
Richard P. Kleihorst

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28EEMichael Koch, Zoran Zivkovic, Richard P. Kleihorst, Henk Corporaal: Distributed Smart Camera Calibration Using Blinking LED. ACIVS 2008: 242-253
27EEYifan He, Zoran Zivkovic, Richard P. Kleihorst, Alexander Danilin, Henk Corporaal, Bart Mesman: Real-Time Hough Transform on 1-D SIMD Processors: Implementation and Architecture Exploration. ACIVS 2008: 254-265
26EEChen Wu, Hamid K. Aghajan, Richard P. Kleihorst: Real-Time Human Posture Reconstruction in Wireless Smart Camera Networks. IPSN 2008: 321-331
25EEDaniele Rossi, André K. Nieuwland, Steven V. E. S. van Dijk, Richard P. Kleihorst, Cecilia Metra: Power Consumption of Fault Tolerant Busses. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(5): 542-553 (2008)
24EEHamed Fatemi, Bart Mesman, Henk Corporaal, Twan Basten, Richard P. Kleihorst: RC-SIMD: Reconfigurable communication SIMD architecture for image processing applications. J. Embedded Computing 2(2): 167-179 (2006)
23EEHamed Fatemi, Henk Corporaal, Twan Basten, Richard P. Kleihorst, Pieter P. Jonker: Designing Area and Performance Constrained SIMD/VLIW Image Processing Architectures. ACIVS 2005: 689-696
22EEGerold Kraft, Richard P. Kleihorst: Computing Stereo-Vision in Video Real-Time with Low-Cost SIMD-Hardware. ACIVS 2005: 697-704
21 Richard P. Kleihorst, Martijn Reuvers, Ben J. A. Kröse, Harry Broers: A smart camera for face recognition. ICIP 2004: 2849-2852
20EEAnteneh A. Abbo, Richard P. Kleihorst, Vishal Choudhary, Leo Sevat: Power Consumption of Performance-Scaled SIMD Processors. PATMOS 2004: 532-540
19EEJan Nesvadba, Pedro Miguel Fonseca, Richard P. Kleihorst, Harry Broers, Jun Fan: Face related features in consumer electronic (CE) device environments. SMC (1) 2004: 641-648
18EEAndré K. Nieuwland, Richard P. Kleihorst: IC Cost Reduction by Applying Embedded Fault Tolerance for Soft Errors. J. Electronic Testing 20(5): 533-542 (2004)
17EERashindra Manniesing, Richard P. Kleihorst, André van der Avoird, Emile A. Hendriks: Power Analysis of a General Convolution Algorithm Mapped on a Linear Processor Array. VLSI Signal Processing 37(1): 5-19 (2004)
16EEDaniele Rossi, Steven V. E. S. van Dijk, Richard P. Kleihorst, André K. Nieuwland, Cecilia Metra: Power Consumption of Fault Tolerant Codes: the Active Elements. IOLTS 2003: 61-67
15EEAndré K. Nieuwland, Richard P. Kleihorst: The positive effect on IC yield of embedded Fault Tolerance for SEUs. IOLTS 2003: 75-
14EEDaniele Rossi, Steven V. E. S. van Dijk, Richard P. Kleihorst, A. H. Nieuwland, Cecilia Metra: Coding Scheme for Low Energy Consumption Fault-Tolerant Bus. IOLTW 2002: 8-12
13EERené J. van der Vleuten, Richard P. Kleihorst, Christian Hentschel: Flexible Storage of Images for Digital Cameras. Data Compression Conference 2001: 521
12EERené J. van der Vleuten, Richard P. Kleihorst, Christian Hentschel: Flexible storage of images with application to digital cameras. ICIP (2) 2001: 1097-1100
11EERichard P. Kleihorst, Mi-Suen Lee, Anteneh A. Abbo, Eric Cohen-Solal: Real time skin-region detection with a single-chip digital camera. ICIP (3) 2001: 306-309
10EERichard P. Kleihorst, Nico F. Benschop: Fault Tolerant ICs by Area-Optimized Error Correcting Codes. IOLTW 2001: 143
9EERichard P. Kleihorst, Anteneh A. Abbo, André van der Avoird, M. Op de Beeck, Leo Sevat, Paul Wielage, R. van Veen, H. van Herten: Xetal: a low-power high-performance smart camera processor. ISCAS (5) 2001: 215-218
8EERené J. van der Vleuten, Richard P. Kleihorst: Low-Complexity Scalable Image Compression. Data Compression Conference 2000: 23-32
7 René J. van der Vleuten, Richard P. Kleihorst, Christian Hentschel: Low-Complexity Scalable DCT Image Compression. ICIP 2000
6 Jeff Y. F. Hsieh, André van der Avoird, Richard P. Kleihorst, Teresa H. Y. Meng: Transpose Memory for Video Rate JPEG Compression on Highly Parallel Single-Chip Digital CMOS Imager. ICIP 2000
5EERichard P. Kleihorst, René J. van der Vleuten: DCT-Domain Embedded Memory Compression for Hybrid Video Coders. VLSI Signal Processing 24(1): 31-41 (2000)
4EERichard P. Kleihorst, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond: An adaptive order-statistic noise filter for gamma-corrected image sequences. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 6(10): 1442-1446 (1997)
3EERichard P. Kleihorst, Albert van der Werf, W. H. A. Brüls, Wim F. J. Verhaegh, E. Waterlander: Mpeg2 Video Encoding in Consumer Electronics. VLSI Signal Processing 17(2-3): 241-253 (1997)
2EERichard P. Kleihorst, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond: Noise reduction of image sequences using motion compensation and signal decomposition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4(3): 274-284 (1995)
1 Richard P. Kleihorst, Reginald L. Lagendijk, Jan Biemond: An Efficient Spatio-Temproal OS-Filter for Gamma-Corrected Video Signals. ICIP (1) 1994: 348-352

Coauthor Index

1Anteneh A. Abbo [9] [11] [20]
2Hamid K. Aghajan [26]
3André van der Avoird [6] [9] [17]
4Twan Basten [23] [24]
5M. Op de Beeck [9]
6Nico F. Benschop [10]
7Jan Biemond [1] [2] [4]
8Harry Broers [19] [21]
9W. H. A. Brüls [3]
10Vishal Choudhary [20]
11Eric Cohen-Solal [11]
12Henk Corporaal [23] [24] [27] [28]
13Alexander Danilin [27]
14Steven V. E. S. van Dijk [14] [16] [25]
15Jun Fan [19]
16Hamed Fatemi [23] [24]
17Pedro Miguel Fonseca [19]
18Yifan He [27]
19Emile A. Hendriks [17]
20Christian Hentschel [7] [12] [13]
21H. van Herten [9]
22Jeff Y. F. Hsieh [6]
23Pieter P. Jonker (Pieter Jonker) [23]
24Michael Koch [28]
25Gerold Kraft [22]
26Ben J. A. Kröse [21]
27Reginald L. Lagendijk (Inald Lagendijk) [1] [2] [4]
28Mi-Suen Lee [11]
29Rashindra Manniesing [17]
30Teresa H. Y. Meng [6]
31Bart Mesman [24] [27]
32Cecilia Metra [14] [16] [25]
33Jan Nesvadba [19]
34A. H. Nieuwland [14]
35André K. Nieuwland [15] [16] [18] [25]
36Martijn Reuvers [21]
37Daniele Rossi [14] [16] [25]
38Leo Sevat [9] [20]
39R. van Veen [9]
40Wim F. J. Verhaegh [3]
41René J. van der Vleuten [5] [7] [8] [12] [13]
42E. Waterlander [3]
43Albert van der Werf [3]
44Paul Wielage [9]
45Chen Wu [26]
46Zoran Zivkovic [27] [28]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)