
Thomas Alexander

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4EEHelge Renkewitz, Verena Kinder, Mario Brandt, Thomas Alexander: Optimal Font Size for Head-Mounted-Displays in Outdoor Applications. IV 2008: 503-508
3EEMatthias Weber, Heni Ben Amor, Thomas Alexander: Identifying Motion Capture Tracking Markers with Self-Organizing Maps. VR 2008: 297-298
2EEThomas Alexander, Gershon Kedem: Distributed Prefetch-buffer/Cache Design for High-Performance Memory Systems. HPCA 1996: 254-263
1EEThomas Alexander, John L. Ellis, Gershon Kedem: A Solid Translation Engine using Ray Representation. ASAP 1995: 157-165

Coauthor Index

1Heni Ben Amor [3]
2Mario Brandt [4]
3John L. Ellis [1]
4Gershon Kedem [1] [2]
5Verena Kinder [4]
6Helge Renkewitz [4]
7Matthias Weber [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)