2009 |
120 | EE | Michael Stonebraker,
Jacek Becla,
David Dewitt,
Kian-Tat Lim,
David Maier,
Oliver Ratzesberger,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Requirements for Science Data Bases and SciDB.
CIDR 2009 |
119 | EE | Tingjian Ge,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Light-Weight, Runtime Verification of Query Sources.
ICDE 2009: 30-41 |
2008 |
118 | EE | Tingjian Ge,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Handling Uncertain Data in Array Database Systems.
ICDE 2008: 1140-1149 |
117 | EE | Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Fast and Highly-Available Stream Processing over Wide Area Networks.
ICDE 2008: 804-813 |
116 | EE | Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Sanghoon Cha,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Borealis-R: a replication-transparent stream processing system for wide-area monitoring applications.
SIGMOD Conference 2008: 1303-1306 |
115 | EE | Tingjian Ge,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A skip-list approach for efficiently processing forecasting queries.
PVLDB 1(1): 984-995 (2008) |
114 | EE | Namit Jain,
Shailendra Mishra,
Anand Srinivasan,
Johannes Gehrke,
Jennifer Widom,
Hari Balakrishnan,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Richard Tibbetts,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Towards a streaming SQL standard.
PVLDB 1(2): 1379-1390 (2008) |
113 | EE | Robert Kallman,
Hideaki Kimura,
Jonathan Natkins,
Andrew Pavlo,
Alex Rasin,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Evan P. C. Jones,
Samuel Madden,
Michael Stonebraker,
Yang Zhang,
John Hugg,
Daniel J. Abadi:
H-store: a high-performance, distributed main memory transaction processing system.
PVLDB 1(2): 1496-1499 (2008) |
2007 |
112 | EE | Michael Stonebraker,
Chuck Bear,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Tingjian Ge,
Nabil Hachem,
Stavros Harizopoulos,
John Lifter,
Jennie Rogers,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
One Size Fits All? Part 2: Benchmarking Studies.
CIDR 2007: 173-184 |
111 | EE | Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Ying Xing,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Cooperative, Self-Configuring High-Availability Solution for Stream Processing.
ICDE 2007: 176-185 |
110 | EE | Tingjian Ge,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Fast, Secure Encryption for Indexing in a Column-Oriented DBMS.
ICDE 2007: 676-685 |
109 | EE | Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Fast and Reliable Stream Processing over Wide Area Networks.
ICDE Workshops 2007: 604-613 |
108 | EE | Nesime Tatbul,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Staying FIT: Efficient Load Shedding Techniques for Distributed Stream Processing.
VLDB 2007: 159-170 |
107 | EE | Tingjian Ge,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Answering Aggregation Queries in a Secure System Model.
VLDB 2007: 519-530 |
2006 |
106 | EE | Nesime Tatbul,
Yanif Ahmad,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Ying Xing,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Load Management and High Availability in the Borealis Distributed Stream Processing Engine.
GSN 2006: 66-85 |
105 | EE | Esther Ryvkina,
Anurag Maskey,
Mitch Cherniack,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Revision Processing in a Stream Processing Engine: A High-Level Design.
ICDE 2006: 141 |
104 | EE | Nesime Tatbul,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Dealing with Overload in Distributed Stream Processing Systems.
ICDE Workshops 2006: 24 |
103 | EE | Ying Xing,
Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Providing Resiliency to Load Variations in Distributed Stream Processing.
VLDB 2006: 775-786 |
102 | EE | Nesime Tatbul,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Window-Aware Load Shedding for Aggregation Queries over Data Streams.
VLDB 2006: 799-810 |
2005 |
101 | EE | Daniel J. Abadi,
Yanif Ahmad,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Wolfgang Lindner,
Anurag Maskey,
Alex Rasin,
Esther Ryvkina,
Nesime Tatbul,
Ying Xing,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Design of the Borealis Stream Processing Engine.
CIDR 2005: 277-289 |
100 | EE | Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Alex Rasin,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Michael Stonebraker,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
High-Availability Algorithms for Distributed Stream Processing.
ICDE 2005: 779-790 |
99 | EE | Ying Xing,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Jeong-Hyon Hwang:
Dynamic Load Distribution in the Borealis Stream Processor.
ICDE 2005: 791-802 |
98 | EE | Yanif Ahmad,
Bradley Berg,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mark Humphrey,
Jeong-Hyon Hwang,
Anjali Jhingran,
Anurag Maskey,
Olga Papaemmanouil,
Alex Rasin,
Nesime Tatbul,
Wenjuan Xing,
Ying Xing,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Distributed operation in the Borealis stream processing engine.
SIGMOD Conference 2005: 882-884 |
97 | EE | Michael Stonebraker,
Daniel J. Abadi,
Adam Batkin,
Xuedong Chen,
Mitch Cherniack,
Miguel Ferreira,
Edmond Lau,
Amerson Lin,
Samuel Madden,
Elizabeth J. O'Neil,
Patrick E. O'Neil,
Alex Rasin,
Nga Tran,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
C-Store: A Column-oriented DBMS.
VLDB 2005: 553-564 |
96 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael J. Carey,
Stefano Ceri,
W. Bruce Croft,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Laura M. Haas,
Alon Y. Halevy,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Martin L. Kersten,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Timos K. Sellis,
Avi Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gerhard Weikum,
Jennifer Widom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Lowell database research self-assessment.
Commun. ACM 48(5): 111-118 (2005) |
95 | EE | Yanif Ahmad,
Ugur Çetintemel,
John Jannotti,
Alexander Zgolinski,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Network Awareness in Internet-Scale Stream Processing.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 28(1): 63-69 (2005) |
94 | EE | Michael Stonebraker,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The 8 requirements of real-time stream processing.
SIGMOD Record 34(4): 42-47 (2005) |
2004 |
93 | EE | Nesime Tatbul,
Mark Buller,
Reed Hoyt,
Steve Mullen,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Confidence-based data management for personal area sensor networks.
DMSN 2004: 24-31 |
92 | EE | Hari Balakrishnan,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Donald Carney,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Christian Convey,
Eduardo F. Galvez,
Jon Salz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Nesime Tatbul,
Richard Tibbetts,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Retrospective on Aurora.
VLDB J. 13(4): 370-383 (2004) |
2003 |
91 | | Dina Q. Goldin,
Alexander A. Shvartsman,
Scott A. Smolka,
Jeffrey Scott Vitter,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
PCK50 - Principles of Computing & Knowledge, Paris C. Kanellakis Memorial Workshop, San Diego, California, USA, June 8th, 2003
ACM 2003 |
90 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Hari Balakrishnan,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Donald Carney,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Ying Xing,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Scalable Distributed Stream Processing.
CIDR 2003 |
89 | EE | Donald Carney,
Sangdon Lee,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Scalable Application-Aware Data Freshening.
ICDE 2003: 481-492 |
88 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Eduardo F. Galvez,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Profile-Driven Cache Management.
ICDE 2003: 645-656 |
87 | EE | Sangdon Lee,
Donald Carney,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Index Hint for On-demand Broadcasting.
ICDE 2003: 726-728 |
86 | EE | Daniel J. Abadi,
Donald Carney,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Christian Convey,
C. Erwin,
Eduardo F. Galvez,
M. Hatoun,
Anurag Maskey,
Alex Rasin,
A. Singer,
Michael Stonebraker,
Nesime Tatbul,
Ying Xing,
R. Yan,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Aurora: A Data Stream Management System.
SIGMOD Conference 2003: 666 |
85 | EE | Nesime Tatbul,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Mitch Cherniack,
Michael Stonebraker:
Load Shedding in a Data Stream Manager.
VLDB 2003: 309-320 |
84 | EE | Donald Carney,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Alex Rasin,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Mitch Cherniack,
Michael Stonebraker:
Operator Scheduling in a Data Stream Manager.
VLDB 2003: 838-849 |
83 | EE | Serge Abiteboul,
Rakesh Agrawal,
Philip A. Bernstein,
Michael J. Carey,
Stefano Ceri,
W. Bruce Croft,
David J. DeWitt,
Michael J. Franklin,
Hector Garcia-Molina,
Dieter Gawlick,
Jim Gray,
Laura M. Haas,
Alon Y. Halevy,
Joseph M. Hellerstein,
Yannis E. Ioannidis,
Martin L. Kersten,
Michael J. Pazzani,
Michael Lesk,
David Maier,
Jeffrey F. Naughton,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Timos K. Sellis,
Avi Silberschatz,
Michael Stonebraker,
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Jeffrey D. Ullman,
Gerhard Weikum,
Jennifer Widom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Lowell Database Research Self Assessment
CoRR cs.DB/0310006: (2003) |
82 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik,
Michael Stonebraker,
Mitch Cherniack,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Magdalena Balazinska,
Hari Balakrishnan:
The Aurora and Medusa Projects.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 26(1): 3-10 (2003) |
81 | EE | Daniel J. Abadi,
Donald Carney,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Christian Convey,
Sangdon Lee,
Michael Stonebraker,
Nesime Tatbul,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Aurora: a new model and architecture for data stream management.
VLDB J. 12(2): 120-139 (2003) |
2002 |
80 | EE | Donald Carney,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Mitch Cherniack,
Christian Convey,
Sangdon Lee,
Greg Seidman,
Michael Stonebraker,
Nesime Tatbul,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Monitoring Streams - A New Class of Data Management Applications.
VLDB 2002: 215-226 |
2001 |
79 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Data Management for Pervasive Computing.
VLDB 2001 |
78 | EE | Demet Aksoy,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Data Staging for On-Demand Broadcast.
VLDB 2001: 571-580 |
1999 |
77 | | Malcolm P. Atkinson,
Maria E. Orlowska,
Patrick Valduriez,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Michael L. Brodie:
VLDB'99, Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, September 7-10, 1999, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Morgan Kaufmann 1999 |
76 | EE | Mehmet Altinel,
Demet Aksoy,
Thomas Baby,
Michael J. Franklin,
William Shapiro,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
DBIS-Toolkit: Adaptable Middleware for Large Scale Data Delivery.
SIGMOD Conference 1999: 544-546 |
1998 |
75 | EE | Demet Aksoy,
Mehmet Altinel,
Rahul Bose,
Ugur Çetintemel,
Michael J. Franklin,
Jane Wang,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Research in Data Broadcast and Dissemination.
AMCP 1998: 194-207 |
74 | EE | Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
"Data In Your Face": Push Technology in Perspective.
SIGMOD Conference 1998: 516-519 |
73 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Changing the Rules: Transformations for Rule-Based Optimizers.
SIGMOD Conference 1998: 61-72 |
72 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Inferring Function Semantics to Optimize Queries.
VLDB 1998: 239-250 |
1997 |
71 | | Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Framework for Scalbale Dissemination-Based Systems.
OOPSLA 1997: 94-105 |
70 | EE | Swarup Acharya,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Balancing Push and Pull for Data Broadcast.
SIGMOD Conference 1997: 183-194 |
69 | EE | Abraham Silberschatz,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Database Systems - Breaking Out of the Box.
SIGMOD Record 26(3): 36-50 (1997) |
1996 |
68 | | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Dissemination-Based Information Systems: Your Data May Be Where You Least Expect It (Abstract).
BNCOD 1996: 230 |
67 | EE | Swarup Acharya,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Prefetching from Broadcast Disks.
ICDE 1996: 276-285 |
66 | EE | Hagit Shatkay,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Approximate Queries and Representations for Large Data Sequences.
ICDE 1996: 536-545 |
65 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Rule Languages and Internal Algebras for Rule-Based Optimizers.
SIGMOD Conference 1996: 401-412 |
64 | EE | Swarup Acharya,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Disseminating Updates on Broadcast Disks.
VLDB 1996: 354-365 |
63 | | David E. Langworthy,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Extensibility and Asynchrony in the Brown-Object Storage System.
Performance of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in Centralized Database Systems 1996: 595-627 |
62 | EE | Abraham Silberschatz,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Strategic Directions in Database Systems - Breaking Out of the Box.
ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4): 764-778 (1996) |
61 | EE | Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Dissemination-Based Information Systems.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 19(3): 20-30 (1996) |
1995 |
60 | EE | Mitch Cherniack,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Marian H. Nodine:
To Form a More Perfect Union (Intersection, Difference).
DBPL 1995: 6 |
59 | EE | Bharathi Subramanian,
Theodore W. Leung,
Scott L. Vandenberg,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The AQUA Approach to Querying Lists and Trees in Object-Oriented Databases.
ICDE 1995: 80-89 |
58 | EE | Swarup Acharya,
Rafael Alonso,
Michael J. Franklin,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Broadcast Disks: Data Management for Asymmetric Communications Environments.
SIGMOD Conference 1995: 199-210 |
1994 |
57 | | Marian H. Nodine,
Noela Nakos,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Specifying Flexible Tasks in a Multi-database.
CoopIS 1994: 3-14 |
56 | | Marian H. Nodine,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Automating Compensation in a Multidatabase.
HICSS (2) 1994: 293-302 |
55 | EE | David E. Langworthy,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Storage Class Extensibility in the Brown Object Storage System.
POS 1994: 259-283 |
1993 |
54 | EE | Bharathi Subramanian,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Theodore W. Leung,
Scott L. Vandenberg:
Ordered Types in the AQUA Data Model.
DBPL 1993: 115-135 |
53 | EE | Theodore W. Leung,
Gail Mitchell,
Bharathi Subramanian,
Bennet Vance,
Scott L. Vandenberg,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The AQUA Data Model and Algebra.
DBPL 1993: 157-175 |
52 | | Gail Mitchell,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Umeshwar Dayal:
Optimization of Object-Oriented Queries: Problems and Approaches.
NATO ASI OODBS 1993: 119-146 |
51 | | Stanley B. Zdonik:
What Makes Object-Oriented Database Management Systems Different?
NATO ASI OODBS 1993: 3-26 |
50 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Incremental Database Systems: Databases from Ground Up.
SIGMOD Conference 1993: 408-412 |
49 | EE | Gail Mitchell,
Umeshwar Dayal,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Control of an Extensible Query Optimizer: A Planning-Based Approach.
VLDB 1993: 517-528 |
1992 |
48 | | Malcolm P. Atkinson,
François Bancilhon,
David J. DeWitt,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
David Maier,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto.
Building an Object-Oriented Database System, The Story of O2 1992: 3-20 |
47 | | Marian H. Nodine,
Sridhar Ramaswamy,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Cooperative Transaction Model for Design Databases
Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications 1992: 53-85 |
46 | | Sandra Heiler,
Sara Haradhvala,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Barbara T. Blaustein,
Arnon Rosenthal:
A Flexible Framework for Transaction Management in Engineering Environments
Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications 1992: 87-121 |
45 | EE | Marian H. Nodine,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: Transaction Support for Design Applications
VLDB J. 1(1): 41-80 (1992) |
1991 |
44 | EE | Mark Palmer,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Fido: A Cache That Learns to Fetch.
VLDB 1991: 255-264 |
43 | | Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Steven P. Reiss:
ObServer: An Object Server for an Object-Oriented Database System.
On Object-Oriented Database System 1991: 275-290 |
42 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik,
Gail Mitchell:
ENCORE: An Object-Oriented Approach to Database Modelling and Querying.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 14(2): 53-57 (1991) |
1990 |
41 | | Alan Dearle,
Gail M. Shaw,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Implementing Persistent Object Bases, Principles and Practice, Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Persistent Objects, 23-27 September 1990, Martha's Vineyard, MA, USA
Morgan Kaufmann 1990 |
40 | | Stanley B. Zdonik,
David Maier:
Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems
Morgan Kaufmann 1990 |
39 | EE | Gail M. Shaw,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Query Algebra for Object-Oriented Databases.
ICDE 1990: 154-162 |
38 | EE | Sandra Heiler,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Object Views: Extending the Vision.
ICDE 1990: 86-93 |
37 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Types - Introduction.
POS 1990: 139-140 |
36 | EE | Marian H. Nodine,
Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Synchronization and Recovery in Cooperative Transactions.
POS 1990: 329-342 |
35 | EE | Malcolm P. Atkinson,
François Bancilhon,
David J. DeWitt,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
David Maier,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto.
SIGMOD Conference 1990: 395 |
34 | EE | Marian H. Nodine,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: A Transaction Model to Support Design Applications.
VLDB 1990: 83-94 |
33 | | Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Type Evolution in an Object-Oriented Database.
Research Foundations in Object-Oriented and Semantic Database Systems 1990: 137-155 |
32 | | Stanley B. Zdonik:
A note from the editor.
OOPS Messenger 1(1): 1-6 (1990) |
1989 |
31 | EE | Gail M. Shaw,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
An Object-Oriented Query Algebra.
DBPL 1989: 103-112 |
30 | EE | Peter Wegner,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Models of Inheritance.
DBPL 1989: 248-255 |
29 | | Malcolm P. Atkinson,
François Bancilhon,
David J. DeWitt,
Klaus R. Dittrich,
David Maier,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto.
DOOD 1989: 223-240 |
28 | | Gail M. Shaw,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Object-Oriented Queries: Equivalence and Optimization.
DOOD 1989: 281-295 |
27 | | Stanley B. Zdonik,
Toby Bloom,
David W. Stemple,
Jeannette M. Wing:
Panel on Transactions in Object-Oriented Systems.
OOPSLA 1989: 473-476 |
26 | EE | Mary F. Fernandez,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Transaction Groups: A Model for Controlling Cooperative Transactions.
POS 1989: 341-350 |
25 | | Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Concurrency Control and Object-Oriented Databases.
Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications 1989: 395-421 |
24 | EE | Gail M. Shaw,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
An Object-Oriented Query Algebra.
IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 12(3): 29-36 (1989) |
1988 |
23 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik,
Robert Epstein,
William C. Sasso,
Sigfried Treu:
New directions in office automation research: SIGOA panel.
ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 432 |
22 | EE | Peter Wegner,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Inheritance as an Incremental Modification Mechanism or What Like Is and Isn't Like.
ECOOP 1988: 55-77 |
21 | | Sandra Heiler,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
FUGUE: A Model for Engineering Information Systems and Other Baroque Applications.
JCDKB 1988: 195-210 |
20 | | Sandra Heiler,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Views, Data Abstraction, and Inheritance in the FUGUE Data Model.
OODBS 1988: 225-241 |
19 | | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Data Abstraction and Query Optimization.
OODBS 1988: 368-373 |
1987 |
18 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Object-Oriented Type Evolution.
DBPL 1987: 277-288 |
17 | | Toby Bloom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Issues in the Design of Object-Oriented Database Programming Languages.
OOPSLA 1987: 441-451 |
16 | | Karen E. Smith,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Intermedia: A Case Study of the Differences Between Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems.
OOPSLA 1987: 452-465 |
15 | EE | Toby Bloom,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Issues in the Design of Object Oriented Database Programming Languages.
POS 1987: 495-517 |
14 | | Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Type Evolution in an Object-Oriented Database.
Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming 1987: 393-415 |
13 | EE | Mark F. Hornick,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 5(1): 70-95 (1987) |
1986 |
12 | | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Version Management in an Object-Oriented Database.
Advanced Programming Environments 1986: 405-422 |
11 | | Christopher V. Malley,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Query Optimization.
Expert Database Conf. 1986: 329-343 |
10 | | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Why Properties are Objects or Refinements of "is-a".
FJCC 1986: 41-46 |
9 | EE | Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik,
Steven P. Reiss:
An Object Server for an Object-Oriented Database System.
OODBS 1986: 196-204 |
8 | | Andrea H. Skarra,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
The Management of Changing Types in an Object-Oriented Database.
OOPSLA 1986: 483-495 |
7 | EE | Jay W. Davison,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
A Visual Interface for a Database with Version Management.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 4(3): 226-256 (1986) |
1985 |
6 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik,
Peter Wegner:
Language and Methodology for Object-Oriented Database Environments.
Data Types and Persistence (Appin) 1985: 155-171 |
5 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik,
Peter Wegner:
A Database Approach to Languages, Libraries and Environments.
Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings 1985: 231-254 |
4 | EE | Kenneth J. Goldman,
Sally A. Goldman,
Paris C. Kanellakis,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
ISIS: Interface for a Semantic Information System.
SIGMOD Conference 1985: 328-342 |
3 | EE | Stanley B. Zdonik:
Object Management Systems for Design Environments.
IEEE Database Eng. Bull. 8(4): 23-30 (1985) |
1983 |
2 | EE | Paul K. Blackwell,
Dan Kapp,
Ross A. Overbeek,
H. J. Spencer,
Gio Wiederhold,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Data Management: A Practical View (Panel).
ER 1983: 809 |
1980 |
1 | EE | Michael Hammer,
Stanley B. Zdonik:
Knowledge-Based Query Processing.
VLDB 1980: 137-147 |