
Ray Jarvis

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34EERay Jarvis: Multimodal Robot/Human Interaction in an Assistive Technology Context. ACHI 2009: 212-218
33EEKarl Axnick, Ray Jarvis, Kim C. Ng: Using Face Quality Ratings to Improve Real-Time Face Recognition. PSIVT 2009: 13-24
32EENghia Ho, Ray Jarvis: Vision based global localisation using a 3D environmental model created by a laser range scanner. IROS 2008: 2964-2969
31EERay Jarvis: Robotic Inspection and Safe Removal of Suspicious/Abandoned Luggage. RAM 2008: 146-149
30EERay Jarvis: Intelligent Robotics: Past, Present and Future. IJCSA 5(3): 23-35 (2008)
29 Karl Axnick, Ray Jarvis, Kim C. Ng: Optimised Ordinal Correlation Face Recognition. Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 2007: 214-221
28 Mohamed Marzouqi, Ray Jarvis: Enhancing Self Covertness in a Hostile Environment from Expected Observers at Unknown Locations. IAS 2006: 189-196
27EEPunarjay Chakravarty, Ray Jarvis: Panoramic Vision and Laser Range Finder Fusion for Multiple Person Tracking. IROS 2006: 2949-2954
26EERay Jarvis: A Four Wheel Drive Boom Lift Robot for Bush Fire Fighting. ISER 2006: 245-255
25EEMohamed Marzouqi, Ray Jarvis: New visibility-based path-planning approach for covert robotic navigation. Robotica 24(6): 759-773 (2006)
24 Shichao Zhang, Ray Jarvis: AI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 18th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Sydney, Australia, December 5-9, 2005, Proceedings Springer 2005
23 Shahram Jafari, Ray Jarvis: Genetic Tuner for Image Classification with Robotic Applications. ANNIIP 2005: 12-22
22EETomomasa Sato, Ray Jarvis: Session Overview Networked Robotics. ISRR 2005: 509
21 Ray Jarvis: Robot Vision. The Industrial Information Technology Handbook 2005: 1-10
20EEShahram Jafari, Ray Jarvis: Robotic eye-to-hand coordination: Implementing visual perception to object manipulation. Int. J. Hybrid Intell. Syst. 2(4): 269-293 (2005)
19EEShahram Jafari, Ray Jarvis: Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination: From Observation to Manipulation. HIS 2004: 20-25
18EEEdward Wong, Ray Jarvis: Real time obstacle detection and navigation planning for a humanoid robot in an indoor environment. RAM 2004: 693-698
17EEKai Wing Tang, Ray Jarvis: A fast algorithm to plan a collision-free path in cluttered 2D environments. RAM 2004: 786-791
16EEMohamed Marzouqi, Ray Jarvis: Covert Robotics: hiding in known environments. RAM 2004: 804-809
15EEDorian Spero, Ray Jarvis: Towards exteroceptive based localisation. RAM 2004: 822-827
14EEShahram Jafari, Ray Jarvis, Thirukkumaran Sivahumaran: Relative visual servoing. RAM 2004: 880-885
13 Peter I. Corke, Ray Jarvis, Alexander Zelinsky: Editorial. I. J. Robotic Res. 23(2): 99 (2004)
12 Ray Jarvis, Alexander Zelinsky: Robotics Research, The Tenth International Symposium, ISRR 2001, Lorne, Victoria, Australia, November 9-12 2001 Springer 2003
11EERay Jarvis: Computational Geometry, Image Processing and Robot Path Planning. DICTA 2003: 15-16
10EERay Jarvis: Session Summary. ISRR 2003: 269-270
9EERay Jarvis: A Go Where You Look Tele-autonomous Rough Terrain Mobile Robot. ISER 2002: 624-633
8EERay Jarvis: Tele-Autonomous Watercraft Navigation. ISER 2000: 543-550
7 Ray Jarvis: Navigation of a Martian Rover in Very Rough Terrain. ISER 1999: 255-264
6 Irving Hofman, Ray Jarvis: Three-Dimensional Scene Analysis Using Multiple Range Finders - Data Capture, Coordinate Transformations and Initial Segmentation. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 436-445
5 Ray Jarvis: Sensor-Based Robotic Automation of Mushroom Farming - Preliminary Considerations. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1997: 446-455
4 Ray Jarvis: Etherbot - An Autonomous Mobile Robot on a Local Area Network Radio Tether. ISER 1997: 195-206
3EEChin-Seng Chua, Ray Jarvis: Point Signatures: A New Representation for 3D Object Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 25(1): 63-85 (1997)
2EEChin-Seng Chua, Ray Jarvis: 3D free-form surface registration and object recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 17(1): 77-99 (1996)
1 Ray Jarvis: Localisation, Environmental Modelling and Path Planning for Autonomous Mobile Robot Navigation. Modelling and Planning for Sensor Based Intelligent Robot Systems 1994: 325-343

Coauthor Index

1Karl Axnick [29] [33]
2Punarjay Chakravarty [27]
3Chin-Seng Chua [2] [3]
4Peter I. Corke [13]
5Nghia Ho [32]
6Irving Hofman [6]
7Shahram Jafari [14] [19] [20] [23]
8Mohamed Marzouqi [16] [25] [28]
9Kim C. Ng [29] [33]
10Tomomasa Sato [22]
11Thirukkumaran Sivahumaran [14]
12Dorian Spero [15]
13Kai Wing Tang [17]
14Edward Wong [18]
15Alexander Zelinsky [12] [13]
16Shichao Zhang [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)