
Yu Ogura

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12EENobuki Oshima, Muhamad Aizudding, Ryu Midorikawa, Jorge Solis, Yu Ogura, Atsuo Takanishi: Development of a Suture/Ligature Training System designed to provide quantitative information of the learning progress of trainees. ICRA 2007: 2285-2291
11EEYohan Noh, Koji Nagahiro, Yu Ogura, Hiroyuki Ishii, Jorge Solis, Kazuyuki Hatake, Atsuo Takanishi: Development of the airway management training system WKA-1 designed to embed arrays of sensors into a conventional mannequin. IROS 2007: 1296-1301
10EENobuki Oshima, Jorge Solis, Yu Ogura, Kazuyuki Hatake, Atsuo Takanishi: Development of the suture/ligature training system WKS-2 designed to provide more detailed information of the task performance. IROS 2007: 58-63
9 Yu Ogura, Hiroyuki Aikawa, Kazushi Shimomura, Hideki Kondo, Akitoshi Morishima, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi: Development of a New Humanoid Robot WABIAN-2. ICRA 2006: 76-81
8EEYu Ogura, Kazushi Shimomura, Hideki Kondo, Akitoshi Morishima, Tatsu Okubo, Shimpei Momoki, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi: Human-like Walking with Knee Stretched, Heel-contact and Toe-off Motion by a Humanoid Robot. IROS 2006: 3976-3981
7EEHideki Kondo, Yu Ogura, Hiroyuki Aikawa, Kazushi Shimomura, Akitoshi Morishima, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi: Biped Humanoid Robot Capable of Being Used as Human Motion Simulator. ISER 2006: 523-531
6 Yu Ogura, Teruo Kataoka, Hiroyuki Aikawa, Kazushi Shimomura, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi: Evaluation of Various Walking Patterns of Biped Humanoid Robot. ICRA 2005: 603-608
5EEAtsuo Takanishi, Yu Ogura, Kazuko Itoh: Some Issues in Humanoid Robot Design. ISRR 2005: 357-372
4EEYu Ogura, Hiroyuki Aikawa, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi: Development of a Human-like Walking Robot having two 7-DOF Legs and a 2-DOF Waist. ICRA 2004: 134-139
3EEGiuseppe Carbone, Yu Ogura, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi, Marco Ceccarelli: Dynamic simulation and experiments for the design of a new 7-dofs biped walking leg module. Robotica 22(1): 41-50 (2004)
2EEYu Ogura, Shumpei Ando, Hun-ok Lim, Atsuo Takanishi: Sensory-based walking motion instruction for biped humanoid robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 48(4): 223-230 (2004)
1 Shuzo Isoda, Manabu Maeda, Yuji Hiramatsu, Yu Ogura, Hideaki Takanobu, Atsuo Takanishi, Kunimitsu Wakamatsu: Realization of an autonomous search for sound blowing parameters for an anthropomorphic flutist robot. ICRA 2003: 3582-3587

Coauthor Index

1Hiroyuki Aikawa [4] [6] [7] [9]
2Muhamad Aizudding [12]
3Shumpei Ando [2]
4Giuseppe Carbone [3]
5Marco Ceccarelli [3]
6Kazuyuki Hatake [10] [11]
7Yuji Hiramatsu [1]
8Hiroyuki Ishii [11]
9Shuzo Isoda [1]
10Kazuko Itoh [5]
11Teruo Kataoka [6]
12Hideki Kondo [7] [8] [9]
13Hun-ok Lim [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9]
14Manabu Maeda [1]
15Ryu Midorikawa [12]
16Shimpei Momoki [8]
17Akitoshi Morishima [7] [8] [9]
18Koji Nagahiro [11]
19Yohan Noh [11]
20Tatsu Okubo [8]
21Nobuki Oshima [10] [12]
22Kazushi Shimomura [6] [7] [8] [9]
23Jorge Solis [10] [11] [12]
24Atsuo Takanishi [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
25Hideaki Takanobu [1]
26Kunimitsu Wakamatsu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)