
Shashidhar Mysore

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8EEMohit Tiwari, Hassan M. G. Wassel, Bita Mazloom, Shashidhar Mysore, Frederic T. Chong, Timothy Sherwood: Complete information flow tracking from the gates up. ASPLOS 2009: 109-120
7EEShashidhar Mysore, Bita Mazloom, Banit Agrawal, Timothy Sherwood: Understanding and visualizing full systems with data flow tomography. ASPLOS 2008: 211-221
6EEMohit Tiwari, Banit Agrawal, Shashidhar Mysore, Jonathan Valamehr, Timothy Sherwood: A small cache of large ranges: Hardware methods for efficiently searching, storing, and updating big dataflow tags. MICRO 2008: 94-105
5EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Frederic T. Chong, Timothy Sherwood: Exploring the Processor and ISA Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications. VLSI Design 2008: 59-64
4EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Rodolfo Neuber, Timothy Sherwood, Nisheeth Shrivastava, Subhash Suri: Formulating and implementing profiling over adaptive ranges. TACO 5(1): (2008)
3EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Navin Srivastava, Sheng-Chih Lin, Kaustav Banerjee, Timothy Sherwood: 3D Integration for Introspection. IEEE Micro 27(1): 77-83 (2007)
2EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Navin Srivastava, Sheng-Chih Lin, Kaustav Banerjee, Timothy Sherwood: Introspective 3D chips. ASPLOS 2006: 264-273
1EEShashidhar Mysore, Banit Agrawal, Timothy Sherwood, Nisheeth Shrivastava, Subhash Suri: Profiling over Adaptive Ranges. CGO 2006: 147-158

Coauthor Index

1Banit Agrawal [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Kaustav Banerjee [2] [3]
3Frederic T. Chong [5] [8]
4Sheng-Chih Lin [2] [3]
5Bita Mazloom [7] [8]
6Rodolfo Neuber [4]
7Timothy Sherwood [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
8Nisheeth Shrivastava [1] [4]
9Navin Srivastava [2] [3]
10Subhash Suri [1] [4]
11Mohit Tiwari [6] [8]
12Jonathan Valamehr [6]
13Hassan M. G. Wassel [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)