
Sheng-Chih Lin

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9EESheng-Chih Lin, Kaustav Banerjee: A Design-Specific and Thermally-Aware Methodology for Trading-Off Power and Performance in Leakage-Dominant CMOS Technologies. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(11): 1488-1498 (2008)
8EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Navin Srivastava, Sheng-Chih Lin, Kaustav Banerjee, Timothy Sherwood: 3D Integration for Introspection. IEEE Micro 27(1): 77-83 (2007)
7EEKaustav Banerjee, Sheng-Chih Lin, Navin Srivastava: Electrothermal engineering in the nanometer era: from devices and interconnects to circuits and systems. ASP-DAC 2006: 223-230
6EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Navin Srivastava, Sheng-Chih Lin, Kaustav Banerjee, Timothy Sherwood: Introspective 3D chips. ASPLOS 2006: 264-273
5EEGian Luca Loi, Banit Agrawal, Navin Srivastava, Sheng-Chih Lin, Timothy Sherwood, Kaustav Banerjee: A thermally-aware performance analysis of vertically integrated (3-D) processor-memory hierarchy. DAC 2006: 991-996
4EESheng-Chih Lin, Kaustav Banerjee: An electrothermally-aware full-chip substrate temperature gradient evaluation methodology for leakage dominant technologies with implications for power estimation and hot-spot management. ICCAD 2006: 568-574
3EESheng-Chih Lin, Navin Srivastava, Kaustav Banerjee: A Thermally-Aware Methodology for Design-Specific Optimization of Supply and Threshold Voltages in Nanometer Scale ICs. ICCD 2005: 411-416
2EEAnirban Basu, Sheng-Chih Lin, Vineet Wason, Amit Mehrotra, Kaustav Banerjee: Simultaneous optimization of supply and threshold voltages for low-power and high-performance circuits in the leakage dominant era. DAC 2004: 884-887
1EEAnirban Basu, Sheng-Chih Lin, Christoph Wasshuber, Adrian M. Ionescu, Kaustav Banerjee: A Comprehensive Analytical Capacitance Model of a Two Dimensional Nanodot Array. ISQED 2004: 259-264

Coauthor Index

1Banit Agrawal [5] [6] [8]
2Kaustav Banerjee [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Anirban Basu [1] [2]
4Adrian M. Ionescu [1]
5Gian Luca Loi [5]
6Amit Mehrotra [2]
7Shashidhar Mysore [6] [8]
8Timothy Sherwood [5] [6] [8]
9Navin Srivastava [3] [5] [6] [7] [8]
10Vineet Wason [2]
11Christoph Wasshuber [1]

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