
Edward Wong

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4EEZongwei Luo, Jenny S. Li, Edward Wong: SOA-Trust: Towards Developing Trustworthy RFID Enabled Intelligent Service Solutions. ICEBE 2007: 751-754
3EEHon Ng, Wilton Fok, Edward Wong, Zongwei Luo: Quality Management using RFID and Third Generation Mobile Communications Systems. ICEBE 2006: 504-510
2EEZongwei Luo, Terry Chan, Jenny S. Li, Edward Wong, William Cheung, Victor Ng, Wilton Fok: Experimental Analysis of an RFID Security Protocol. ICEBE 2006: 62-70
1EEEdward Wong, Ray Jarvis: Real time obstacle detection and navigation planning for a humanoid robot in an indoor environment. RAM 2004: 693-698

Coauthor Index

1Terry Chan [2]
2William Cheung [2]
3Wilton Fok [2] [3]
4Ray Jarvis [1]
5Jenny S. Li [2] [4]
6Zongwei Luo [2] [3] [4]
7Hon Ng [3]
8Victor Ng [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)