Microsoft Research
List of publications from the DBLP Bibliography Server - FAQother persons with the same name:
2007 | ||
164 | EE | Jim Gray, Surajit Chaudhuri, Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, Don Reichart, Murali Venkatrao, Frank Pellow, Hamid Pirahesh: Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Totals CoRR abs/cs/0701155: (2007) |
163 | EE | Jim Gray: Data Management: Past, Present, and Future CoRR abs/cs/0701156: (2007) |
162 | EE | Hal Berenson, Philip A. Bernstein, Jim Gray, Jim Melton, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil: A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels CoRR abs/cs/0701157: (2007) |
161 | EE | Jim Gray: Queues Are Databases CoRR abs/cs/0701158: (2007) |
160 | EE | Gerd Heber, Jim Gray: Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend, Part I: There is Life beyond Files CoRR abs/cs/0701159: (2007) |
159 | EE | Gerd Heber, Jim Gray: Supporting Finite Element Analysis with a Relational Database Backend, Part II: Database Design and Access CoRR abs/cs/0701160: (2007) |
158 | EE | Jim Gray, Charles Levine: Thousands of DebitCredit Transactions-Per-Second: Easy and Inexpensive CoRR abs/cs/0701161: (2007) |
157 | EE | Jim Gray: A Measure of Transaction Processing 20 Years Later CoRR abs/cs/0701162: (2007) |
156 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Gyorgy Fekete: Using Table Valued Functions in SQL Server 2005 To Implement a Spatial Data Library CoRR abs/cs/0701163: (2007) |
155 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Jim Gray, George Fekete, Peter Z. Kunszt, Peter Kukol, Ani Thakar: Indexing the Sphere with the Hierarchical Triangular Mesh CoRR abs/cs/0701164: (2007) |
154 | EE | Gordon Bell, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Petascale Computational Systems CoRR abs/cs/0701165: (2007) |
153 | EE | Jim Gray, Catharine van Ingen: Empirical Measurements of Disk Failure Rates and Error Rates CoRR abs/cs/0701166: (2007) |
152 | EE | María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Aniruddha R. Thakar, Alexander S. Szalay, Jim Gray: Large-Scale Query and XMatch, Entering the Parallel Zone CoRR abs/cs/0701167: (2007) |
151 | EE | Russell Sears, Catharine van Ingen, Jim Gray: To BLOB or Not To BLOB: Large Object Storage in a Database or a Filesystem? CoRR abs/cs/0701168: (2007) |
150 | EE | Katalin Szlavecz, Andreas Terzis, Stuart Ozer, Razvan Musaloiu-Elefteri, Joshua Cogan, Sam Small, Randal C. Burns, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Life Under Your Feet: An End-to-End Soil Ecology Sensor Network, Database, Web Server, and Analysis Service CoRR abs/cs/0701170: (2007) |
149 | EE | Jim Gray, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Alexander S. Szalay: The Zones Algorithm for Finding Points-Near-a-Point or Cross-Matching Spatial Datasets CoRR abs/cs/0701171: (2007) |
148 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Tamas Budavari, Robert Lupton, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Ani Thakar: Cross-Matching Multiple Spatial Observations and Dealing with Missing Data CoRR abs/cs/0701172: (2007) |
147 | EE | Vik Singh, Jim Gray, Ani Thakar, Alexander S. Szalay, Jordan Raddick, Bill Boroski, Svetlana Lebedeva, Brian Yanny: SkyServer Traffic Report - The First Five Years CoRR abs/cs/0701173: (2007) |
146 | EE | Magdalena Balazinska, Amol Deshpande, Michael J. Franklin, Phillip B. Gibbons, Jim Gray, Mark H. Hansen, Michael Liebhold, Suman Nath, Alexander S. Szalay, Vincent Tao: Data Management in the Worldwide Sensor Web. IEEE Pervasive Computing 6(2): 30-40 (2007) |
2006 | ||
145 | Jim Gray: Triumphs, Sins, and Challenges of Database Benchmarking. ExpDB 2006 | |
144 | EE | Naga K. Govindaraju, Scott Larsen, Jim Gray, Dinesh Manocha: Memory - A memory model for scientific algorithms on graphics processors. SC 2006: 89 |
143 | EE | Naga K. Govindaraju, Jim Gray, Ritesh Kumar, Dinesh Manocha: GPUTeraSort: high performance graphics co-processor sorting for large database management. SIGMOD Conference 2006: 325-336 |
142 | EE | Stuart Ozer, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Andreas Terzis, Razvan Musaloiu-Elefteri, Katalin Szlavecz, Randal C. Burns, Joshua Cogan: Data analysis tools for sensor-based science. SenSys 2006: 341-342 |
141 | EE | Jim Gray, Leslie Lamport: Consensus on transaction commit. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 31(1): 133-160 (2006) |
140 | EE | Jacek Becla, Andrew Hanushevsky, Sergei Nikolaev, Ghaleb Abdulla, Alexander S. Szalay, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Ani Thakar, Jim Gray: Designing a Multi-petabyte Database for LSST CoRR abs/cs/0604112: (2006) |
139 | EE | Gordon Bell, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Petascale Computational Systems. IEEE Computer 39(1): 110-112 (2006) |
138 | EE | Tom Barclay, Jim Gray, Steve Ekblad, Eric Strand, Jeffrey Richter: Designing and Building TerraService. IEEE Internet Computing 10(5): 16-25 (2006) |
2005 | ||
137 | EE | María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, James Annis, Aniruddha R. Thakar, William O'Mullane: When Database Systems Meet the Grid. CIDR 2005: 154-161 |
136 | EE | Jim Gray: Greetings from a Filesystem User. FAST 2005 |
135 | EE | Jim Gray: A conversation with Tim Bray. ACM Queue 3(1): 20-25 (2005) |
134 | EE | Jim Gray, Mark Compton: A call to arms. ACM Queue 3(3): 30-38 (2005) |
133 | EE | Jim Gray, David T. Liu, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Alexander S. Szalay, David J. DeWitt, Gerd Heber: Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade CoRR abs/cs/0502008: (2005) |
132 | EE | Peter Kukol, Jim Gray: Performance Considerations for Gigabyte per Second Transcontinental Disk-to-Disk File Transfers CoRR abs/cs/0502009: (2005) |
131 | EE | Tom Barclay, Jim Gray: TerraServer SAN-Cluster Architecture and Operations Experience CoRR abs/cs/0502010: (2005) |
130 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Where the Rubber Meets the Sky: Bridging the Gap between Databases and Science CoRR abs/cs/0502011: (2005) |
129 | EE | Peter Kukol, Jim Gray: Sequential File Programming Patterns and Performance with .NET CoRR abs/cs/0502012: (2005) |
128 | EE | María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Alexander S. Szalay, Aniruddha R. Thakar, William O'Mullane, Jim Gray, James Annis: When Database Systems Meet the Grid CoRR abs/cs/0502018: (2005) |
127 | EE | William O'Mullane, Nolan Li, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Alexander S. Szalay, Ani Thakar, Jim Gray: Batch is back: CasJobs, serving multi-TB data on the Web CoRR abs/cs/0502072: (2005) |
126 | EE | Serge Abiteboul, Rakesh Agrawal, Philip A. Bernstein, Michael J. Carey, Stefano Ceri, W. Bruce Croft, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Hector Garcia-Molina, Dieter Gawlick, Jim Gray, Laura M. Haas, Alon Y. Halevy, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Martin L. Kersten, Michael J. Pazzani, Michael Lesk, David Maier, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Hans-Jörg Schek, Timos K. Sellis, Avi Silberschatz, Michael Stonebraker, Richard T. Snodgrass, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Gerhard Weikum, Jennifer Widom, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Lowell database research self-assessment. Commun. ACM 48(5): 111-118 (2005) |
125 | EE | Jim Gray: A "Measure of Transaction Processing" 20 Years Later. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 28(2): 3-4 (2005) |
124 | EE | Jim Gray, David T. Liu, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Alexander S. Szalay, David J. DeWitt, Gerd Heber: Scientific data management in the coming decade. SIGMOD Record 34(4): 34-41 (2005) |
2004 | ||
123 | EE | Jim Gray: The Revolution in Database System Architecture. ADBIS (Local Proceedings) 2004 |
122 | EE | Jim Gray: The Next Database Revolution. SIGMOD Conference 2004: 1-4 |
121 | EE | Jim Gray: Where the Rubber Meets the Sky: The Semantic Gap between Data Producers and Data Consumers. SSDBM 2004: 3 |
120 | EE | María A. Nieto-Santisteban, William O'Mullane, Jim Gray, Nolan Li, Tamas Budavari, Alexander S. Szalay, Aniruddha R. Thakar: Extending the SDSS Batch Query System to the National Virtual Observatory Grid CoRR cs.DB/0403017: (2004) |
119 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: The World Wide Telescope: An Archetype for Online Science CoRR cs.DB/0403018: (2004) |
118 | EE | Aniruddha R. Thakar, Alexander S. Szalay, Peter Z. Kunszt, Jim Gray: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Science Archive: Migrating a Multi-Terabyte Astronomical Archive from Object to Relational DBMS CoRR cs.DB/0403020: (2004) |
117 | EE | Tom Barclay, Wyman Chong, Jim Gray: A Quick Look at SATA Disk Performance CoRR cs.DB/0403021: (2004) |
116 | EE | Jim Gray: The Revolution In Database System Architecture CoRR cs.DB/0408030: (2004) |
115 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Aniruddha R. Thakar, Gyorgy Fekete, William O'Mullane, María A. Nieto-Santisteban, Gerd Heber, Arnold H. Rots: There Goes the Neighborhood: Relational Algebra for Spatial Data Search CoRR cs.DB/0408031: (2004) |
114 | EE | Jim Gray, Leslie Lamport: Consensus on Transaction Commit CoRR cs.DC/0408036: (2004) |
113 | EE | Jim Gray: Distributed Computing Economics CoRR cs.NI/0403019: (2004) |
112 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: Where the Rubber Meets the Sky: Bridging the Gap between Databases and Science. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 27(4): 3-11 (2004) |
2003 | ||
111 | EE | Jim Gray: On-line science: the world-wide telescope as a prototype for the new computational science. KDD 2003: 3 |
110 | EE | Jim Gray, Hans-Jörg Schek, Michael Stonebraker, Jeffrey D. Ullman: The Lowell Report. SIGMOD Conference 2003: 680 |
109 | EE | Serge Abiteboul, Rakesh Agrawal, Philip A. Bernstein, Michael J. Carey, Stefano Ceri, W. Bruce Croft, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Hector Garcia-Molina, Dieter Gawlick, Jim Gray, Laura M. Haas, Alon Y. Halevy, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Yannis E. Ioannidis, Martin L. Kersten, Michael J. Pazzani, Michael Lesk, David Maier, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Hans-Jörg Schek, Timos K. Sellis, Avi Silberschatz, Michael Stonebraker, Richard T. Snodgrass, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Gerhard Weikum, Jennifer Widom, Stanley B. Zdonik: The Lowell Database Research Self Assessment CoRR cs.DB/0310006: (2003) |
108 | EE | Jim Gray: What next?: A dozen information-technology research goals. J. ACM 50(1): 41-57 (2003) |
2002 | ||
107 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Jim Gray, Ani Thakar, Peter Z. Kunszt, Tanu Malik, Jordan Raddick, Christopher Stoughton, Jan vandenBerg: The SDSS skyserver: public access to the sloan digital sky server data. SIGMOD Conference 2002: 570-581 |
106 | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Ani Thakar, Peter Z. Kunszt, Christopher Stoughton, Donald R. Slutz, Jan van den Berg: Data Mining the SDSS SkyServer Database. WDAS 2002: 189-208 | |
105 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Ani Thakar, Peter Z. Kunszt, Christopher Stoughton, Donald R. Slutz, Jan vandenBerg: Data Mining the SDSS SkyServer Database CoRR cs.DB/0202014: (2002) |
104 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Jim Gray, Jan vandenBerg: Petabyte Scale Data Mining: Dream or Reality? CoRR cs.DB/0208013: (2002) |
103 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Tamas Budavari, Andrew Connolly, Jim Gray, Takahiko Matsubara, Adrian Pope, Istvan Szapudi: Spatial Clustering of Galaxies in Large Datasets CoRR cs.DB/0208015: (2002) |
102 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Tamas Budavari, Tanu Malik, Jim Gray, Ani Thakar: Web Services for the Virtual Observatory CoRR cs.DC/0208014: (2002) |
101 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Jim Gray, Ani Thakar, Peter Z. Kunszt, Tanu Malik, Jordan Raddick, Christopher Stoughton, Jan vandenBerg: The SDSS SkyServer: Public Access to the Sloan Digital Sky Server Data CoRR cs.DL/0202013: (2002) |
100 | EE | Tom Barclay, Jim Gray, Eric Strand, Steve Ekblad, Jeffrey Richter: TerraService.NET: An Introduction to Web Services CoRR cs.DL/0208010: (2002) |
99 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay, Ani Thakar, Christopher Stoughton, Jan vandenBerg: Online Scientific Data Curation, Publication, and Archiving CoRR cs.DL/0208012: (2002) |
98 | EE | Jim Gray, Wyman Chong, Tom Barclay, Alexander S. Szalay, Jan vandenBerg: TeraScale SneakerNet: Using Inexpensive Disks for Backup, Archiving, and Data Exchange CoRR cs.NI/0208011: (2002) |
97 | EE | Jim Gray, Alexander S. Szalay: The world-wide telescope. Commun. ACM 45(11): 50-55 (2002) |
96 | EE | Gordon Bell, Jim Gray: What's next in high-performance computing? Commun. ACM 45(2): 91-95 (2002) |
2001 | ||
95 | EE | Banu Özden, Eran Gabber, Bruce Hillyer, Wee Teck Ng, Elizabeth A. M. Shriver, David J. DeWitt, Bruce Gordon, Jim Gray, John Wilkes: Storage Service Providers: a Solution for Storage Management? (Panel). VLDB 2001: 618-619 |
94 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Jim Gray, Ani Thakar, Peter Z. Kunszt, Tanu Malik, Jordan Raddick, Christopher Stoughton, Jan vandenBerg: The SDSS SkyServer, Public Access to the Sloan Digital Sky Server Data CoRR cs.DL/0111015: (2001) |
93 | EE | Gordon Bell, Jim Gray: Digital immortality. Commun. ACM 44(3): 28-31 (2001) |
2000 | ||
92 | EE | Jim Gray, Prashant J. Shenoy: Rules of Thumb in Data Engineering. ICDE 2000: 3-12 |
91 | EE | Tom Barclay, Donald R. Slutz, Jim Gray: TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse. SIGMOD Conference 2000: 307-318 |
90 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Peter Z. Kunszt, Ani Thakar, Jim Gray, Donald R. Slutz, Robert J. Brunner: Designing and Mining Multi-Terabyte Astronomy Archives: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey. SIGMOD Conference 2000: 451-462 |
89 | EE | Jim Gray: What Next? A Few Remaining Problems in Information Technlogy, SIGMOD Conference 1999, ACM Turing Award Lecture, Video ACM SIGMOD Digital Symposium Collection 2(2): (2000) |
1999 | ||
88 | Jim Gray, Svein-Olaf Hvasshovd: Panel Session: Do the DBMS SW Vendors Offer the Products Required by the Industrial User in the Communication Industry? Databases in Telecommunications 1999: 191-206 | |
87 | Jim Gemmell, Eve M. Schooler, Jim Gray: Fcast Multicast File Distribution: "Tune in, Download, and Drop Out". IMSA 1999: 371-377 | |
86 | EE | Jim Gray: Review - Benchmarking Database Systems A Systematic Approach. ACM SIGMOD Digital Review 1: (1999) |
85 | EE | Bill Devlin, Jim Gray, Bill Laing, George Spix: Scalability Terminology: Farms, Clones, Partitions, Packs, RACS and RAPS CoRR cs.AR/9912010: (1999) |
84 | EE | Alexander S. Szalay, Peter Z. Kunszt, Ani Thakar, Jim Gray: Designing and Mining Multi-Terabyte Astronomy Archives: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey CoRR cs.DB/9907009: (1999) |
83 | EE | Tom Barclay, Jim Gray, Donald R. Slutz: Microsoft TerraServer: A Spatial Data Warehouse CoRR cs.DB/9907016: (1999) |
82 | EE | Jim Gray: What Next? A Dozen Information-Technology Research Goals CoRR cs.GL/9911005: (1999) |
81 | EE | Mike W. Blasgen, Morton M. Astrahan, Donald D. Chamberlin, Jim Gray, W. Frank King III, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, James W. Mehl, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Mario Schkolnick, Patricia G. Selinger, Donald R. Slutz, H. Raymond Strong, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Robert A. Yost: System R: An Architectural Overview. IBM Systems Journal 38(2/3): 375-396 (1999) |
1998 | ||
80 | Werner Vogels, Dan Dumitriu, Kenneth P. Birman, Rod Gamache, Mike Massa, Rob Short, John Vert, Joe Barrera, Jim Gray: The Design and Architecture of the Microsoft Cluster Service - A Practical Approach to High-Availability and Scalability. FTCS 1998: 422-431 | |
79 | EE | Jim Gray: Locally Served Network Computers CoRR cs.AR/9809007: (1998) |
78 | EE | Jim Gray, Joshua Coates, Chris Nyberg: Performance / Price Sort CoRR cs.DB/9809004: (1998) |
77 | EE | Jim Gray, Goetz Graefe: The Five-Minute Rule Ten Years Later, and Other Computer Storage Rules of Thumb CoRR cs.DB/9809005: (1998) |
76 | EE | Tom Barclay, Robert Eberl, Jim Gray, John Nordlinger, Guru Raghavendran, Donald R. Slutz, Greg Smith, Phil Smoot, John Hoffman, Natt Robb III, Hedy Rossmeissl, Beth Duff, George Lee, Theresa Mathesmier, Randall Sunne: Microsoft TerraServer CoRR cs.DB/9809011: (1998) |
75 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein, Michael L. Brodie, Stefano Ceri, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jim Gray, Gerald Held, Joseph M. Hellerstein, H. V. Jagadish, Michael Lesk, David Maier, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Hamid Pirahesh, Michael Stonebraker, Jeffrey D. Ullman: The Asilomar Report on Database Research CoRR cs.DB/9811013: (1998) |
74 | EE | Gordon Bell, Jim Gray: The Revolution Yet to Happen CoRR cs.GL/9809010: (1998) |
73 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein, Michael L. Brodie, Stefano Ceri, David J. DeWitt, Michael J. Franklin, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jim Gray, Gerald Held, Joseph M. Hellerstein, H. V. Jagadish, Michael Lesk, David Maier, Jeffrey F. Naughton, Hamid Pirahesh, Michael Stonebraker, Jeffrey D. Ullman: The Asilomar Report on Database Research. SIGMOD Record 27(4): 74-80 (1998) |
1997 | ||
72 | Jim Gray, Surajit Chaudhuri, Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, Don Reichart, Murali Venkatrao, Frank Pellow, Hamid Pirahesh: Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-by, Cross-Tab, and Sub Totals. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 1(1): 29-53 (1997) | |
71 | EE | Jim Gray, Goetz Graefe: The Five-Minute Rule Ten Years Later, and Other Computer Storage Rules of Thumb. SIGMOD Record 26(4): 63-68 (1997) |
1996 | ||
70 | EE | Jim Gray, Adam Bosworth, Andrew Layman, Hamid Pirahesh: Data Cube: A Relational Aggregation Operator Generalizing Group-By, Cross-Tab, and Sub-Total. ICDE 1996: 152-159 |
69 | EE | Surajit Chaudhuri, Ashok K. Chandra, Umeshwar Dayal, Jim Gray, Michael Stonebraker, Gio Wiederhold, Moshe Y. Vardi: Database Research: Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way? - Panel Abstract. ICDE 1996: 190 |
68 | EE | Jim Gray, Pat Helland, Patrick E. O'Neil, Dennis Shasha: The Dangers of Replication and a Solution. SIGMOD Conference 1996: 173-182 |
67 | EE | Jim Gray: Evolution of Data Management. IEEE Computer 29(10): 38-46 (1996) |
1995 | ||
66 | Jim Gray: Super Servers: Commodity Computer Clusters Pose a Software Challenge. BTW 1995: 30-47 | |
65 | EE | Hal Berenson, Philip A. Bernstein, Jim Gray, Jim Melton, Elizabeth J. O'Neil, Patrick E. O'Neil: A Critique of ANSI SQL Isolation Levels. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 1-10 |
64 | EE | Jim Gray: Parallel Database Systems 101. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 436 |
63 | EE | Andreas Reuter, Stefano Ceri, Jim Gray, Betty Salzberg, Gerhard Weikum: Databases and Workflow Management: What is it All About? (Panel). VLDB 1995: 632 |
62 | EE | Chris Nyberg, Tom Barclay, Zarka Cvetanovic, Jim Gray, David B. Lomet: AlphaSort: A Cache-Sensitive Parallel External Sort VLDB J. 4(4): 603-627 (1995) |
1994 | ||
61 | Jim Gray, Chris Nyberg: Desktop Batch Processing. COMPCON 1994: 206-211 | |
60 | EE | Chris Nyberg, Tom Barclay, Zarka Cvetanovic, Jim Gray, David B. Lomet: AlphaSort: A RISC Machine Sort. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 233-242 |
59 | EE | Jim Gray, Prakash Sundaresan, Susanne Englert, Kenneth Baclawski, Peter J. Weinberger: Quickly Generating Billion-Record Synthetic Databases. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 243-252 |
58 | EE | Tom Barclay, Robert Barnes, Jim Gray, Prakash Sundaresan: Loading Databases Using Dataflow Parallelism. SIGMOD Record 23(4): 72-83 (1994) |
1993 | ||
57 | Jim Gray: The Benchmark Handbook for Database and Transaction Systems (2nd Edition). Morgan Kaufmann 1993 | |
56 | Jim Gray, Andreas Reuter: Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques Morgan Kaufmann 1993 | |
55 | Jim Gray: Why TP-Lite will Dominate the TP Market. HPTS 1993: 0- | |
54 | EE | Jim Gray: Database and Transaction Processing Performance Handbook. The Benchmark Handbook 1993 |
1992 | ||
53 | EE | Jim Gray: Database and Transaction Processing Benchmarks. SIGMOD Conference 1992: 6 |
52 | EE | David J. DeWitt, Jim Gray: Parallel Database Systems: The Future of High Performance Database Systems. Commun. ACM 35(6): 85-98 (1992) |
51 | Jim Gray: Increasing the Effectiveness of OS Research. Operating Systems Review 26(1): 4-5 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
50 | Jim Gray: The Benchmark Handbook for Database and Transaction Systems (1st Edition). Morgan Kaufmann 1991 | |
49 | Jim Gray: Introduction. The Benchmark Handbook 1991: 1-17 | |
48 | Jim Gray, Daniel P. Siewiorek: High-Availability Computer Systems. IEEE Computer 24(9): 39-48 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
47 | Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe, Bruce G. Lindsay, Jim Gray, Michael J. Carey, Michael L. Brodie, Philip A. Bernstein, David Beech: Third-Generation Database System Manifesto - The Committee for Advanced DBMS Function. DS-4 1990: 495-511 | |
46 | EE | Susanne Englert, Jim Gray, Terrye Kocher, Praful Shah: A Benchmark of NonStop SQL Release 2 Demonstrating Near-Linear Speedup and Scaleup on Large Databases. SIGMETRICS 1990: 245-246 |
45 | EE | Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe, Bruce G. Lindsay, Jim Gray, Michael J. Carey, David Beech: "The Committee for Advanced DBMS Function": Third Generation Data Base System Manifesto. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 396 |
44 | EE | Betty Salzberg, Alex Tsukerman, Jim Gray, Michael Stewart, Susan Uren, Bonnie Vaughan: FastSort: A Distributed Single-Input Single-Output External Sort. SIGMOD Conference 1990: 94-101 |
43 | EE | Jim Gray, Bob Horst, Mark Walker: Parity Striping of Disk Arrays: Low-Cost Reliable Storage with Acceptable Throughput. VLDB 1990: 148-161 |
42 | EE | Hansjörg Zeller, Jim Gray: An Adaptive Hash Join Algorithm for Multiuser Environments. VLDB 1990: 186-197 |
41 | EE | Michael Stonebraker, Lawrence A. Rowe, Bruce G. Lindsay, Jim Gray, Michael J. Carey, Michael L. Brodie, Philip A. Bernstein, David Beech: Third-Generation Database System Manifesto - The Committee for Advanced DBMS Function. SIGMOD Record 19(3): 31-44 (1990) |
40 | EE | David J. DeWitt, Jim Gray: Parallel Database Systems: The Future of Database Processing or a Passing Fad? SIGMOD Record 19(4): 104-112 (1990) |
1989 | ||
39 | EE | Jim Gray: Database Performance Metrics. SIGMOD Conference 1989: 2 |
38 | EE | Philip A. Bernstein, Umeshwar Dayal, David J. DeWitt, Dieter Gawlick, Jim Gray, Matthias Jarke, Bruce G. Lindsay, Peter C. Lockemann, David Maier, Erich J. Neuhold, Andreas Reuter, Lawrence A. Rowe, Hans-Jörg Schek, Joachim W. Schmidt, Michael Schrefl, Michael Stonebraker: Future Directions in DBMS Research - The Laguna Beach Participants. SIGMOD Record 18(1): 17-26 (1989) |
1988 | ||
37 | EE | Jim Gray: The Cost of Messages. PODC 1988: 1-7 |
36 | EE | Dina Bitton, Jim Gray: Disk Shadowing. VLDB 1988: 331-338 |
1987 | ||
35 | EE | Jim Gray: A View of Database System Performance Measures. SIGMETRICS 1987: 3-4 |
34 | EE | Jim Gray, Gianfranco R. Putzolu: The 5 Minute Rule for Trading Memory for Disk Accesses and The 10 Byte Rule for Trading Memory for CPU Time. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 395-398 |
33 | EE | Jim Gray: Operating System Support for Data Management Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1987: 4 |
1986 | ||
32 | Jim Gray: A Comparison of the Byzantine Agreement Problem and the Transaction Commit Problem. Fault-Tolerant Distributed Computing 1986: 10-17 | |
31 | Jim Gray: Why Do Computers Stop and What Can Be Done About It? Symposium on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems 1986: 3-12 | |
30 | Jim Gray: An Approach to Decentralized Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 12(6): 684-692 (1986) | |
1985 | ||
29 | Jim Gray: Why do Computer Stop and What Can be About it? Büroautomation 1985: 128-145 | |
28 | Jim Gray, Pete Homan, Harald Sammer, Bob Good, Dieter Gawlick: One Thousand Transactions per Second. COMPCON 1985: 96-101 | |
27 | Jim Gray: Fault Tolerance in Tandem Systems. HPTS 1985: 0- | |
26 | EE | Timothy C. K. Chou, Jim Gray: Transaction Acceleration. IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 8(1): 40-52 (1985) |
1983 | ||
25 | EE | Jim Gray: Practical Problems in Data Management - A Position Paper. SIGMOD Conference 1983: 3 |
1982 | ||
24 | EE | Irving L. Traiger, Jim Gray, Cesare A. Galtieri, Bruce G. Lindsay: Transactions and Consistency in Distributed Database Systems. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 7(3): 323-342 (1982) |
1981 | ||
23 | Jim Gray, Pete Homan, Henry F. Korth, Ron Obermarck: A Straw Man Analysis of the Probability of Waiting and Deadlock in a Database System. Berkeley Workshop 1981: 125 | |
22 | EE | Jim Gray: The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations (Invited Paper) VLDB 1981: 144-154 |
21 | EE | Jim Gray, Paul R. McJones, Mike W. Blasgen, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger: The Recovery Manager of the System R Database Manager. ACM Comput. Surv. 13(2): 223-243 (1981) |
20 | EE | Donald D. Chamberlin, Morton M. Astrahan, Mike W. Blasgen, Jim Gray, W. Frank King III, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, James W. Mehl, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Patricia G. Selinger, Mario Schkolnick, Donald R. Slutz, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Robert A. Yost: A History and Evaluation of System R. Commun. ACM 24(10): 632-646 (1981) |
19 | EE | Mike W. Blasgen, Morton M. Astrahan, Donald D. Chamberlin, Jim Gray, W. Frank King III, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, James W. Mehl, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Mario Schkolnick, Patricia G. Selinger, Donald R. Slutz, H. Raymond Strong, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Robert A. Yost: System R: An Architectural Overview. IBM Systems Journal 20(1): 41-62 (1981) |
1980 | ||
18 | Jim Gray: A Transaction Model. ICALP 1980: 282-298 | |
1979 | ||
17 | EE | Irving L. Traiger, Jim Gray, Cesare A. Galtieri, Bruce G. Lindsay: Transactions and Consistency in Distributed Database Systems. IBM Research Report RJ2555: (1979) |
16 | EE | Morton M. Astrahan, Mike W. Blasgen, Donald D. Chamberlin, Jim Gray, W. Frank King III, Bruce G. Lindsay, Raymond A. Lorie, James W. Mehl, Thomas G. Price, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Mario Schkolnick, Patricia G. Selinger, Donald R. Slutz, H. Raymond Strong, Paolo Tiberio, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Robert A. Yost: System R: A Relational Data Base Management System. IEEE Computer 12(5): 42-48 (1979) |
15 | EE | Mike W. Blasgen, Jim Gray, Michael F. Mitoma, Thomas G. Price: The Convoy Phenomenon. Operating Systems Review 13(2): 20-25 (1979) |
1978 | ||
14 | Michael J. Flynn, Jim Gray, Anita K. Jones, Klaus Lagally, Holger Opderbeck, Gerald J. Popek, Brian Randell, Jerome H. Saltzer, Hans-Rüdiger Wiehle: Operating Systems, An Advanced Course Springer 1978 | |
13 | EE | Jim Gray: Notes on Data Base Operating Systems. Advanced Course: Operating Systems 1978: 393-481 |
1976 | ||
12 | EE | Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger: Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base. IFIP Working Conference on Modelling in Data Base Management Systems 1976: 365-394 |
11 | EE | Morton M. Astrahan, Mike W. Blasgen, Donald D. Chamberlin, Kapali P. Eswaran, Jim Gray, Patricia P. Griffiths, W. Frank King III, Raymond A. Lorie, Paul R. McJones, James W. Mehl, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger, Bradford W. Wade, Vera Watson: System R: Relational Approach to Database Management. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 1(2): 97-137 (1976) |
10 | EE | Kapali P. Eswaran, Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Irving L. Traiger: The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Database System. Commun. ACM 19(11): 624-633 (1976) |
1975 | ||
9 | EE | Donald D. Chamberlin, Jim Gray, Irving L. Traiger: Views, Authorization, and Locking in a Relational Data Base System. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1975: 425-430 |
8 | EE | Jim Gray, Raymond A. Lorie, Gianfranco R. Putzolu, Irving L. Traiger: Granularity of Locks in a Large Shared Data Base. VLDB 1975: 428-451 |
7 | EE | Jim Gray, Vera Watson: A Shared Segment and Interprocess Communication Facility for VM/370 IBM Research Report RJ1579: (1975) |
1973 | ||
6 | EE | Jim Gray, Michael A. Harrison: Canonical Precedence Schemes. J. ACM 20(2): 214-234 (1973) |
1972 | ||
5 | EE | Jim Gray, Michael A. Harrison: On the Covering and Reduction Problems for Context-Free Grammars. J. ACM 19(4): 675-698 (1972) |
1969 | ||
4 | Jim Gray, Michael A. Harrison: Single Pass Precedence Analysis (Extended Abstract) FOCS 1969: 106-117 | |
1968 | ||
3 | Hervé Gallaire, Jim Gray, Michael A. Harrison, Gabor T. Herman: Infinite Linear Sequential Machines. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 2(4): 381-419 (1968) | |
1967 | ||
2 | Jim Gray, Michael A. Harrison, Oscar H. Ibarra: Two-Way Pushdown Automata Information and Control 11(1/2): 30-70 (1967) | |
1966 | ||
1 | Jim Gray, Michael A. Harrison: The Theory of Sequential Relations Information and Control 9(5): 435-468 (1966) |