
Gershon Kedem

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19EEFareed Zaffar, Gershon Kedem: A Service Architecture for Countering Distributed Denial of Service Attacks. AINA Workshops (1) 2007: 36-42
18EEAshish Gehani, Surendar Chandra, Gershon Kedem: Augmenting storage with an intrusion response primitive to ensure the security of critical data. ASIACCS 2006: 114-124
17EEFareed Zaffar, Gershon Kedem, Ashish Gehani: Paranoid: A Global Secure File Access Control System. ACSAC 2005: 322-332
16EEAshish Gehani, Gershon Kedem: RheoStat: Real-Time Risk Management. RAID 2004: 296-314
15EEHaifeng Yu, Gershon Kedem: DRAM-Page Based Prediction and Prefetching. ICCD 2000: 267-275
14EEThomas Alexander, Gershon Kedem: Distributed Prefetch-buffer/Cache Design for High-Performance Memory Systems. HPCA 1996: 254-263
13EEThomas Alexander, John L. Ellis, Gershon Kedem: A Solid Translation Engine using Ray Representation. ASAP 1995: 157-165
12EEJack V. Briner Jr., John L. Ellis, Gershon Kedem: Breaking the Barrier of Parallel Simulation of Digital Systems. DAC 1991: 223-226
11 Sujit Dey, Franc Brglez, Gershon Kedem: Partitioning Sequential Circuits for Logic Optimization. ICCD 1991: 70-76
10EEJohn L. Ellis, Gershon Kedem, T. C. Lyerly, D. G. Thielman, R. J. Marisa, Jai Menon, Herbert B. Voelcker: The Ray casting engine and Ray representatives. Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications 1991: 255-267
9 Sujit Dey, Franc Brglez, Gershon Kedem: Identification and Resynthesis of Pipelines in Sequential Networks. VLSI 1991: 439-449
8 John L. Ellis, Gershon Kedem, T. C. Lyerly, D. G. Thielman, R. J. Marisa, Jai Menon, Herbert B. Voelcker: The ray casting engine and ray representations: a technical summary. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 1(4): 347-380 (1991)
7EESujit Dey, Franc Brglez, Gershon Kedem: Corolla Based Circuit Partitioning and Resynthesis. DAC 1990: 607-612
6 Franc Brglez, Gershon Kedem, Clay Gloster: Hardware-Based Weighted Random Pattern Generation for Boundary Scan. ITC 1989: 264-274
5EEPeter Ramyalal Suaris, Gershon Kedem: A quadrisection-based combined place and route scheme for standard cells. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 8(3): 234-244 (1989)
4EEJ. Apte, Gershon Kedem: Strip Layout: A New Layout Methodology for Standard Circuit Modules. DAC 1987: 363-369
3EEPierre J. Malraison, Gershon Kedem, Greg Lee, Donald Meagher: Solid modeling with hardware (panel session). SIGGRAPH 1985: 328
2EEGershon Kedem, Hiroyuki Watanabe: Graph-Optimization Techniques for IC Layout and Compaction. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 3(1): 12-20 (1984)
1EEGershon Kedem: Automatic Differentiation of Computer Programs. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 6(2): 150-165 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas Alexander [13] [14]
2J. Apte [4]
3Franc Brglez [6] [7] [9] [11]
4Jack V. Briner Jr. [12]
5Surendar Chandra [18]
6Sujit Dey [7] [9] [11]
7John L. Ellis [8] [10] [12] [13]
8Ashish Gehani [16] [17] [18]
9Clay S. Gloster Jr. (Clay Gloster) [6]
10Greg Lee [3]
11T. C. Lyerly [8] [10]
12Pierre J. Malraison [3]
13R. J. Marisa [8] [10]
14Donald Meagher [3]
15Jai Menon [8] [10]
16Peter Suaris (Peter Ramyalal Suaris) [5]
17D. G. Thielman [8] [10]
18Herbert B. Voelcker [8] [10]
19Hiroyuki Watanabe [2]
20Haifeng Yu [15]
21Fareed Zaffar [17] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)