
Yan Meng

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32 Matthew Conforth, Yan Meng: Communication Scheme Comparison for a Distributed Multi-Agent System. IC-AI 2008: 106-112
31 Matthew Conforth, Yan Meng: Toward Evolving Neural Networks using Bio-Inspired Algorithms. IC-AI 2008: 413-419
30EEYu Ji, Lequan Min, Yan Meng: Analytical Criteria for the Local Activity of Three-Port CNN with Five State Variables: Analysis and Application. ICYCS 2008: 2759-2765
29EEYan Meng, Lequan Min, Yu Ji: Application of Local Activity Theory to Rossler CNN Model. ICYCS 2008: 2846-2851
28EEYan Meng, Jing Gan: Self-adaptive distributed multi-task allocation in a multi-robot system. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 398-404
27EEYuhua Zheng, Yan Meng: Swarm intelligence based dynamic object tracking. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2008: 405-412
26EEYuhua Zheng, Yan Meng: Swarming particles with multi-feature model for free-selected object tracking. IROS 2008: 2553-2558
25EEYan Meng, Kerry Johnson, Brian Simms, Matthew Conforth: A generic architecture of modular embedded system for miniature mobile robots. IROS 2008: 3725-3730
24EEHongliang Guo, Yan Meng: Dynamic correlation matrix based multi-Q learning for a multi-robot system. IROS 2008: 840-845
23EELequan Min, Yan Meng, Leon O. Chua: Applications of Local Activity Theory of CNN to Controlled Coupled Oregonator Systems. I. J. Bifurcation and Chaos 18(11): 3233-3297 (2008)
22EEYan Meng, Jinkuan Wang, Jun Zhu, Han Wang: Blind multiuser detection using the subspace-based linearly constrained LSCMA. Signal Processing 88(9): 2246-2253 (2008)
21EEKashyap Shah, Yan Meng: Communication-Efficient Dynamic Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems. CIRA 2007: 230-235
20EEYuhua Zheng, Yan Meng: Adaptive Object Tracking using Particle Swarm Optimization. CIRA 2007: 43-48
19 Yuhua Zheng, Yan Meng: Bayes-based object tracking boosted by particle swarm optimization. ICINCO-RA (1) 2007: 101-108
18EEYan Meng, Xiaoyun Shen, Renbiao Wu, Ling Hefei: Remote Sensing Image Fusion using Multi-Wavelet Transform Combined with HPF. ICME 2007: 1651-1654
17EEYan Meng, Jing Gan: LIVS: Local Interaction via Virtual Stigmergy coordination in distributed search and collective cleanup. IROS 2007: 1371-1376
16EEYan Meng: A Swarm Intelligence Based Algorithm for Proteomic Pattern Detection of Ovarian Cancer. CIBCB 2006: 1-7
15EEYan Meng, Timothy Sherwood, Ryan Kastner: Leakage power reduction of embedded memories on FPGAs through location assignment. DAC 2006: 612-617
14 Yan Meng, Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Jing Gan: Hierarchical multi-robot coordination - aggregation strategies using hybrid communication. ICINCO-RA 2006: 289-295
13EELinfeng Guo, Yan Meng: Psnr-Based Optimization of JPEG Baseline Compression on Color Images. ICIP 2006: 1145-1148
12 Yan Meng: An Agent-based Mobile Robot System using Configurable SOC Technique. ICRA 2006: 3368-3373
11EEYan Meng: A Mobile Vision System with Reconfigurable Intelligent Agents. IJCNN 2006: 1483-1488
10EEYan Meng, Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Jing Gan: Multi-robot Aggregation Strategies with Limited Communication. IROS 2006: 2691-2696
9EEYan Meng, Andrew P. Brown, Ronald A. Iltis, Timothy Sherwood, Hua Lee, Ryan Kastner: MP core: algorithm and design techniques for efficient channel estimation in wireless applications. DAC 2005: 297-302
8 Wenrui Gong, Yan Meng, Gang Wang, Ryan Kastner, Timothy Sherwood: Data Partitioning and Optimizations for Reconfigurable Architectures. ERSA 2005: 239-242
7EEYan Meng, Timothy Sherwood, Ryan Kastner: On the Limits of Leakage Power Reduction in Caches. HPCA 2005: 154-165
6EEArun Qamra, Yan Meng, Edward Y. Chang: Enhanced Perceptual Distance Functions and Indexing for Image Replica Recognition. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 27(3): 379-391 (2005)
5EEYan Meng, Wenrui Gong, Ryan Kastner, Timothy Sherwood: Algorithm/Architecture Co-exploration for Designing Energy Efficient Wireless Channel Estimator. J. Low Power Electronics 1(3): 238-248 (2005)
4EEYan Meng, Timothy Sherwood, Ryan Kastner: Exploring the limits of leakage power reduction in caches. TACO 2(3): 221-246 (2005)
3EEYan Meng, Edward Y. Chang, Beitao Li: Enhancing DPF for Near-replica Image Recognition. CVPR (2) 2003: 416-423
2 Hanqi Zhuang, Yan Meng: Using a Scale: Self-calibration of a Robot System with Factor Method. ICRA 2001: 2797-2803
1EEYan Meng, Hanqi Zhuang: Self-Calibration of Camera-Equipped Robot Manipulators. I. J. Robotic Res. 20(11): 909-921 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Andrew P. Brown [9]
2Edward Y. Chang [3] [6]
3Leon O. Chua [23]
4Matthew Conforth [25] [31] [32]
5Jing Gan [10] [14] [17] [28]
6Wenrui Gong [5] [8]
7Hongliang Guo [24]
8Linfeng Guo [13]
9Ling Hefei [18]
10Ronald A. Iltis [9]
11Yu Ji [29] [30]
12Kerry Johnson [25]
13Ryan Kastner [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [15]
14Hua Lee [9]
15Beitao Li [3]
16Lequan Min [23] [29] [30]
17Jeffrey V. Nickerson [10] [14]
18Arun Qamra [6]
19Kashyap Shah [21]
20Xiaoyun Shen [18]
21Timothy Sherwood [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [15]
22Brian Simms [25]
23Gang Wang [8]
24Han Wang [22]
25Jinkuan Wang [22]
26Renbiao Wu [18]
27Yuhua Zheng [19] [20] [26] [27]
28Jun Zhu [22]
29Hanqi Zhuang [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)