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Richard Fujimoto
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQ
2008 | ||
128 | EE | Dwayne Henclewood, Michael Hunter, Richard Fujimoto: Proposed methodology for a data-driven simulation for estimating performance measures along signalized arterials in real-time. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 2761-2768 |
127 | EE | Steffen Straßburger, Thomas Schulze, Richard Fujimoto: Future trends in distributed simulation and distributed virtual environments: Results of a peer study. Winter Simulation Conference 2008: 777-785 |
126 | EE | Andrea Santoro, Richard M. Fujimoto: Offloading Data Distribution Management to Network Processors in HLA-Based Distributed Simulations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 19(3): 289-298 (2008) |
125 | EE | Matthias Jeschke, Roland Ewald, Alfred Park, Richard Fujimoto, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher: A parallel and distributed discrete event approach for spatial cell-biological simulations. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 35(4): 22-31 (2008) |
2007 | ||
124 | EE | Alfred Park, Richard Fujimoto: A scalable framework for parallel discrete event simulations on desktop grids. GRID 2007: 185-192 |
123 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Karsten Schwan, Hoe Kyoung Kim, Balasubramanian Seshasayee, Jason Sirichoke, Wonho Suh: Ad Hoc Distributed Simulation of Surface Transportation Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 1050-1057 |
122 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto, Michael Hunter, Jason Sirichoke, Mahesh Palekar, Hoe Kyoung Kim, Wonho Suh: Ad Hoc Distributed Simulations. PADS 2007: 15-24 |
121 | EE | Andriy Naborskyy, Richard M. Fujimoto: Using Reversible Computation Techniques in a Parallel Optimistic Simulation of a Multi-Processor Computing System. PADS 2007: 179-188 |
120 | EE | Jen-Chih Huang, Xiangmin Jiao, Richard M. Fujimoto, Hongyuan Zha: DAG-guided parallel asynchronous variational integrators with super-elements. SCSC 2007: 691-697 |
119 | EE | Yan Gu, Richard Fujimoto: Applying parallel and distributed simulation to remote network emulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2007: 1328-1336 |
2006 | ||
118 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard Fujimoto, Homa Karimabadi: Scalable Simulation of Electromagnetic Hybrid Codes. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2006: 41-49 |
117 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Hoe Kyoung Kim, Jaesup Lee, John Leonard, Mahesh Palekar, Karsten Schwan, Balasubramanian Seshasayee: Dynamic Data Driven Application Simulation of Surface Transportation Systems. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 425-432 |
116 | EE | Shell-Ying Huang, Wentong Cai, Stephen John Turner, Wen-Jing Hsu, Suiping Zhou, Malcolm Yoke-Hean Low, Richard Fujimoto, Rassul Ayani: A Generic Symbiotic Simulation Framework. PADS 2006: 131 |
115 | EE | Alfred Park, Richard M. Fujimoto: Aurora: An Approach to High Throughput Parallel Simulation. PADS 2006: 3-10 |
114 | EE | Michael Hunter, Richard M. Fujimoto, Wonho Suh, Hoe Kyoung Kim: An investigation of real-time dynamic data driven transportation simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 2006: 1414-1421 |
2005 | ||
113 | EE | Hao Wu, Mahesh Palekar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Jaesup Lee, Joonho Ko, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter: Vehicular networks in urban transportation systems. DG.O 2005: 9-10 |
112 | EE | Simon J. E. Taylor, Geoffrey Fox, Richard Fujimoto, J. Mark Pullen, David J. Roberts, Georgios K. Theodoropoulos: Revisiting Distributed Simulation and the Grid: A Panel. DS-RT 2005: 161 |
111 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: Distributed Simulation of Vehicular Networks. DS-RT 2005: 3 |
110 | EE | Hao Wu, Richard M. Fujimoto, Michael Hunter, Randall Guensler: An architecture study of infrastructure-based vehicular networks. MSWiM 2005: 36-39 |
109 | EE | Collin J. Lobb, Zenas Chao, Richard M. Fujimoto, Steve M. Potter: Parallel Event-Driven Neural Network Simulations Using the Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron Model. PADS 2005: 16-25 |
108 | EE | Yarong Tang, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto, Homa Karimabadi, Jonathan Driscoll, Yuri Omelchenko: Optimistic Parallel Discrete Event Simulations of Physical Systems Using Reverse Computation. PADS 2005: 26-35 |
107 | EE | Hao Wu, Mahesh Palekar, Richard Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Jaesup Lee, Joonho Ko: An empirical study of short range communications for vehicles. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2005: 83-84 |
106 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto, Prashant J. Thakare, Santosh Pande, Homa Karimabadi, Yuri Omelchenko, Jonathan Driscoll: Performance prediction of large-scale parallel discrete event models of physical systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2005: 356-364 |
2004 | ||
105 | EE | J. Brad Fitzgibbons, Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Alfred Park, Hao Wu: Distributed Simulation Test Bed for Intelligent Transportation Systems Design and Analysis. DG.O 2004 |
104 | EE | J. Brad Fitzgibbons, Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter, Alfred Park, Hao Wu: Simulation-Based Operations Planning for Regional Transportation Systems. DG.O 2004 |
103 | EE | Andrea Santoro, Richard M. Fujimoto: Off-Loading Data Distribution Management to Network Processors in HLA-Based Distributed Simulations. DS-RT 2004: 12-19 |
102 | EE | Margaret L. Loper, Richard M. Fujimoto: A Case Study in Exploiting Temporal Uncertainty in Parallel Simulations. ICPP 2004: 161-168 |
101 | EE | J. Brad Fitzgibbons, Richard M. Fujimoto, Daniel Fellig, Stephen D. Kleban, Andrew J. Scholand: IDSim: An Extensible Framework for Interoperable Distributed Simulation. ICWS 2004: 532-539 |
100 | EE | Yan Gu, Richard M. Fujimoto: A Flexible Architecture for Remote Server-Based Emulation. MASCOTS 2004: 447-454 |
99 | EE | Alfred Park, Richard M. Fujimoto, Kalyan S. Perumalla: Conservative Synchronization of Large-Scale Network Simulations. PADS 2004: 153-161 |
98 | EE | George F. Riley, Talal M. Jaafar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: Space-Parallel Network Simulations Using Ghosts. PADS 2004: 170-177 |
97 | EE | Homa Karimabadi, Jonathan Driscoll, Jagrut Dave, Yuri Omelchenko, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard Fujimoto, Nick Omidi: Parallel Discrete Event Simulations of Grid-Based Models: Asynchronous Electromagnetic Hybrid Code. PARA 2004: 573-582 |
96 | EE | Hao Wu, Richard M. Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, Michael Hunter: MDDV: a mobility-centric data dissemination algorithm for vehicular networks. Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 2004: 47-56 |
95 | EE | Margaret L. Loper, Richard M. Fujimoto: Exploiting Temporal Uncertainty in Process-Oriented Distributed Simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 2004: 395-401 |
94 | EE | George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Alfred Park, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Donghua Xu: A federated approach to distributed network simulation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 14(2): 116-148 (2004) |
93 | EE | Thom McLean, Richard M. Fujimoto, J. Brad Fitzgibbons: Middleware for real-time distributed simulations. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 16(15): 1483-1501 (2004) |
92 | EE | Qi He, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley, Richard M. Fujimoto: Exploiting the predictability of TCP steady-state to speed up network simulation. Perform. Eval. 58(2-3): 163-187 (2004) |
2003 | ||
91 | EE | Richard Fujimoto, Randall Guensler, John Leonard: Simulation-based Operations Planning for Regional Transportation Systems. DG.O 2003 |
90 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Alfred Park, Hao Wu, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley: Large-Scale Network Simulation: How Big? How Fast? MASCOTS 2003: 116- |
89 | EE | Qi He, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley, Himanshu Raj, Richard Fujimoto: Mapping Peer Behavior to Packet-level Details: A Framework for Packet-level Simulation of Peer-to-Peer Systems. MASCOTS 2003: 71-78 |
88 | EE | Hao Wu, Richard Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: Time-Parallel Trace-Driven Simulation of CSMA/CD. PADS 2003: 105-114 |
87 | EE | Weidong Shi, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto: Power-aware State Dissemination in Mobile Distributed Virtual Environments. PADS 2003: 181 |
86 | EE | Donghua Xu, George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard Fujimoto: Enabling Large-Scale Multicast Simulation by Reducing Memory Requirements. PADS 2003: 69-76 |
85 | EE | Thom McLean, Richard Fujimoto: Predictable Time Management for Real-Time Distributed Simulation. PADS 2003: 89-96 |
84 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Alfred Park, Richard M. Fujimoto, George F. Riley: Scalable RTI-Based Parallel Simulation of Networks. PADS 2003: 97-104 |
83 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto: Parallel simulation: distributed simulation systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2003: 124-134 |
2002 | ||
82 | EE | Maria Hybinette, Richard M. Fujimoto: Scalability of Parallel Simulation Cloning. Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 275- |
81 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: Cloning Parallel Simulation Programs. Annual Simulation Symposium 2002: 7- |
80 | EE | Qi He, Mostafa H. Ammar, George F. Riley, Richard Fujimoto: Exploiting the Predictability of TCP's Steady-State Behavior to Speed Up Network Simulation. MASCOTS 2002: 101-108 |
79 | EE | George F. Riley, Talal M. Jaafar, Richard Fujimoto: Integrated Fluid and Packet Network Simulations. MASCOTS 2002: 511-518 |
78 | EE | Steve L. Ferenci, Richard M. Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar, Kalyan S. Perumalla, George F. Riley: Updateable simulation of communication networks. PADS 2002: 107-114 |
77 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto, Thom McLean, George F. Riley: Experiences applying parallel and interoperable network simulation techniques in on-line simulations of military networks. PADS 2002: 97-104 |
76 | EE | Agostino G. Bruzzone, Simon J. E. Taylor, Richard M. Fujimoto, Boon-Ping Gan, Steffen Straßburger, Ray J. Paul: Panel discussion on distributed simulation and industry: potentials and pitfalls: distributed simulation and industry: potentials and pitfalls. Winter Simulation Conference 2002: 688-694 |
75 | EE | Maria Hybinette, Richard Fujimoto: Latency Hiding with Optimistic Computations. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 62(3): 427-445 (2002) |
2001 | ||
74 | EE | Thom McLean, Richard M. Fujimoto, J. Brad Fitzgibbons: Next Generation Real-Time RTI Software. DS-RT 2001: 4-11 |
73 | EE | George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard M. Fujimoto, Donghua Xu, Kalyan S. Perumalla: Distributed Network Simulations Using the Dynamic Simulation Backplane. ICDCS 2001: 181-188 |
72 | EE | Donghua Xu, George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard Fujimoto: Split Protocol Stack Network Simulations Using the Dynamic Simulation Backplan. MASCOTS 2001: 158- |
71 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: On-Line Simulation Techniques for Real-Time Management of Systems. MASCOTS 2001: 357- |
70 | EE | Hao Wu, Richard Fujimoto, George F. Riley: Experiences parallelizing a commercial network simulator. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 1353-1360 |
69 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: Parallel simulation: parallel and distributed simulation systems. Winter Simulation Conference 2001: 147-157 |
68 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto: Virtual time synchronization over unreliable network transport. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 2001: 129-136 |
67 | EE | Maria Hybinette, Richard Fujimoto: Cloning parallel simulations. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 11(4): 378-407 (2001) |
66 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto: Interactive parallel simulations with the Jane framework. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 17(5): 525-537 (2001) |
2000 | ||
65 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto, Thom McLean, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Ivan Tacic: Design of High Performance RTI Software. DS-RT 2000: 89-96 |
64 | EE | George F. Riley, Mostafa H. Ammar, Richard Fujimoto: Stateless Routing in Network Simulations. MASCOTS 2000: 524-531 |
63 | EE | George F. Riley, Richard Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: Network aware time management and event distribution. PADS 2000: 119-126 |
62 | EE | Margaret L. Loper, Richard M. Fujimoto: Pre-sampling as an approach for exploiting temporal uncertainty. PADS 2000: 157-164 |
61 | EE | Thom McLean, Richard Fujimoto: Repeatability in real-time distributed simulation executions. PADS 2000: 23-32 |
60 | EE | Steve L. Ferenci, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto: An approach for federating parallel simulators. PADS 2000: 63-70 |
59 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Richard Fujimoto: Efficient Execution of Time Warp Programs on Heterogeneous, NOW Platforms. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 11(3): 299-317 (2000) |
1999 | ||
58 | EE | George F. Riley, Richard Fujimoto, Mostafa H. Ammar: A Generic Framework for Parallelization of Network Simulations. MASCOTS 1999: 128- |
57 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: Parallel and distributed simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 122-131 |
56 | EE | Ernest H. Page, David M. Nicol, Osman Balci, Richard Fujimoto, Paul A. Fishwick, Pierre L'Ecuyer, Roger Smith: Strategic directions in simulation research (panel). Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 1509-1520 |
55 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard Fujimoto: The effect of state-saving in optimistic simulation on a cache-coherent non-uniform memory access architecture. Winter Simulation Conference 1999: 1624-1633 |
54 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard Fujimoto: Efficient Optimistic Parallel Simulations Using Reverse Computation. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1999: 126-135 |
53 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: Exploiting Temporal Uncertainty in Parallel and Distributed Simulations. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1999: 46-53 |
52 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard Fujimoto: Efficient optimistic parallel simulations using reverse computation. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 9(3): 224-253 (1999) |
51 | Kaushik Ghosh, Richard Fujimoto, Karsten Schwan: Composing high-performance schedulers: a case study from real-time simulation. Concurrency - Practice and Experience 11(5): 221-245 (1999) | |
50 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Brad Topol, Richard M. Fujimoto, John T. Stasko, Vaidy S. Sunderam: Visualizing parallel simulations that execute in network computing environments. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 15(4): 513-529 (1999) |
1998 | ||
49 | Richard Fujimoto: Exploting Temporal Uncertainty in Distributed Simulations. ESM 1998: 221 | |
48 | EE | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto: Efficient Large-Scale Process-Oriented Parallel Simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 459-466 |
47 | EE | Judith S. Dahmann, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly: The DoD High Level Architecture: an update. Winter Simulation Conference 1998: 797-804 |
46 | EE | Maria Hybinette, Richard Fujimoto: Dynamic Virtual Logical Processes. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1998: 100-107 |
45 | EE | Ivan Tacic, Richard Fujimoto: Synchronized Data Distribution Management in Distributed Simulations. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1998: 108-115 |
44 | Marcel-Catalin Rosu, Karsten Schwan, Richard Fujimoto: Supporting parallel applications on clusters of workstations: The Virtual Communication Machine-based architecture. Cluster Computing 1(1): 51-67 (1998) | |
43 | Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto, Andrew T. Ogielski: TED - A Language for Modeling Telecommunication Networks. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 25(4): 4-11 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
42 | EE | Marcel-Catalin Rosu, Karsten Schwan, Richard Fujimoto: Supporting Parallel Applications on Clusters of Workstations: The Intelligent Network Interface Approach. HPDC 1997: 159-168 |
41 | EE | Ioanis Nikolaidis, C. Anthony Cooper, Kalyan S. Perumalla, Richard M. Fujimoto: Time-Parallel Generation of Self-Similar ATM Traffic. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 1071-1078 |
40 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Brad Topol, Richard Fujimoto, John T. Stasko, Vaidy S. Sunderam: Visualizing Parallel Simulations in Network Computing Environments: A Case Study. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 110-117 |
39 | EE | Judith S. Dahmann, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly: The Department of Defense High Level Architecture. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 142-149 |
38 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly, Annette L. Wilson: Design and Implementation of HLA Time Management in the RTI Version F.0. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 373-380 |
37 | EE | Maria Hybinette, Richard Fujimoto: Cloning: A Novel Method for Interactive Parallel Simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 444-451 |
36 | EE | Kiran S. Panesar, Richard Fujimoto: Adaptive Flow Control in Time Warp. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1997: 108-115 |
35 | EE | Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto: Adaptive Memory Management and Optimism Control in Time Warp. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 7(2): 239-271 (1997) |
34 | EE | Richard Fujimoto, Maria Hybinette: Computing Global Virtual Time in Shared-Memory Multiprocessors. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 7(4): 425-446 (1997) |
33 | EE | Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto: An Empirical Evaluation of Performance-Memory Trade-Offs in Time Warp. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(2): 210-224 (1997) |
1996 | ||
32 | EE | Fang Hao, Karen Wilson, Richard Fujimoto, Ellen W. Zegura: Logical Process Size in Parallel Simulations. Winter Simulation Conference 1996: 645-652 |
31 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Richard Fujimoto: Background Execution of Time Warp Programs. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1996: 12-19 |
30 | EE | Richard Fujimoto, Richard M. Weatherly: Time Management in the DoD High Level Architecture. Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Simulation 1996: 60-67 |
29 | Richard Fujimoto, William C. Hare: Accuracy of Multiprocessor Tracing Techniques. Int. Journal in Computer Simulation 6(1): 3- (1996) | |
1995 | ||
28 | Gautam Shah, Umakishore Ramachandran, Richard Fujimoto: Timepatch: A Novel Technique for the Parallel Simulation of Multiprocessor Caches. SIGMETRICS 1995: 315-316 | |
27 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: Parallel and Distributed Simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1995: 118-125 |
26 | EE | Christopher D. Carothers, Yi-Bing Lin, Richard Fujimoto: Simulating Population Dependent PCS Network Models Using Time Warp. Winter Simulation Conference 1995: 555-562 |
1994 | ||
25 | Christopher D. Carothers, Richard Fujimoto, Yi-Bing Lin, Paul England: Distributed Simulation of Large-Scale PCS Networks. MASCOTS 1994: 2-6 | |
24 | Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto: An Adaptive Memory Management Protocol for Time Warp Simulation. SIGMETRICS 1994: 201-210 | |
23 | Ioanis Nikolaidis, Richard Fujimoto, C. Anthony Cooper: Time-Parallel Simulation of Cascaded Statistical Multiplexers. SIGMETRICS 1994: 231-240 | |
22 | EE | Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto, Kiran S. Panesar, Don Allison, Maria Hybinette: GTW: a time warp system for shared memory multiprocessors. Winter Simulation Conference 1994: 1332-1339 |
1993 | ||
21 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto: Parallel and distributed discrete event simulation: algorithms and applications. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 106-114 |
20 | EE | Jya-Jang Tsai, Richard M. Fujimoto: Automatic parallelization of discrete event simulation programs. Winter Simulation Conference 1993: 697-705 |
19 | EE | Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Richard Fujimoto: Design and Verification of the Rollback Chip Using HOP: A Case Study of Formal Methods Applied to Hardware design. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 11(2): 109-145 (1993) |
18 | Ian F. Akyildiz, Liang Chen, Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto, Richard F. Serfozo: The Effect of Memory Capacity on Time Warp Performance. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(4): 411-422 (1993) | |
17 | Vijay K. Madisetti, David A. Hardaker, Richard Fujimoto: The MIMDIX Environment for Parallel Simulation. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 18(4): 473-483 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
16 | Ian F. Akyildiz, Liang Chen, Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto, Richard F. Serfozo: Performance Analysis of "Time Warp" with Limited Memory. SIGMETRICS 1992: 213-224 | |
15 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto, David M. Nicol: State of the art in parallel simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1992: 246-254 |
14 | Richard Fujimoto, Jya-Jang Tsai, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan: Design and Evaluation of the Rollback Chip: Special Purpose Hardware for Time Warp. IEEE Trans. Computers 41(1): 68-82 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
13 | Kaushik Ghosh, Richard Fujimoto: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation Using Space-Time Memory. ICPP (3) 1991: 201-208 | |
12 | Anurag Gupta, Ian F. Akyildiz, Richard Fujimoto: Performance Analysis of Time Warp with Homogeneous Processors and Exponential Task Times. SIGMETRICS 1991: 101-110 | |
11 | EE | Greg Lomow, Samir Ranjan Das, Richard Fujimoto: Mechanisms for User-Invoked Retraction of Events in Time Warp. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul. 1(3): 219-243 (1991) |
10 | EE | Anurag Gupta, Ian F. Akyildiz, Richard Fujimoto: Performance Analysis of Time Warp With Multiple Homogeneous Processors. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(10): 1013-1027 (1991) |
1990 | ||
9 | Richard Fujimoto: Parallel Discrete Event Simulation. Commun. ACM 33(10): 30-53 (1990) | |
8 | Sanjay V. Rajopadhye, Richard Fujimoto: Synthesizing systolic arrays from recurrence equations. Parallel Computing 14(2): 163-189 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
7 | Richard Fujimoto: Time Warp on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor. ICPP (3) 1989: 242-249 | |
6 | EE | Richard Fujimoto: The Virtual Time Machine. SPAA 1989: 199-208 |
5 | EE | Richard M. Fujimoto: Parallel discrete event simulation. Winter Simulation Conference 1989: 19-28 |
1988 | ||
4 | Hwa-chung Feng, Richard Fujimoto: A Shared Memory Algorithm And Performance Evaluation Of the Generalized Alternative Construct In CSP. ICPP (2) 1988: 176-179 | |
3 | Richard Fujimoto, Jya-Jang Tsai, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan: Design and Performance of Special Purpose Hardware for Time Warp. ISCA 1988: 401-408 | |
1987 | ||
2 | Sanjay V. Rajopadhye, Richard Fujimoto: Systolic Array Synthesis by Static Analysis of Program Dependencies. PARLE (1) 1987: 295-310 | |
1986 | ||
1 | Sanjay V. Rajopadhye, S. Purushothaman, Richard Fujimoto: On Synthesizing Systolic Arrays from Recurrence Equations with Linear Dependencies. FSTTCS 1986: 488-503 |