
John A. Newkirk

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7EEWayne Wolf, Robert G. Mathews, John A. Newkirk, Robert W. Dutton: Algorithms for optimizing, two-dimensional symbolic layout compaction. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 7(4): 451-466 (1988)
6 H. V. Jagadish, Robert G. Mathews, Thomas Kailath, John A. Newkirk: A Study of Pipelining in Computing Arrays. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(5): 431-440 (1986)
5 Harry H. Chen, Robert G. Mathews, John A. Newkirk: An Algorithm to Generate Tests for MOS Circuits at the Switch Level. ITC 1985: 304-312
4 Harry H. Chen, Robert G. Mathews, John A. Newkirk: Test Generation for MOS Circuits. ITC 1984: 70-79
3 Robert G. Mathews, John A. Newkirk, Peter Elchenberger: A Target Language for Silicon Compilers. COMPCON 1982: 349-354
2 John K. Ousterhout, John A. Newkirk, Phil Petit, Howard E. Shrobe: Panel Discussion. COMPCON 1982: 381-382
1 I. M. Watson, John A. Newkirk, Robert G. Mathews, D. B. Boyle: ICTEST : A Unified System for Functional Testing and Simulation of Digital ICs. ITC 1982: 499-502

Coauthor Index

1D. B. Boyle [1]
2Harry H. Chen [4] [5]
3Robert W. Dutton [7]
4Peter Elchenberger [3]
5H. V. Jagadish [6]
6Thomas Kailath [6]
7Robert G. Mathews [1] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
8John K. Ousterhout [2]
9Phil Petit [2]
10Howard E. Shrobe [2]
11I. M. Watson [1]
12Wayne Wolf [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)