Vipin Jain, Santosh Pande, J. Ramanujam: Compact and efficient code generation through program restructuringon limited memory embedded DSPs. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 20(4): 477-494 (2001)
28EELei Wang, Waibhav Tembe, Santosh Pande: A Framework for Loop Distribution on Limited On-Chip Memory Processors. CC 2000: 141-156
27EESrivatsan Narasimhan, Santosh Pande: Compiler Based Scheduling of Java Mobile Agents. LCPC 2000: 372-376
26EEDeepankar Bairagi, Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal: A Framework for Efficient Register Allocation through Selective Register Demotion. LCR 2000: 57-69
25EEDeepankar Bairagi, Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal: A Framework for Enhancing Code Quality in Limited Register Set Embedded Processors. LCTES 2000: 81-95
24 Ram Subramanian, Santosh Pande: Efficient Program Partitioning Based on Compiler Controlled Communication. IPPS/SPDP Workshops 1999: 4-18
23EEVipin Jain, Siddharth Rele, Santosh Pande, J. Ramanujam: Code Restructuring for Improving Real Time Response through Code Speed, Size Trade-offs on Limited Memory Embedded DSPs. LCPC 1999: 459-463
22EELei Wang, Santosh Pande: Data I/O Minimization for Loops on Limited Onchip Memory Processors. LCPC 1999: 472-476
21EEAmit Rao, Santosh Pande: Storage Assignment Optimizations to Generate Compact and Efficient Code on Embedded DSPs. PLDI 1999: 128-138
20 Santosh Pande, Tareq Bali: A Computation+Communication Load Balanced Loop Partitioning Method for Distributed Memory Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 58(3): 515-545 (1999)
19 Rajiv Gupta, Santosh Pande, Kleanthis Psarris, Vivek Sarkar: Compilation techniques for parallel systems. Parallel Computing 25(13-14): 1741-1783 (1999)
18EEFabrice Rastello, Amit Rao, Santosh Pande: Optimal Task Scheduling to Minimize Inter-Tile Latencies. ICPP 1998: 172-179
17EESundaram Anantharaman, Santosh Pande: Compiler Optimizations for Real Time Execution of Loops on Limited Memory Embedded Systems. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1998: 154-
16EENarasimhan Ramasubramanian, Ram Subramanian, Santosh Pande: Automatic Analysis of Loops to Exploit Operator Parallelism on Reconfigurable Systems. LCPC 1998: 305-322
15EESundaram Anantharaman, Santosh Pande: An Efficient Data Partitioning Method for Limited Memory Embedded Systems. LCTES 1998: 108-222
14EESekhar Darbha, Santosh Pande: A Robust Compile Time Method for Scheduling Task Parallelism on Distributed Memory Machines. The Journal of Supercomputing 12(4): 325-347 (1998)
13EESantosh Pande, Tareq Bali: A Multi-Phase Partitioner and Scheduler for Distributed Memory Systems. HICSS (1) 1996: 547-556
12 Santosh Pande: A Compile Time Partitioning Method for DOALL Loops on Distributed Memory Systems. ICPP, Vol. 3 1996: 35-44
11 Santosh Pande, Kleanthis Psarris: Program Repartitioning on Varying Communication Cost Parallel Architectures. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 33(2): 205-213 (1996)
10 Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal: Special Issue on Compilation Techniques for Distributed Memory Systems: Guest Editors' Introduction. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 38(2): 107-113 (1996)
9EEKleanthis Psarris, Santosh Pande: Classical dependence analysis techniques: sufficiently accurate in practice. HICSS (2) 1995: 123-132
8EESantosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal: Run-time issues in program partitioning on distributed memory systems. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 7(5): 429-454 (1995)
7EESantosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal, Jon Mauney: A Scalable Scheduling Scheme for Functional Parallelism on Distributed Memory Multiprocessor Systems. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6(4): 388-399 (1995)
6 Santosh Pande, Kleanthis Psarris: Compiling Functional Parallelism on a Family of Different Distributed Memory Architectures. ICPP (1) 1994: 182-186
5 Kleanthis Psarris, Santosh Pande: An Empirical Study of the I Test for Exact Data Dependence. ICPP (3) 1994: 92-96
4 Santosh Pande, Kleanthis Psarris: A Compilation Technique for Varying Communication Cost NUMA Architectures. PARLE 1994: 49-60
3 Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal, Jon Mauney: A Threshold Scheduling Strategy for Sisal on Distributed Memory Machines. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 21(2): 223-236 (1994)
2 Sukil Kim, Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal, Jon Mauney: A Message Segmentation Technique to Minimize Task Completion Time. IPPS 1991: 519-524
1 Santosh Pande, Dharma P. Agrawal, Jon Mauney: On Control Flow and Pseudo-Static Dynamic Allocation Strategy. ICPP (2) 1990: 300-301

Coauthor Index

1Dharma P. Agrawal [1] [2] [3] [7] [8] [10] [25] [26] [32]
2Tankut Akgul [50]
3F. Alegre [67]
4Sundaram Anantharaman [15] [17]
5Deepankar Bairagi [25] [26]
6Tareq Bali [13] [20] [31]
7Franz Josef Bruecklmayr [38]
8Romain Cledat [72] [73] [74] [76]
9R. Collins [67]
10Sekhar Darbha [14]
11Jonathan Driscoll [56]
12Richard M. Fujimoto (Richard Fujimoto) [56]
13Antonio Valverde Garcia [41]
14John S. Greenland Jr. [36]
15Rajiv Gupta [19] [37]
16Vipin Jain [23] [29]
17Homa Karimabadi [56]
18Sukil Kim [2]
19Tushar Kumar [72] [73] [74] [76]
20ChokSheak Lau [40]
21Mark Leair [45]
22Hsien-Hsin S. Lee [53]
23Wenke Lee [60]
24Zhiyuan Li [75]
25Jon Mauney [1] [2] [3] [7]
26Vincent John Mooney III (Vincent John Mooney) [50]
27Srivatsan Narasimhan [27]
28Yuri Omelchenko [56]
29Soner Önder [37]
30Kalyan S. Perumalla [56]
31Christian Poellabauer [61]
32Kleanthis Psarris [4] [5] [6] [9] [11] [19]
33J. Ramanujam [23] [29]
34Narasimhan Ramasubramanian [16] [33]
35Amit Rao [18] [21] [39]
36Fabrice Rastello [18] [39]
37Siddharth Rele [23] [29] [37]
38André L. M. dos Santos [38]
39Vivek Sarkar [19]
40Karsten Schwan [43] [61]
41Weidong Shi [51] [54]
42Abhishek Singh [35]
43Jaswanth Sreeram [72] [73] [74] [76]
44Ram Subramanian [16] [24] [30] [33]
45Waibhav Tembe [28] [34]
46Prashant J. Thakare [56]
47Sathyanarayanan Thammanur [46]
48Lei Wang [22] [28]
49Kun Zhang [52] [58] [63] [66]
50Tao Zhang [38] [41] [49] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [59] [60] [61] [63] [64] [69]
51Dong Zhou [43]
52Xiaotong Zhuang [36] [40] [42] [44] [47] [48] [49] [53] [55] [57] [59] [60] [62] [64] [65] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)