Volume 58,
Number 1,
July 1999
- Sarit Mukherjee, Debanjan Saha, Manas Saksena, Satish K. Tripathi:
A Distributed Scheduling Algorithm for Real-Time Communication on Slotted Shared Medium.
1-25 BibTeX
- Kyungwan Nam, Jaewon Seo, Sunggu Lee, Jong Kim:
Synchronous Load Balancing in Hypercube Multicomputers with Faulty Nodes.
26-43 BibTeX
- Igor Z. Milosavljevic:
An Improved Algorithm for Array Alignment.
44-67 BibTeX
- Henri Casanova, Michael G. Thomason, Jack Dongarra:
Stochastic Performance Prediction for Iterative Algorithms in Distributed Environments.
68-91 BibTeX
- David A. Bader, Joseph JáJá:
SIMPLE: A Methodology for Programming High Performance Algorithms on Clusters of Symmetric Multiprocessors (SMPs).
92-108 BibTeX
- Sivarama P. Dandamudi, Hai Yu:
Performance of Adaptive Space Sharing Processor Allocation Policies for Distributed-Memory Multicomputers.
109-125 BibTeX
Volume 58,
Number 2,
August 1999
Compilation and Architectural Support for Parallel Applications
- David J. Lilja:
Special Issue on Compilation and Architectural Support for Parallel Applications - Guest Editor's Introduction.
129-131 BibTeX
- T. N. Vijaykumar, Gurindar S. Sohi:
Task Selection for the Multiscalar Architecture.
132-158 BibTeX
- Xinan Tang, Guang R. Gao:
Automatically Partitioning Threads for Multithreaded Architectures.
159-189 BibTeX
- Mahmut T. Kandemir, Alok N. Choudhary, J. Ramanujam, Prithviraj Banerjee:
A Matrix-Based Approach to Global Locality Optimization.
190-235 BibTeX
- F. Jesús Sánchez, Antonio González:
Software Data Prefetching for Software Pipelined Loops.
236-259 BibTeX
- Vijay Karamcheti, Andrew A. Chien:
Architectural Support and Mechanisms for Object Caching in Dynamic Multithreaded Computations.
260-300 BibTeX
- Yingchun Zhu, Laurie J. Hendren:
Communication Optimizations for Parallel C Programs.
301-332 BibTeX
- Vara Ramakrishnan, Isaac D. Scherson, Raghu Subramanian:
Efficient Techniques for Nested and Disjoint Barrier Synchronization.
333-356 BibTeX
Volume 58,
Number 3,
September 1999
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:10:55 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)