
Dirk Lefeber

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19EEKristof Goris, Jelle Saldien, Dirk Lefeber: Probo: a testbed for human robot interaction. HRI 2009: 253-254
18EEPieter Beyl, Michaël Van Damme, Ronald Van Ham, Rino Versluys, Bram Vanderborght, Dirk Lefeber: An exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation: Prototype design and control principle. ICRA 2008: 2037-2042
17EEMichaël Van Damme, Pieter Beyl, Bram Vanderborght, Ronald Van Ham, Innes Vanderniepen, Rino Versluys, Frank Daerden, Dirk Lefeber: Modeling Hysteresis in Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. RAM 2008: 471-476
16EEBram Vanderborght, Björn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Michaël Van Damme, Pieter Beyl, Dirk Lefeber: Development of a compliance controller to reduce energy consumption for bipedal robots. Auton. Robots 24(4): 419-434 (2008)
15EEBram Vanderborght, Björn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Michaël Van Damme, Dirk Lefeber: Objective locomotion parameters based inverted pendulum trajectory generator. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 56(9): 738-750 (2008)
14EEMichaël Van Damme, Bram Vanderborght, Ronald Van Ham, Björn Verrelst, Frank Daerden, Dirk Lefeber: Proxy-Based Sliding Mode Control of a Manipulator Actuated by Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. ICRA 2007: 4355-4360
13EERonald Van Ham, Bram Vanderborght, Michaël Van Damme, Björn Verrelst, Dirk Lefeber: MACCEPA, the mechanically adjustable compliance and controllable equilibrium position actuator: Design and implementation in a biped robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 55(10): 761-768 (2007)
12 Ronald Van Ham, Bram Vanderborght, Michaël Van Damme, Björn Verrelst, Dirk Lefeber: MACCEPA: the Mechanically Adjustable Compliance and Controllable Equilibrium Position Actuator for 'Controlled Passive Walking'. ICRA 2006: 2195-2200
11 Bram Vanderborght, Björn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Michaël Van Damme, Pieter Beyl, Dirk Lefeber: Torque and Compliance Control of the Pneumatic Artificial Muscles in the Biped "Lucy". ICRA 2006: 842-847
10EEBjörn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Bram Vanderborght, Dirk Lefeber, Frank Daerden, Michaël Van Damme: Second generation pleated pneumatic artificial muscle and its robotic applications. Advanced Robotics 20(7): 783-805 (2006)
9EEBram Vanderborght, Björn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Michaël Van Damme, Dirk Lefeber, Bruno Meira Y. Duran, Pieter Beyl: Exploiting Natural Dynamics to Reduce Energy Consumption by Controlling the Compliance of Soft Actuators. I. J. Robotic Res. 25(4): 343-358 (2006)
8EEJimmy Vermeulen, Björn Verrelst, Bram Vanderborght, Dirk Lefeber, P. Guillaume: Trajectory Planning for the Walking Biped "Lucy". I. J. Robotic Res. 25(9): 867-887 (2006)
7EEBram Vanderborght, Björn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Dirk Lefeber: Controlling a bipedal walking robot actuated by pleated pneumatic artificial muscles. Robotica 24(4): 401-410 (2006)
6 Bram Vanderborght, Björn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Jimmy Vermeulen, Dirk Lefeber: Dynamic Control of a Bipedal Walking Robot actuated with Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. ICRA 2005: 1-6
5 Michaël Van Damme, Frank Daerden, Dirk Lefeber: A Pneumatic Manipulator used in Direct Contact with an Operator. ICRA 2005: 4494-4499
4EEBjörn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Bram Vanderborght, Frank Daerden, Dirk Lefeber, Jimmy Vermeulen: The Pneumatic Biped "Lucy" Actuated with Pleated Pneumatic Artificial Muscles. Auton. Robots 18(2): 201-213 (2005)
3EEBjörn Verrelst, Ronald Van Ham, Bram Vanderborght, Jimmy Vermeulen, Dirk Lefeber, Frank Daerden: Exploiting adaptable passive behaviour to influence natural dynamics applied to legged robots. Robotica 23(2): 149-158 (2005)
2EEJimmy Vermeulen, Björn Verrelst, Dirk Lefeber, P. Kool, Bram Vanderborght: A real-time joint trajectory planner for dynamic walking bipeds in the sagittal plane. Robotica 23(6): 669-680 (2005)
1EEJimmy Vermeulen, Dirk Lefeber, Björn Verrelst: Control of foot placement, forward velocity and body orientation of a one-legged hopping robot. Robotica 21(1): 45-57 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Pieter Beyl [9] [11] [16] [17] [18]
2Frank Daerden [3] [4] [5] [10] [14] [17]
3Michaël Van Damme [5] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
4Bruno Meira Y. Duran [9]
5Kristof Goris [19]
6P. Guillaume [8]
7Ronald Van Ham [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
8P. Kool [2]
9Jelle Saldien [19]
10Bram Vanderborght [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18]
11Innes Vanderniepen [17]
12Jimmy Vermeulen [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [8]
13Björn Verrelst [1] [2] [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
14Rino Versluys [17] [18]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)